Is it possible to search by a partial name in the soldier field?

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Last Answer : They could if a federal law was violated. AWOL, desertion

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Last Answer : Soldier Field opened on October 9, 1924.

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Last Answer : Do you mean a conscientious objector? Sure, there’s room. Working in the kitchen, toting litters, burying the dead, cleaning out tanks where the crews have been killed but the tank is repairable and reusable,... Stuff like that.

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Last Answer : The Administration last year announced the supplying of combat advisors and personnel to support the development of Iraqi response to ISIS. This is not unknown or unreported. While it is sad to lose a serviceman in combat, it is not a surprise that US troops are in harm’s way.

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Last Answer : The only thing I remember about this was a problem with sub-standard bullet-proof vests that were given to soldiers when the 9/11 troops first arrived over there in the ME. It was awful. Many ... officially' recognized. Try looking up the bulletproof vests as a base, and go from there. Good luck.

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Last Answer : answer:My thoughts are that it was completely unnecessary for a soldier with what appears to be some kind of semi-automatic weapon (I don't know guns) try to arrest a young boy with a ... to protect the child was kicking into high gear. I have strong opinions about Israel/Palestine in general.

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Last Answer : No, steroids cannot make a man already in his 20s any taller. Captain America didn’t just pack on muscle, he grew taller and broader. That indicates changes in bone structure, not just muscle.

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Last Answer : A deserter?

Description : Why did this American soldier kill these Afghani's?

Last Answer : I just heard this on the news & they were saying he’d had six tours over there, or something close & that he’d been drinking all day before he went on the rampage. All pretty poor excuses for his brutal, cowardly assault on innocents.

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Last Answer : They very likely staked out the barracks & struck out of nowhere, nothing anyone could've done for the poor guy. He'd already been mowed down by their car & passers-by initially assumed they ... the incident took place right near a primary school, things could've gotten a whole lot worse.

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Last Answer : Well, they weren’t trying to be literal. It’s just a show. Besides, Watson is learning self-defense.

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Last Answer : Hmmm I'd have to do some research but probably not much. Maybe $20-$40 a month, wormy biscuits and a stubborn, army issued mule. haha I think soldiers pay was around $40 in the Civil war era. Then ... completely wrong, sooo, after all that, my real answer would have to be I don't really know. lol

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Last Answer : Yes, because they kept sending him back into combat zones and he snapped.

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Last Answer : When soldier’s deploy and they learn to be hyper aroused always watching their backs. Then when Soldiers come home it is difficult to get out of the battle mind. They need to be reset.

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Last Answer : Yes, it’s still about honor and manhood and laying down your life for your country.

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Last Answer : First time I’ve heard that usage. A troop is a group. Can you provide a link to an article that contains this 1 troop = 1 soldier usage?

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Last Answer : No, they can’t. I don’t think. That would mess up the whole system, don’t you think?

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Last Answer : i’d probably be a spy, off in a castle, banging princesses. or a jester. either way.

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Last Answer : here is a diagram to what a canadian soldier would have been equipped with during WW1. I’m sure it wouldn’t have been any different during the Battle of Vimy Ridge.

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Last Answer : A ticket home.

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Last Answer : Don’t join in the first place.

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Last Answer : Cobbler is the odd one out because he works in the private sector while the postman, soldier and police constable work for the public sector or the organised sector.

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Last Answer : First the boys cross the river and 1 boy comes back and gets a soldier and keeps going back until all the soldiers have made it across safetly.

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Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : 2Ti 2:3  Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. Contact UsGlobe:+63 915 189 7007Smart:+63 918 438 8988Sun:+63 943 411 [email protected]

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Last Answer : Novanet: why the hell do you think im on wiki answers for .

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Last Answer : The soldiers who do not flee from the war are secretaries in one word.

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Last Answer : Soldier means soldier.

Last Answer : : Bad passenger !.

Last Answer : pepper There is It's hot Acid, Vitamins C Whose Because Pepper It's hot

Description : I was in Kalocsa and then I moved to Pécs. I was a total of 9 months. It was good for me to be a soldier.?

Last Answer : Since I'm a woman, I wasn't a soldier, but I was my husband. He is also 9 months old.

Description : Hello, I wanted to ask if I can become an active reserve soldier if I'm a little blind-eyed? Thanks for the reply

Last Answer : Nobody can determine that here. It is necessary to contact the ACR and its drainage commission directly. They will decide there after the inspection.

Description : Can I even receive a salary if I become a professional soldier?

Last Answer : Yes, a professional soldier receives a salary for the performance of his function.

Last Answer : Register with the Czech Army and meet all the conditions.

Description : I would like to become a professional soldier, all I need is a high school diploma and a school with a focus on computer systems, thank you.

Last Answer : you don't write how old you are, and if you already have school ready >>> information you can find here the ACR or here how to become a soldier if you are in primary school, you can go to the military high school in Moravská Třebová

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Last Answer : The employment of a professional soldier is "development" ...: o But yes - with the written permission of the commander, a professional soldier can also do business.

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?