What video card do you think I should buy for the Q6600 proci? I think newer cards will go into the old 775 motherboard as well, but I want to balance the processor-VGA limit somewhat.   

1 Answer

Answer :

For this CPU, the maximum you should put in is a GTX950 or GTX960. You may not be able to drive them out with it properly anymore.  

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Description : Should I SLI my old video card or break down and buy a new one?

Last Answer : answer:Oh man, I think my buddy uses one of those . as a space heater! Seriously, I picked up a fanless GT 240 w/ 1GB for under $100 that would eat any of the 8600-series cards for lunch. I don't ... an issue since AGP slots are rare these days (PCI-E is the norm now) but you just have to be sure.

Description : I would like to replace my old video card and it would be nice to get the best out of my money. :)

Last Answer : I used to buy a card in this price range, but with a warranty. Usually these hoops have a 3 year warranty and many will afford it after 1 year so you can get it much cheaper. ... you already have good nutrition under it. :) There's one here too: https://hardverapro.hu/apro/msi_r9_290x__gaming_4g