1 Answer

Answer :

The most beautiful money note in the world is 2 Taka note of Bangladesh

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Last Answer : She askes the genie to grab a nearby stick and beat her half to death.

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Last Answer : You can always pray.

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Last Answer : Probably some anonymous 12 year old playing somewhere in a suburban basement.

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Last Answer : I’ve taken to referring to supporters of President Shithole as shithole-Americans. His support is strongest in shitholes with economies based on disability checks, meth, and opioids. So, to answer the question, all the red portions on a county-by-county map of the 2016 election results.

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Last Answer : You seem to be making a supposition that the world is violent (first), and then that the cause of that violence is the increasing human population of the planet. In the first place, that ... generally does, and it's certainly not perfect, either! - to support the populations of the planet.

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Last Answer : Sometimes I feel that there is nothing we can do and then someone lets me in when my lane runs out or smiles a genuine smile when I buy a coffee and thank them. All I did was smile and say thank ... And, who knows, maybe in the long run all the little moments will make the big picture a better one.

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Last Answer : In Canada the growing season will be longer and resource extraction would be easier with the permafrost gone.

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Last Answer : There would still be large difficulties involved with open borders. Everything from economic disruptions, through the elimination of national sovereignty as the first world is swamped with the world’s poor. The threat from transmissible diseases alone would be a public health nightmare.

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Last Answer : Exterminate Humans.

Description : Is the world a great place?

Last Answer : oh absolutely

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Last Answer : I really, truly feel the Kennedy assassination spun this country into Bizzaro World. Stopping that would probably stop Viet Nam, Watergate, the 60’s revolution, and much of the pain of this nation.

Description : Are you a world person?

Last Answer : I watch the news and all the good and terrible things that go on in other parts of our planet. I know we live in a global economy now and things around the world do impact some aspects of my life. ... things to attach to right here were I live that affect me in a greater way each and every day.

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Last Answer : answer:It's a small world means several things to me. People are interconnected in more ways than we realize. I meet people and find out they lived in the same town I did as a child. Or, their sibling is married ... ) in FL on the east coast of the state. I've moved back and forth to FL a few times.

Description : What would you not trade the world for?

Last Answer : answer:I’m with you on that. Also, and related, my eyesight. I wouldn’t want to live blind for anything.

Description : If you had one minute to speak to the world, what would you say?

Last Answer : Get over yourselves and your petty differences and work together.We all live on the same planet and basically want the same things so let’s try to get along.

Description : When was the last time the world wasn't falling apart?

Last Answer : It’s no more falling apart now than ever. In my own life, I guess when I was 0–3. And by not falling apart, I should specify, I mean when there wasn’t some kind of darkness haunting me.

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Last Answer : No – I think it would be as bad or worse since some of the worst conflicts are between neighboring countries or tribes.

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Last Answer : Step away from it all and get out in the country or by chill out by a lake. Just sayin’.

Description : What encourages you and gives you hope in the miserable world?

Last Answer : Our capacity for love. Can’t let that ember die. Whatever hope we have depends on it.

Description : So the world didn't end, is there a way I can get this data?

Last Answer : Look for vital statistics data. Every nation publishes them. The US would probably be easiest to get, although you may have to wait a little bit. It hasn’t been long enough to tabulate the data yet.

Description : For non-American Flutherites: Where are you from and do you still worship us for what we have given the world?

Last Answer : answer:@rojo I'm a Canadian. To be honest, the notion that the rest of the world looks up to the US is funny to me. I think that's something Americans tell themselves to feel good; same ... , economically, and politically. So what is it that you think you have given the world , exactly?

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Last Answer : My apathy level in this respect is zero.

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Last Answer : Hunger. I agree with your international approach to solving the problem. What gets in the way is greed and anonymity. Greed is the larger barrier and It’s much easier to ignore the problem by not looking at it. Where do we start? Locally, I guess.

Description : What should the world be like?

Last Answer : answer:I don't think that there is a fact of the matter regarding what the world should be like, especially when it comes to political matters. Politics, it seems to me, is a clash of irreducible ... a good life no matter how omniscient he is. A good life must be lived, not merely experienced.

Description : The world needs two new super heroes (a hero and a heroine)! [Details inside].

Last Answer : 1. Non-Intervention Man 2. Communism Girl.

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Last Answer : The first person that comes to my mind is Frank Sinatra.

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Last Answer : Give away free candy. Everyone likes candy.

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Last Answer : answer:I’m a huge fan of the Enlightenment; its advances in philosophy, science, economics – Reason in general – gave rise to the world I live in today. I think post-modernism is often just code for nihilism.

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Last Answer : Meteors, asteroids, black holes, YAY! ♥

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Last Answer : I’m not worried (not beyond a degree of natural worry that anyone should have for their children or young loved ones), if that’s what you’re asking.

Description : What if the world changed depending on the temperature outside?

Last Answer : The biggest problem would be countless people dying of heat stroke.

Description : What is the mightiest symbol in the world?

Last Answer : This

Description : What will you do once the world doesn't end in 2012?

Last Answer : I will stop watching The History Channel.

Description : Who came up with the stupid theory that the world will end in 2012?

Last Answer : A number of people are promoting it.

Description : If you could shout something to the world, what would that be?

Last Answer : DON’T F—K WITH ME!

Description : Which country do you think is the most dangerous in the world right now? (do read details)

Last Answer : answer:North Korea Afghanistan A lot of Middle Eastern countries that are in turmoil now.

Description : What some of the greatest and worst world events that have ever happened in your lifetime?

Last Answer : Does the landing on the Moon count as a world event?

Description : Do you think the world is over populated?

Last Answer : No.

Description : What laws would you make if you ruled the world?

Last Answer : answer:Weed for everybody! Unless you’re psychotic. Murder will be legal as long as you kill plastic surgeons. I will solve the Climate Change issue by making it illegal for carbon dioxide to be a green house gas.

Description : Who is the most famous person in the world?

Last Answer : JC

Description : If the US leads the free world why isn't the legal age 18yr on most parts of the planet?

Last Answer : answer:The US doesn't lead the free world'. It plays a major part in world affairs, but other countries are quite free to make their own decisions regarding internal matters. The ... people, religious dictat, the desire not to criminalise young people for engaging in consensual sexual relations.

Description : Do you think the world would be a better place if we all liked the same things?

Last Answer : It would sure be easier to create a Utopia together if we did.

Description : Who believes in The Pangeae Theory? What do you think the world would be like if all the continents were one?

Last Answer : answer:I dont know why would would have any reason not to believe this .. There is quite a bit of supporting evidence. Pangaea also isnt the only time that all the worlds continents were united. I ... like this were to suddenly happen over night (yes i know, impossible) I think it would be hell.

Description : How is it possible for (at least here in america) so few people to have any clue whats happening in the world?

Last Answer : The American people are currently upheld as those in the superior country. Many of them think things like that are not repeated on the news won’t really change anything, and thus there is no need to learn about them.

Description : How many countries are there in the world?

Last Answer : There are 192 countries and Chris Guillebeau has visited 125 of them to date.

Description : Which community in the world displays the most graciously considerate manners?

Last Answer : I wish I knew.I’d move there and maybe get a decent apology for a change ;)