Which excretory material is least toxic ?

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Answer :

Which excretory material is least toxic ? A. Ammonia B. Urea C. Uric acid D. All are equally toxic

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Last Answer : Excretory material are formed in A. Kidney B. Rectum C. Liver D. Every cell of the body

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Last Answer : Ammonia is the main nitrogenous excretory material in A. Amphibians B. Aves C. Tadpoles D. Reptiles

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Description : Assertion `:-` Uricotelism is terrestrial adaptation. Reason `:-` Uric acid is least toxic and can be removed with a minimum loss of water.

Last Answer : Assertion `:-` Uricotelism is terrestrial adaptation. Reason `:-` Uric acid is least toxic and can be ... . D. If both Assertion & Reason are false.

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Description : What are the methods used by plants to get rid of excretory products ? -Biology

Last Answer : (i) The plants get rid of gaseous products-through stomata in leaves and lenticels in stems. (ii) The plants get rid of stored solid and liquid waste by the shedding off leaves, peeling off bark ... form of gums and resins. (iv) Plants also excrete some waste substances into the soil around them.

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Last Answer : The two excretory products other than 02 and CO2 in plants are resins and gums.

Description : (a) Draw a diagram of excretory system in human beings and label the following parts. Aorta, kidney, urinary bladder and urethra.(b) How is urine produced and eliminated ? -Biology

Last Answer : Answer.(a) (b) Blood from the heart comes into the kidneys afferent and efferent arteriols from the renal arteries where it enters about 2-3 million nephrons per kidney. Then, it goes through the ... goes through ureters to bladder and then to urethra where it is excreted out of body as urine.

Description : Draw a diagram of human excretory system and label renal artery and urethra. State in brief the function of : renal artery kidney ureter urinary bladder -Biology

Last Answer : Answer. Renal artery: The renal artery carries blood to the kidneys from the abdominal aorta. This blood comes directly from the heart and is sent to the-kidneys to be filtered before it passes ... expandable muscular sac that stores urine before it is excreted out of the body through the urethra.

Description : Draw a diagram of human excretory system and label kidneys, ureters on it. -Biology

Last Answer : Here is your diagram.

Description : Why is the nitrogenous liquid excretory organ called the main excretory organ ?

Last Answer : Excretion refers to the system of excretion of body wastes. The system that helps in excretion is called excretory system. As a result of metabolism, pollutants like water , carbon dioxide ... of nitrogenous wastes. Therefore, the nitrogenous fluid-releasing organ is called the main excretory organ.

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Last Answer : 90 % of the excretory substance is water.

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Last Answer : Excretory organ nephridia is a leech.

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Last Answer : The excretory organ of shrimp is called antenna (or green) gland.

Description : What is excretory system ?

Last Answer : As a result of various physiological metabolism, some waste products are produced in the body as by-products. These wastes are usually harmful to the body. For this, these wastes have to be removed from the ... system consists of a pair of kidneys , a pair of ureters , a bladder and a ureter.

Description : What is excretory system ?

Last Answer : The system that helps in excretion is called excretory system.

Description : What is the English of the excretory system ?

Last Answer : Excretory system English excretory system.

Last Answer : The main excretory organ of human body is kidney.

Last Answer : 3 excretory organs of human body.

Last Answer : Animals of the genus Annelida have excretory organs called nephridia.

Last Answer : The system that takes part in completing the excretory function is called excretory system

Last Answer : : Nitrogenous wastes produced by biological action in the body are called excretory substances.

Description : Uric acid is the chief nitrogenous component of the excretory products of `:`

Last Answer : Uric acid is the chief nitrogenous component of the excretory products of `:` A. Frog B. Man C. Earthworm D. Cockroach

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Last Answer : Excretory organ in prawn is A. Green glad B. Malpighian tubules C. Kidney D. Nephridia

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Last Answer : Correct order of excretory organs in Cockroach, Earthworm and Rabbit respectively A. Skin, malpighi ... , kidney D. Nephridia, kidney, green gland

Description : Uric acid is the main excretory product in `:-`

Last Answer : Uric acid is the main excretory product in `:-` A. Insects B. Earthworm C. Amphibians D. Mammals

Description : Main excretory product of cockroach is :

Last Answer : Main excretory product of cockroach is : A. Ammonia B. Urea C. Uric Acid D. Amonia acid

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Last Answer : Which one of the following simplest excretory organs ? A. Alveoli B. Flame cells C. Nephridia D. Kidney

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Last Answer : Excretory product of mammals is generally A. Salts B. Glucose of blood is not filtered in the glomerulus C. Urea D. Ammonia

Description : In cockroach, the excretory product is

Last Answer : In cockroach, the excretory product is A. Ammonia B. Uric acid C. Urea D. Both 1 and 3

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Last Answer : Which one of the following simplest excretory organs ? A. Alveoli B. Flame cells C. Nephridia D. Kidney

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Last Answer : In platyhelminthes, the excretory organs are A. Nephridia B. Nephrons C. Flame cells D. Archeocytes

Description : Excretory product of spider is

Last Answer : Excretory product of spider is A. Uric acid B. Urea C. Ammonia D. Guanine

Description : $ The excretory organs of Flatworms are called Flame cells. ! Excretory cells help in endocytosis.

Last Answer : $ The excretory organs of Flatworms are called Flame cells. ! Excretory cells help in endocytosis. A. If ... wrong D. If both As and R are wrong.

Description : Main excretory product of cockroach is :

Last Answer : Main excretory product of cockroach is : A. Urea B. Ammonia C. Uric acid D. Amino acid

Description : Excretory organs of Cockroach are

Last Answer : Excretory organs of Cockroach are A. Trachea B. Kidney C. Nephirdia D. Malpighian tubules

Description : Uric acid is the chief nitrogenous component of the excretory products of `:`

Last Answer : Uric acid is the chief nitrogenous component of the excretory products of `:` A. Frog B. Man C. Earthworm D. Cockroach

Description : In which of the following organisms, the excretory organs are correctly stated?

Last Answer : In which of the following organisms, the excretory organs are correctly stated? A. Human - Kidneys, ... D. Frog - Kidneys, skin, and buccal epithelium

Description : Correct order of excretory organs in Cockroach, Earthworm and Rabbit respectively

Last Answer : Correct order of excretory organs in Cockroach, Earthworm and Rabbit respectively A. Skin, Malpighi ... , kidney D. Nephridia, kidney, green gland

Description : Which of the following sets of animals produce the same substance as their chief excretory product?

Last Answer : Which of the following sets of animals produce the same substance as their chief excretory product? A. ... , and antelope D. Frog, monkey, and dog

Description : Antennary or green glands which are excretory and osmoregulatory organs of crustacean consist of

Last Answer : Antennary or green glands which are excretory and osmoregulatory organs of crustacean consist of A. ... C. Antenna D. Lateral and transverse ducts

Description : Flame cells (solenocytes) are excretory structures of

Last Answer : Flame cells (solenocytes) are excretory structures of A. Annelida B. Arthropoda C. Flat worms D. Crustaceans (prawn)

Description : How does the muscular system help the excretory system?

Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What is One function of the human excretory system is?

Last Answer : It is to rid the body of waste (mainly faeces (British English spelling) and urine).

Description : How does the excretory and respiratory systems interact?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : What might occur to make the excretory system stop working?

Last Answer : There is more than one system: 1. Kidneys Kidneys are bean-shaped. Once the body has extracted what it needs from food and drink, it sends the wastes to the kidneys. The kidneys filter the wastes, ... other two. If you lost any one of these entirely you would die without medical help of some sort.