Many times it would be good to get information about trucking quickly. Do you know a good fast Hungarian truck transport forum? :)   

1 Answer

Answer :

It's not so much a spin, but it's worth asking at There is more or less an answer. I think a lot of people are watching. 

Related questions

Description : I have about 100 Hungarian books to sell. Does anyone know where I can do this? I live in Sydney.

Last Answer : Ebay? Amazon?

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Last Answer : I don’t know Hungarian but tubarozsa sure sound like tuberose which is a flowering plant. Here’s an article about it.

Description : Are there any stores in Australia they sell Hungarian fiction books?

Last Answer : I did an internet search for foreign language books AU and found several listings. You could see if you can find something there.

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Last Answer : The bigger names are 500-600 thousand a month from youtube and about the same number from different sponsors.

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Last Answer : Because we have no sea. Or we eat a lot of unhealthy breaded, greasy stuff. We need to eat a lot more fish. It's very expensive, unfortunately.

Description : Are they looking down somewhere that I'm Hungarian? Are you at a disadvantage because of this?

Last Answer : Austria is sure to have a negative effect unfortunately. They pay less, the locals look, and so on. They will never be considered equal, because many Hungarians are already out there.

Description : Outside the police, of course.

Last Answer : Hungarian Armed Forces TEK Hungarian Police Financial Guard operating within the framework of the NAV. and there are even more smaller and larger, but these are the principals.

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Last Answer : Absolutely! I used to be interested in every little vibration, but now it’s predictable and pathetic. I don't want to deal with it!

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Last Answer : Used for a long time: Male: Attila, László, István, József, János, Zoltán, Ferenc, Péter Female: Mária, Erzsébet, Katalin, Éva, Ilona, ​​Anna, Zsuzsanna

Description : Who do you watch most often?

Last Answer : For me, TheVR Pisti and Jani. They’re funny, they dissect good topics and I’ve seen their progress from the beginning to now. They didn’t get off and didn’t become jerks, which can be said about many other youtubeos. I also like Csaba Magyarósi.

Description : Do you have a Hungarian name at all? Cheese or cottage cheese?

Last Answer : It is usually translated as cottage cheese. There’s somewhere between cheese and cottage cheese, but more cottage cheese! Very healthy!

Description : I want to talk to them about a bug but the English is not responding. Is there Hungarian support?

Last Answer : Yes. On the Instagram page, find the support section and write in Hungarian, they will answer.

Description : Or is there a Buddhist community? I am interested in religion and want to talk to someone about it!

Last Answer : Yes they are! Even more. I know the diamond path, but there are many. You’ll find more results on Google and which one is the most likable, or you feel “that’s it,” go for it!

Description : Oscar 2018. Which film was nominated for this year's Oscar in the foreign language category?

Last Answer : I heard a movie about Body and Soul nominated.

Description : What diseases did Hungarian students find a solution to? 

Last Answer : Mostly nothing, if at all then wikipedia

Description :  Why are you going where? 

Last Answer : Terrible, even compared to the country's poverty. He stays there because they don’t put enough money in it, they rather steal it or spend it on something else (stadium, propaganda, etc.).

Description : In today's world, how important do you think it is for people to live certain Hungarian customs while preserving traditions?

Last Answer : Some agree with some disagree. I don’t think preserving tradition is so important, what’s the point in such a rapidly changing, globalizing world? 

Description : Their monthly earnings are approx. how much lately

Last Answer : Millions a month, and the best tens of millions.

Description : ?

Last Answer : Budapest Debrecen Szeged Miskolc Pécs Győr Nyíregyháza Kecskemét Székesfehérvár Szombathely

Description : ?

Last Answer : In principle, this: you can be defragmented :)       

Description : What does report mean in Hungarian?

Last Answer : Report.

Description : I guess everyone already has the despacito coming out of their elbow, but many of us don’t know exactly what that word means.

Last Answer : Despacito in Hungarian means slowly. By the way, here is the Hungarian lyrics of the song: Yes, you know I've been watching for a while I still have to dance with you today I saw ... your favorite places Let me cross your dangerous zones to flatten and forget your name Source:  

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Last Answer : Steve in Hungarian István.

Description : Can anyone tell me what RIP stands for? [img alt_text = 'RIP' description = ''] https:///file/2017/07/tombstone-159792__340.png [/ img]

Last Answer : RIP = Rest in peace = Rest in peace

Description : It may be strange that a woman is asking, but I was asked to ask the question. Do you know which team won the first Hungarian football championship?

Last Answer : It no longer exists, the Budapest TC won in 1901.

Description : In the past, Kovács, Nagy, Kis were the most common family names. Nowadays, which is the most common surname in Hungary?

Last Answer : Nagy and Kovács are still the most common, followed by Tóth, Szabó, Horváth, Varga, Kiss, Molnár, Németh. Surnames for occupation and ethnicity are very common.

Description : We have a 10-year-old car with a mileage of 120,000 miles that we use on the highway on a daily basis. Do you think this is worth paying the annual fee?

Last Answer : What's the annual fee for this, and what's in it?

Description : How many letters does the Hungarian ABC consist of?

Last Answer : The Hungarian ABC consists of 44 letters. In this question you can also see which of these letters. :)       

Description : When will we hold Hungarian Culture Day?

Last Answer : January 22nd.

Description : I want to download The Banished translation from a trusted site. Would you help me with that? [img alt_text = 'Banished Hungarian' description = ''] https:///wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Banished.jpg [/ img] 

Last Answer : Only 50 percent unaccented translations of this game are available. How to install the translation: Download the translation HERE. Unzip the downloaded file with winrar. Copy the content to ... directory. You are doing well if you are prompted to overwrite existing files when copying.

Description : WHAT patch is the first Hungarian astronaut, and when did he travel into space?

Last Answer : Bertalan Farkas was the first Hungarian astronaut to be born in Gyulaháza on August 2, 1949. By the way, Bertalan Farkas was a fighter pilot and a space explorer.

Description : Which is the longest Hungarian word?

Last Answer : This is not exactly an ordinary word, and it is conjugated almost to the point, but this 67-character word is considered to be the longest Hungarian word. "You can decide how much Hungarian it is for everyone to decide." :)

Description : drag and drop in Hungarian what does it mean? Google Translate doesn't write anything about it.

Last Answer : This is the English equivalent of "drag and drop." It is mainly used in computing for the operation of, for example, holding down the left mouse button on a window or moving the mouse over an icon and dragging it away. 

Description : Can the Hungarian subtitle of the rescue expedition be downloaded from somewhere? I love watching movies in their original language, but I'm not good enough to speak English yet. [img alt_text = 'rescue ... subtitle' description = ''] https:///wp-content/uploads/2017/01/mentoexpedicio.jpg [/ img] 

Last Answer : I think the best place to download Hungarian subtitles is You can also download the Hungarian inscription of the Rescue Expedition HERE.

Description : The capital of Moldova is Chisinau. How to describe this correctly in Hungarian? 

Last Answer : I typed it into Google Translate, where it said "Kishinev." Regardless, "Kisjenő" is said to be correct in Hungarian. :)   

Description : Do you know what sport Bud Spencer scored against the Hungarian national team? I know he played water polo, but did he score that goal in that too?

Last Answer : What else would you have gained? Well, of course, in water polo. You can watch it in the video below. Not very good quality, but worth a look. :)

Description : Do you know the answer to which Hungarian athlete won the most Olympic gold medals? [img alt_text = '' description = ''] https:///wp-content/uploads/2017/01/kovacsjanics1.jpg [/ img]

Last Answer : answer: Aladár Gerevich won the most gold medals in fencing. He was able to collect a total of 7 gold medals. Of which 1 individual and 6 are team medals. Krisztina Egerszegi won most of the individual gold medals. He collected 5 gold medals.  

Description : Do I know that watch dogs came out in Hungarian, but can't I get a separate translation? I would specifically need the language file to reach into it a bit. :) [img alt_text = 'watch ... description = ''] https:///wp-content/uploads/2016/11/watch-dogs-fejleckep-5856c0cd20172930058f.jpg [/ img]  

Last Answer : I don't think it's going to work. It is also not certain that there is an editable Hungarian language file, as it would require breaking the game. If you have it, you have to search for it and you can edit it, but I don't think so. 

Description : I know it's not a new game, but did someone do it? If so, where can I download it? 

Last Answer : Oh sure. The explanation for this game was already in April 2014. You can also download it HERE. Anyway, 30 mega. [img alt_text = 'call of duty 2 english' description = ''] https:///wp-content/uploads/2016/10/cod_black_ops_2_icon_png_by_sidyseven_d4zgfnn.png [/ img] 

Description : This is the name of my favorite band and I would be wondering what the word means or where that name came from.   

Last Answer : Quimby is a name, even the members of the band only found out later. Actually, they don’t even know the meaning of a word exactly right now. This is exactly what this video is about:   

Description : I would like to know how this Hungarian game can be translated.

Last Answer : In fact, it's a good idea to translate the original game, because different crack solutions can cause problems in the interpretation. Usually, every game has language files, whether it's a heretical or a broken game. :) 

Description : I think we'll lose it 3-0, but don't. Hungarians go for it!!!

Last Answer : I think the 11s come after 1-1. :) 

Description : How many question words are there in the Hungarian language? Would anyone list me?

Last Answer : I have a couple, I'll try to list them. When? From what? How long? Since when? How long? Why? What? What? What kind of? What are they like? Which? Which? Which ones? Who? Kit? Who? For who? Who? ... big? How are you? How old? How much does it cost? What's the time? Where? From where? Where? What?

Description : Do you have a favorite Hungarian Youtube video? If so, who is it?

Last Answer : Herby to me! :)

Description : Can anyone list the Hungarian dog breeds? I guess not so much.

Last Answer : These are: Wirehaired Hungarian Vizsla. Short-haired Hungarian Vizsla. Transylvanian Hound. Komondor. Pooch. Hungarian Greyhound, Mudi. Pumi. Puli.

Description : I have to type in many hours of audio and a program like this would be great now.

Last Answer : I usually use the Diktanote online app for this. The point is to set the right language before you start dictating. There is Hungarian too! :) You can access the program HERE. 

Description : How much are Hungarian Korona gold coins worth?

Last Answer : Just the amount of gold in the coin is worth $960. There can be $50-$75 premiums added for quality and condition of coins.