Eggs from ovary are released in

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Eggs from ovary are released in A. Oviduct B. Kidney C. Ureter D. Coelom

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Description : Eggs from ovary are released in

Last Answer : Eggs from ovary are released in A. Oviduct B. Kidney C. Ureter D. Coelom

Description : Eggs produced in a year by an ovary of nonpregnant woman is

Last Answer : Eggs produced in a year by an ovary of nonpregnant woman is A. 12 B. 6 C. 24 D. 48

Description : Eggs librated from ovary in human in

Last Answer : Eggs librated from ovary in human in A. Secondary oocyte stage B. Primary oocyte stage C. Mature ovum stage. D.

Description : Eggs librated from ovary in human in

Last Answer : Eggs librated from ovary in human in A. Secondary oocyte stage B. Primary oocyte stage C. Oogonial stage D. Mature ovum stage

Description : Degenerative process of follicles or eggs in ovary is called

Last Answer : Degenerative process of follicles or eggs in ovary is called A. Metagenesis B. Atresia C. Regression D. None

Description : Assertion : When sperm enters in egg , one polar body is released in human . Reason : At the time of ovulation eggs found in secondary Oocyte phase .

Last Answer : Assertion : When sperm enters in egg , one polar body is released in human . Reason : At the time ... False . D. If both Assertion & Reason are False.

Description : In a 30 year old lady , eggs are released in form of

Last Answer : In a 30 year old lady , eggs are released in form of A. Oogonia B. Primary oocyte C. Secondary oocyte D. Atretic follicle

Description : Number of eggs released in the life time of a woman is approximately

Last Answer : Number of eggs released in the life time of a woman is approximately A. 40 B. 400 C. 4000 D. 20000

Description : The number of eggs normally released during one menstrual cycle is: (1) 3 (2) 2 (3) 1 (4) 4

Last Answer : (4) 4 Explanation: In each menstrual cycle, rising levels of estrogen cause the ovary develop an egg and release it (ovulation). After ovulation, the egg lives for 24 hours.

Description : Which is an example of negative feedback? A) Nursing action stimulates the hypothalamus to release oxytocin that triggers mammary gland milk production. B) When the blood becomes dilute, ADH ... produce sperm or eggs. E) TRH stimulates the anterior pituitary to release thyroid-stimulating hormone.

Last Answer : B) When the blood becomes dilute, ADH is no longer released from the hypothalamus

Description : The number of eggs normally released during one menstrual cycle is: (1) 3 (2) 2 (3) 1 (4) 4

Last Answer : 1

Description : My 17 year old has been suffering from chronic stomach pains for a week. Tests say it is not her appendix or cyst on ovary or kidney infection but white blood count is elevated. Any idea what it could be? She is type 1 diabetic.

Last Answer : Perhaps your teen is suffering from a ruptured esophagus? How is there eating going?

Description : I am considering having my remaining ovary removed due to painful cysts and going on hormone replacement therapy- has anyone been in a similar situation and how did it go?

Last Answer : If you do hormone replacement do bio identical hormones. Premarin made me crazy!

Description : Draw a diagrammatic sectional view of human ovary showing different stages of oogenesis along with corpus luteum. (ii) Where is morula formed in human? Explain the process of its development from zygote. -Biology

Last Answer : (i) Sectional view of human ovary. (ii) Morula is formed in the (a)Isthmus of the oviduct (Fallopiantube). (b)The zygote undergoes mitotic divisions in quick succession called cleavage, forming 2, 4 ... 8-16 blastomeres is called a morula and the inner cell mass gets ready to form the embryo proper.

Description : (i) Draw a labelled diagram of the human female reproductive system. (ii) Enumerate the events in the ovary of a human female during (b) Luteal phase of menstrual cycle (a) Follicular phase -Biology

Last Answer : (i)Refer to page no. 43. (2) (ii) (a) Follicular phase The primary follicle in the ovary grow to become fully mature Graafian follicle. Endometrium gets thickened. The ... Luteal phase The remaining parts of ruptured Graafian follicle transforms into corpus luteum, that secretes progesterone.

Description : (i) Mention the event that induces the completion of the meiotic division of the secondary oocyte. (ii) Trace the journey of the ovum from the ovary, its fertilisation and further development until the implantation of the embryo. -Biology

Last Answer : (i)Secondary oocyte completes meiosis-ll only when a sperm enters its cytoplasm. It forms a larger cell, the ootid and a small cell, the second polar body. (ii)The secondary oocyte is ... and inner cell mass.The trophoblast attacheds to endometrium (implantation) and blastocyst gets embedded in it.

Description : What is superior ovary? -Biology

Last Answer : A superior ovary is an ovary attached to the receptacle above the attachment of other floral parts. A superior ovary is found in types of fleshy fruits such as true berries, drupes, etc. A flower with this arrangement is described as hypogynous.

Description : What is the difference between Apocarpous and Syncarpous ovary? -Biology

Last Answer : Complete 1. More than one carpel is present in the flowers with an apocarpous ovary, but these carpels are distinct i.e separate or unfused. More than one carpel is also present in the flowers with a syncarpous ovary, but these carpels are fused. 2.

Description : What is an apocarpous ovary? -Biology

Last Answer : Apocarpous ovary: The flowers with apocarpus ovary have more than one carpel. These carpels are free. Eg: lotus and rose flowers. Syncarpous ovary: The flowers with syncarpous ovary have more than one carpel. However, these carpels are fused.

Description : What is a syncarpous ovary? -Biology

Last Answer : Sometimes (e.g., Apocynaceae) carpels are fused by their styles or stigmas but possess distinct ovaries. In a syncarpous gynoecium, the "fused" ovaries of the constituent carpels may be referred to collectively as a single compound ovary.

Description : What causes an ovary to develop into a fruit? -Biology

Last Answer : After pollen grains land on the stigma, a pollen tube grows from the pollen grain, through the style, and into the ovary. Sperm cells inside the pollen grain travel down the pollen tube and into ... ovules. ... The ovary surrounding the ovules develops into a fruit that contains one or more seeds

Description : What is monocarpellary superior ovary? -Biology

Last Answer : "Monocarpellary Superior Ovary" means ovary with one carpel with the floral parts arrranged on the thalamus below the ovary.

Description : How many locules will be present in an ovary of monocarpellary gynoecium? -Biology

Last Answer : In angiosperms (flowering plants), the term locule usually refers to a chamber within an ovary (gynoecium or carpel) of the flower and fruits. ... The locules contain the ovules or seeds.

Description : How many locules will be present in an ovary of monocarpellary gynoecium? -Biology

Last Answer : In angiosperms (flowering plants), the term locule usually refers to a chamber within an ovary (gynoecium or carpel) of the flower and fruits. ... The locules contain the ovules or seeds.

Description : Difference between ovary and embryo sac in flowers -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Difference between ovary and embryo sac in flowers -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Why is the division in the ovary of jaba flower called diminishing division ?

Last Answer : Miosis cell division is the division that takes place in the ovary of jaba flower. In such cell division, the nucleus of the mother cell divides twice in a row, but the division of ... the number of chromosomes in this division is reduced by half, such division is called reduction division.

Description : What does ovary mean ?

Last Answer : Ovary means uterus.

Description : What is Ovary ?

Last Answer : : The ovary is a reproductive organ that produces eggs and is a part of the female reproductive system. In vertebrates it usually has a pair. The ovary resembles a man's testicles. It contains both gonad and endocrine glands.

Description : When does the ovary come out ?

Last Answer : During the Danger Period i.e. on the 11th day of the month.

Last Answer : The ovary has 3 nuclei

Description : Right ovary, right oviduct, and urinary bladder have atrophied in which one of the following

Last Answer : Right ovary, right oviduct, and urinary bladder have atrophied in which one of the following A. Kiwi B. Pigeon C. Kingfisher D. All of these

Description : Example of sex hormone secreted by ovary is

Last Answer : Example of sex hormone secreted by ovary is A. FSH and LH. B. FSH, LH and progestecrone C ... and estrogen D. FSH,LH, progesterone and estrogen.

Description : Which part of ovary in mammals acts as an endocrine gland after ovulation?

Last Answer : Which part of ovary in mammals acts as an endocrine gland after ovulation? A. Stroma B. ... membrane C. Germinal epithelium D. Graafian foolicle.

Description : What is the total number of polar bodies formed during oogenesis in the ovary?

Last Answer : What is the total number of polar bodies formed during oogenesis in the ovary? A. 4 B. 3 C. 1 D. 2

Description : The tissue which attaches the ovules inside the ovary is

Last Answer : The tissue which attaches the ovules inside the ovary is A. Funicle B. Hilum C. Placenta D. Chalaza

Description : Basal placentation occurs in an ovary which is

Last Answer : Basal placentation occurs in an ovary which is A. Unilocular B. Bilocular C. Multlocular D. Lateral

Description : Assertion : Corpus albicans is an inactive structure which is found in the ovary . Reason : Corpus albicans secretes the progesterone hormone after ov

Last Answer : Assertion : Corpus albicans is an inactive structure which is found in the ovary . Reason : Corpus ... D. If both Assertion & Reason are False.

Description : Assertion : During follicular phase , the primary follicles in the ovary grow to become a fully mature Graafian follicle . Reason : Endometrium of ute

Last Answer : Assertion : During follicular phase , the primary follicles in the ovary grow to become a fully mature ... D. If both Assertion & Reason are False.

Description : Oocyte is liberated from ovary under the influence of LH, after completing

Last Answer : Oocyte is liberated from ovary under the influence of LH, after completing A. Meiosis and before ... . Meiosis II after release of first polar body

Description : The part of Fallopian tube closest to the ovary is:

Last Answer : The part of Fallopian tube closest to the ovary is: A. Ampulla B. Isthmus C. Infundibulum D. Cervix

Description : Which part of ovary in mammals acts as an endocrine gland after ovulation?

Last Answer : Which part of ovary in mammals acts as an endocrine gland after ovulation? A. Vitelline membrane B. Graffian follicle C. Stroma D. Germinal epithelium

Description : The process of releasing the ripe female gamete from the ovary is called

Last Answer : The process of releasing the ripe female gamete from the ovary is called A. Ovulation B. Parturition C. Implantation D. Fertilisation

Description : Central stroma of ovary is made up of

Last Answer : Central stroma of ovary is made up of A. Fibrous connective tissue B. Reticular tissue C. Adipose connective tissue D. None

Description : Process by which Graffian follicles are formed in the ovary is known as

Last Answer : Process by which Graffian follicles are formed in the ovary is known as A. Oogenesis B. Luteinisation C. Folliculogenesis D. All

Description : Which part of ovary in mammals acts as an endocrine gland after ovulation ?

Last Answer : Which part of ovary in mammals acts as an endocrine gland after ovulation ? A. Vitelline ... . Graffian follicle C. Stroma D. Germinal epithelium

Description : A temporary endocrine gland formed in ovary after ovulation is

Last Answer : A temporary endocrine gland formed in ovary after ovulation is A. Corpus callosum B. Corpus albicans C. Corpus luteum D. Corpus striata

Description : A temporary endocrine gland formed in ovary after ovulation is

Last Answer : A temporary endocrine gland formed in ovary after ovulation is A. Corpus uteri B. Corpus albicans C. Corpus callosum D. Corpus luteum

Description : Placental hormone called chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) which stimulates secretion of progesterone by the ovary during pregnancy is

Last Answer : Placental hormone called chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) which stimulates secretion of progesterone by the ovary during ... amine D. Both (1) and (2)

Description : Could be found in the ovary?

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