how do i make a hole in glass?

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Description : I want to know if it is possible to cut a small (1/8-1/4") hole in a glass picture frame without breaking the whole thing.

Last Answer : It is very hard to do that. There are special bits one can buy at most hardware stores for drilling through glass. I tried once, but shattered the glass. It takes a lot of patience and a ... would be to replace the glass with plexiglass and drill ha hole in that. Plexiglass is easier to drill.

Description : how can I cut a hole in a glass bottle?

Last Answer : Pick up a glass drill bit in the desired size at Home Depot. Pick up a power drill to go with it if you don't already have one. Keep the hole wet to prevent the glass from shattering. Pick up a small tube of silicone sealer if you are planning to put a tube through the whole.

Description : If to torricelli had drilled a little hole at the top of the glass tube holding his mercury column what would have happened to his barometer?

Last Answer : He would not have had a barometer. He would have had a glass tube stuck into a bowl of Mercury, with nothing in it. Because once the hole was made the vacuum would be gone and the Mercury would fall back down to the bowl.It takes the vacuum in the tube to create a barometer.