How do I get my dogs used to barking at all the small but sudden noises?

1 Answer

Answer :

I don't think you know. It's in your blood.

Related questions

Description : Deterrent for barking dogs?

Last Answer : Playing snarling dog recordings is pouring gasoline on a fire. You can buy high pitched sound recordings that burst at every bark.

Description : How to deal with feral cats in my yard? And neighbors dogs barking that are left out all day?

Last Answer : answer:Put in a water sprinkler in your yard to go off twice an hour for maybe a half a minute. Especially at night. After a while they should avoid your yard and they aren't fond of wet ground ... you. Sometimes people get use to a sound and stop hearing it. And some people hear every little thing.

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Last Answer : answer:Dumb question from a smart person! “How effective would a lobotomy be in preventing @ragingloli from thinking right?” ♥♥

Description : Random barking: old age or deafness or both?

Last Answer : My cocker was deaf by the end – he died at 14½ but I didn’t notice any random barking. He was never much of a barker.

Description : Can two very loud barking dogs in a house with tile harm your health?

Last Answer : answer:Barks are a sound of alarm, just like a baby crying, that are meant to raise your awareness level. They are a stress inducer, a holdover from a time when a barking dog could save ... on a continuous basis and many many studies have shown that perpetual stress is a detriment to your health.

Description : Our new dog has started barking at night. Any advice?

Last Answer : I predict she will be a bed dog within a couple of months. She wants to be with her people.

Description : Can dogs barking give you lifetime tinnitus?

Last Answer : answer:See an Ear, Nose and Throat MD. Tinnitus is caused by many things, some of them mysterious. Who can say whether the dogs are responsible. That is irrelevant now You ... identified underlying cause sometimes helps. Other treatments reduce or mask the noise, making tinnitus less noticeable.

Description : The neighbor's dog has been barking for 1/2 an hour straight. Don't think that anyone is home. What should I do?

Last Answer : Well…if you don’t have any contact numbers for them, not much you can do. Is the dog outside? If so you can toss him some food or something to divert him, but otherwise….uh, guess you just have to deal with it.

Description : What are some ideas to get my two dogs from running up the hill in the back yard and barking at the other dogs when the neighbors let theirs out?

Last Answer : I recommend watching a couple of episodes of “The Dog Whisperer”.

Description : How to make dogs stop barking if they only listen to my parents?

Last Answer : answer:You probably can't do anything effective on your own to train the dogs. It sounds like they're out of control, and they know you aren't the pack leader. Besides, the dogs aren't really ... but you also undoubtedly have more influence over your parents than you'll ever have over the dogs. :-)

Description : Why do dogs bark when ever they hear another dog barking?

Last Answer : If two people are in a room, and one speaks, what does the other one do?

Description : Loud barking is damaging my ears I think. What are my options?

Last Answer : I would either not let them in the office, unless that would cause constant whining and door scratching by the dogs, which might be even worse, even more annoying, than the barking, or get some of ... loud machinery or guide airplanes to the terminals use. With those on you won't hear a thing.

Description : Why don't dogs or cats become hoarse after barking or meowing for extended periods of time?

Last Answer : Sometimes they do.

Description : How would you know if your puppy's barking and growling at you is friendly or not?

Last Answer : answer:As you get to know your dog, you become good at interpreting the meaning of his barking. For instance, the bark that signals the approach of a stranger differs from the bark that ... This requires some confidence training from you to show them what does and does not deserve this behavior.

Description : Does anyone have or know about those remotes to stop barking called Bark-Off?

Last Answer : answer:Worthless. Save your money. I tired two different kinds of ultrasonic bark stop devices and they did nothing. Westies. 2 years old. The electric shock collars work quickly and effectively.

Description : What's the Best Dog for Cuddling But Not Barking?

Last Answer : Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Description : Has one tried those little boxes that you point at a dog and it supposedly makes them stop barking?

Last Answer : answer:It breaks their concentration and pauses the barking. It can lose effectiveness if the trainer doesn't fill the break with something they want the dog to do. Such as sit or to completely ignore the situation ... ! Wonder who's at the door! It's not a punishment tool, it's a redirection tool.

Description : How I would I discourage future excessive barking?

Last Answer : answer:Figure out what is causing the barking and address the problem. If it's to get attention, don't give attention for the behavior. If it's because the pup is bored, provide things to ... use that part of your nature and give it lots of attention and encouragement when it behaves appropriately.

Description : If an angry dog could talk in plain english, what do you imagine he would be saying to the stranger he's barking at so violently?

Last Answer : answer:see my sharp teeth? you hear how loud i am? thats because im harder than you. bring it on! while thinking go away

Description : Is it possible for a dog to get so traumatized that he or she quits barking almost altogether?

Last Answer : well im not sure about being traumatized but some dogs have a quiet personality so you could just buy one of those but i suggest you go to a animal shelter because they tend to be more scared or just quit. and it helps those poor dogs.

Description : How to handle a neighbor's barking dog?

Last Answer : Is it football sized? If so, I have a suggestion… but really, it doesn’t sound like there’s anything you can do, really, without a confrontation with the neighbors at least. Best to just suck it up and talk to them, or learn to deal with it. Sorry.

Description : Can you stop a dog from barking like mad everytime people walk by the house?

Last Answer : You can squirt lemon juice in their mouth every time they do it. The lemon creates a sensation in their mouth or throat that is displeasing to the dog but not harmful to them. What I like about ... you must do this while they are barking because dogs memories/minds do not work the same as humans.

Description : Why has my dog started barking when i leave?

Last Answer : She’s scared.

Description : How did your dog react to a barking collar?

Last Answer : This subject was discussed previously., and you might find some of the insight you seek in this thread syz has some suggestions there that may help solve your problem. I personally would never use such a barbaric device.

Description : What to do about my dog's barking?

Last Answer : I know there are people who know how to train a dog not to bark. No idea what their secret is, though. You might have to consult a pro.

Description : Neighbor's barking dog is driving me nuts. Any suggestions?

Last Answer : Leaving the dog outside all day in winter weather is animal abuse. Does he have any shelter?

Description : How can I stop my dog from barking before walking it?

Last Answer : Jack Russells need a lot of exercise. Wear him out playing fetch or chase or something like that before his walk and he won't bark as much. I see your other version of this question has now ... like it. Terriers in particular get bored easily and need things to do and to be around their people.

Description : How can I get my dog to stop barking when he is excited?

Last Answer : I don't know how it's done, but I do know it can be done. We had a neighbor across the back fence who trained his dog not to bark. She was so silent that I thought she'd been surgically ... and there was no indication that any cruelty was involved), but they moved away and I never got to ask him.

Description : How do you get your dog to stop barking?

Last Answer : It depends on many things, the first one the age of the dog. It can be very difficult. Is the dog barking for attention, or because it is distressed, or is it a pup? Have you moved or ... consider an anti-barking collar, one that sprays a harmless scent that the dog doesn't like whenever it barks.

Description : What is the best way to train a dog to stop barking?

Last Answer : I had a friend who trained her cats to stop doing things by spraying them with a spray bottle full of water whenever they jumped up onto a place they shouldn't be. It's cruelty-free, and it worked with her ... since they don't seem to mind being wet as much as cats do, but it might be worth a try.

Description : How do I get my puppy (english bulldog) to stop barking when I leave for work?

Last Answer : it might be a little mean, depending on your view, but you can purchase collars that emit a high freq tone that makes them stop barking. Then eventuly the dog will stop and you won't have to use it anymore. Its all about behavior modification!

Description : Does anyone know how to shut up a barking dog at night?

Last Answer : chuck something away to him =)

Description : What can I do to make my yappy little poodle stop barking?

Last Answer : alcohol

Description : Why don't barking dogs ever get hoarse?

Last Answer : They do, my dog loses his voice from barking all the time.

Description : How can I stop my dog from barking so much?

Last Answer : answer:One of the only techniques I've heard that works is teaching your dog association. When he barks, treat him a certain way (I read a book that suggested taking him outside, and ... poops) Doing that repeatedly will eventually teach him to associate barking with going outside, and nothing else.

Description : Are there any ways to help stop my dog from barking?

Last Answer : answer:Read here Or here

Description : Is it CRUEL to put a SHOCK-COLLAR on a barking dog?

Last Answer : If you want to try one, put it on yourself and start barking before you put it on the dog. That should help you decide if it’s cruel or not.

Description : The gardener comes aroung about once every couple of weeks. When he comes in the house, he pets our dogs and they like him. If he starts working outside, they go crazy. Is there any way to get them to ... he's working. It's really only one dog that's the problem. That dog starts the other one off.

Last Answer : answer:

Description : My neighbors have a very sweet dog. The one thing that I really can't stand about her is that she barks all night. What can I do to get her to stop?

Last Answer : First try talking calmly and respectfully to your neighbor about the barking. If you're not on friendly terms, write a friendly note and leave it at their door. You can suggest that you would ... them to contact your neighbor. Don't discuss the barking with other neighbors to avoid more problems.

Description : I love my dog. She really sweet. She has a ton of energy and is always on the go. Every little thing sets her off and she seems to spend most of her day barking at something. Is there any way to get her to calm down and keep it quiet? She's driving me crazy.

Last Answer : Barking is one of the ways dogs communicate. Herding and guarding dogs in particular tend to bark a lot and controlling the behavior requires lots of patience. Jack Russells, as you know, are very active dogs ... . Never yell or punish your dog for barking, it doesn't work and you lose his trust.

Description : We're trying to crate train our dog before we take him on holiday. As soon as he goes in the crate, he starts barking and won't stop. How can we get him to calm down so we can enjoy our summer vacation with him?

Last Answer : The best way to calm your dog is to make the crate a pleasant place for him. Begin training well before you go on vacation. Place a couple of favorite toys and a treat in the crate to entice ... he's quiet good things happen. Gradually lengthen the time in the crate and your distance away from it.

Description : What is the meaning of barking ?

Last Answer : Barking who is barking.

Description : Can a neighbor signal if the dog is barking? Can you do that? And can they punish him?

Last Answer : The police don't deal with this. You can go wrong with the municipality, but because of that, they won’t be able to do much. Rather, be careful not to poison them after this.

Description : My Zionist neighbor with a toilet is harassing, scolding, grunting and fluttering to indicate that he is watching. It squeaks on the radiator. He knocks on a gas pipe. He says he hates Hungarians because he ... . I reported but did not publicly admit to being Jewish. What can I do to leave me alone?

Last Answer : Have you asked me not to do this? It could also be a hit poor. Then you don’t have much chance of improvement.   

Description : Every day a dog in the block of flats barks from our neighbors. Where to report it? Police said they wouldn't do anything if it wasn't at night.

Last Answer : Wherever you want. Best for a lamp post. It is natural that the dog barks, it does nothing. If he barks during the day, it's just that no one has yet been able to explain to the dog that he ... to move. The loneliness at the forest is best, but the animals from the forest roar there again.

Description : What to do if a neighbor's dog barks every night in a block of flats? Can I call the police?

Last Answer : You can call. If something interrupts or irritates him, it is quite logical that he barks. It is necessary to reckon with the fact that the dog will bark even after the police tell him.

Description : What can be done when a dog barks at a neighbor's house from morning to evening because he is home alone?

Last Answer : If he calls after 10pm, I'd call the cops to disturb the night.

Description : A neighbor leaves at 8.00 in the morning and lets a dog bark in the apartment. He barks there all day before his neighbor comes home. It's awful. Is there anything you can do about it?

Last Answer : And does a neighbor know that a dog barks when he's not home? Is the dog an adult or is it still a puppy? Have you tried a personal agreement? Other tenants don't mind? You can complain to the janitor, the apartment owner, or the town hall. The best is a repeated agreement and from multiple tenants.

Description : How to stop my dogs for Overly Barking?

Last Answer : Do you close your puppies in the room or fence? Puppies always need much time to sleep for physical growth. Although puppies will bark much than the adult dog, they could not bark day and night unless ... to the dog-friendly beaches or parks. However, it's better to leash them before walking dog.

Description : How to Control Barking with a Dog Collar?

Last Answer : Almost everyone who has owned a dog that spends most of its timeoutdoors has had to deal with excessive barking. Although theproblem may not directly affect the owner, the noise may quicklybecome a ... of smell. Thebattery operated collar uses a spray nozzle and a small vial ofplant extract, usual