What are first 5 books of the Torah?

1 Answer

Answer :

Genesis Leviticus Exodus Numbers Deuteronomy

Related questions

Description : What are the books in the torah?

Last Answer : Torah refers to five books are moses which are known in Hebrew as Chameesha Choomsy Torah. These are : Bresheit ( Genesis), Shemot (Exodus), Vayicra (Leviticus), Bamidbar (Numbers) and Devarim (Deuteronomy). Hope you liked it.

Description : Who is the Torah revealed to ?

Last Answer : The Torah was revealed to Musa (AS).

Description : What is the traditional beginning of Judaism are described in the ancient text known as the Torah?

Last Answer : Torah-tradition states that Abraham (18th century BCE) founded Judaism.The Kuzari (Rabbi Judah HaLevi,1075-1141) states that Abraham was gifted with high intelligence; and, as Maimonides (1135-1204) describes, ... 49:29-32) is located in Hebron and has been known and attested to for many centuries.

Description : What shared history is recorded in what collection of writings (Old Testament especially the Torah)?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What part of the bible is called the Torah?

Last Answer : The first five books of The Bible are referred to as the Torah...GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomy

Description : Who established a school for teaching Torah at Yavneh?

Last Answer : The answer you're looking for is Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai, butit (and the question) is inaccurate. The Torah-academy at Yavnehwas already in existence; and what Rabbi ben Zakkai did was togreatly swell its ranks with additional sages.

Description : Why is the Torah hand copied?

Last Answer : The Torah is available in printed form in any Bible (the books of Genesis through Deuteronomy), not to mention the copies of the Chumash typically found in synagogue sanctuaries and Jewish homes ... backed by numereous passages scattered through the Talmud and codified in later codes of Jewish law.

Description : Who helped Jews study the Torah the nevi um and the ketuim?

Last Answer : Moses

Description : What Two contributions that the Torah says about moses?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : What are the stories of the Torah?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Why is the Torah hand copied?

Last Answer : The Torah is available in printed form in any Bible (the books of Genesis through Deuteronomy), not to mention the copies of the Chumash typically found in synagogue sanctuaries and Jewish homes ... backed by numereous passages scattered through the Talmud and codified in later codes of Jewish law.

Description : Who helped Jews study the Torah the nevi um and the ketuim?

Last Answer : Moses

Description : Is the Torah the same thing as the Holy Bible?

Last Answer : No. The Torah is the first 5 books of The Bible, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. That is the first part of the Hebrew Bible, which is the Bible of Judaism, also called the Old Testament when it is incorporated into the Christian Bible.

Description : Which group in the Jewish community only follow the Torah?

Last Answer : There are several levels here:Most modern Jews, including Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Jews, follow the Torah as interpreted by thousands of years of commentators. We (I am one) have ... who have gone to Israel have generally adopted modern Judaism with little difficulty.The Samaritans separ

Description : Do Jews follow the Talmud, or the Torah, or both?

Last Answer : Both, but that's an oversimplification. Here's an example: The Torah says, don't work on the Sabbath. But what is work? When exactly does the Sabbath begin and end? For questions like this, the ... to ask modern rabbis, but their answers (even the from the Reform movement) refer back to the Talmud.

Description : Can Orthodox Jewish women study the Torah?

Last Answer : Of course they can

Description : What is the role of the Torah in Jewish life?

Last Answer : The Torah is the foundation on which observant Jews live their lives. The Torah is to Judaism, much like the U.S. Constitution is to life in the United States. It is the foundation on ... permitted, but Jewish law, as worked out through centuries of rabbinic argument, concludes that they are.