
1 Answer

Answer :



2 Ltrs. Milk

-Crushed almonds For garnishing

1 1/2 cups Sugar

1/2 cup Rice

-3-5 Cardamum (Ilaychi)

2 tablespoon Corn Flour


1. Take milk in the boiling pan.

2. Soak rice in water for about 15 minutes.

3. Add rice to the milk.

4. Cook for 15 minutes on low heat, till rice get tender and become one with milk.

5. Take corn flour in another bowl and add 4 tablespoons of milk to it.

6. Prepare a paste and add it to the boiling kheer.

7. Stir well and keep cooking for another minute, till it becomes thicker.

8. Add sugar and cardamums to it and let the mixture boil once.

9. Kheer is ready, dish it out and garnish with crushed almonds.

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Description : Kheer (rice pudding)

Last Answer : INGREDIENT Half glass of rice (any rice) A sauce pan Milk Cardamom 2tbs sugar COOKING STEP 1 Fill the sauce pan, not all to the top bring to a boil and add rice. When ... cool 6 You can have kheer warm of cold. You can also add broke pieces of almonds and pistachios and serve