Vegetarian Alfredo

1 Answer

Answer :

Vegetarian Alfredo

1 can artichokes, save juice

2 tomatoes, chopped

1 onion, chopped or diced

1 cup of mushrooms, sliced

A bit of milk, a bit of flour, and a bit of basil. Spaghetti, noodles, or any pasta

Cut artichokes into small pieces. Toss into a pan with the juice. Thicken with flour (1 or 2 tbs) and milk to desired thickness. Add onion, mushrooms, tomatoes and basil. Cook until veggies are tender. Simply pour over cooked pasta.

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Last Answer : answer:Long, snarky If cows get fiber from the grass where does the grass get its fiber if it’s just sucking up raw nutrients from the ground? If grass can be healthy by creating its own food through photosynthesis why don’t cows? Short We’re not cows. We have different nutritional requirements.

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Last Answer : answer:Fix them a frozen container of Stouffers Mac and Cheese. Love it or leave it.

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Last Answer : answer:(Vegetarian here) Absolutely. All the yum and none of the suffering—count me in.

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Last Answer : I haven’t but he’s a funny writer

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Last Answer : 1. There is nothing wrong with vegetarianism, but it is a personal choice. 2. Yes, seeing what happens to our animals in large factory settings is always awful, but 3. that is why you ... might choose to wait on supporting cruelty-free until they can know that their meat is actually raised well.

Description : Whats a good efficient way to organise data?

Last Answer : answer:I think I would start by first defining what the vegetarian nutritional requirements are: things like proteins (beans, cheese), fibre, etc. Its often useful to make definitions like these before ... . You, my friend, could start a totally non-violent lunch-menu revolution with data! Huzzah!

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Last Answer : I’ve been a vegetarian near six years now. Meat just stops being a food item. I see it the same way I see paper towels. It doesn’t qualify as edible… to me…

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Last Answer : Tips: Iceburg lettuce DOESN’T COUNT. If its a lettuce and its not daaark green… it doesn’t count.

Description : Where can I find out how many vegans there are in America (in contrast to the number of vegetarians)

Last Answer : answer:There's quite a bit of variation in the poll numbers. According to this, a 200 Zogby poll of 968 participants found that 0.9% were vegan. According to this, a 2002 Time/CNN poll ... It found that of 5050 respondents, 0.5% were vegan. That would translate to about 1 million Americans.

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Last Answer : As to some things I've been thinking about: Hunting seems to be a cruelty when it is not a necessity. It doesn't even have a very strong Biblical basis for those who would point to that, as Genesis ... up abandoning even that. But then agian, even I have to admit that I like my meat (and potatoes).

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Last Answer : Meat Lover's Vegetarian Soup In a big pot melt about 1/4 cup of butter. Add 1 chopped onion. Add 2-3 chopped celery branches. Add 3-4 carrots (rings). Add about 1/4 turnip, chopped. ... in the family loves this one, even my father-in-law who is very difficult when it comes to vegetarian dishes.

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Last Answer : Vegetarian Gumbo 7 cup okra, sliced in 1/2" pieces 1 cup whole wheat pastry flour 3/4 cup oil (I use olive oil) 1 medium onion, minced 1 lg. bell pepper, minced 4 stalks celery, minced 3 ... the roux. Serve over brown rice, and sprinkle each bowl with about 1/4 tsp gumbo file. Serves 6-8.

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Last Answer : Vegetarian Enchilada 28 oz canned crushed tomatoes in tomato puree 14 oz canned chunky salsa 6 oz canned tomato paste 30 oz canned black beans, rinsed and drained 15 oz canned whole kernel corn -- ... the sliced olives over all. Cover and cook on the low heat setting about 5 hours. Serve hot.

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