1 Answer

Answer :

The Nobel Prize was introduced in 1901.

Related questions

Description : Who won the Nobel Prize for peace in the year 2014? – -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Malala Yousafzai & Kailash Satyarthi

Description : In which year did the Nobel Prize for Economics start? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : In 1968, Sveriges Riksbank (Sweden's central bank) established the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, founder of the Nobel Prize.

Description : In which year did the Nobel Prize begin? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : The Nobel Peace Prize is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Swedish industrialist, inventor, and armaments manufacturer Alfred Nobel, along with the prizes in Chemistry, Physics, Physiology or Medicine, and Literature. Established:1895

Description : In which year did the Nobel Prize for Economics start? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : In 1968, Sveriges Riksbank (Sweden's central bank) established the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, founder of the Nobel Prize.

Description : In which year did the Nobel Prize begin? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Nobel prize award ceremonies take place each year on December 10,

Description : In what year did scientist Peter Zeman receive the Nobel Prize for his contributions to the field ?

Last Answer : Scientist Peter Zeman won the Nobel Prize in 1902 for his contribution to the field of gymnastics .

Description : In what year did Sir Alexander Fleming win the Nobel Prize for his discovery of penicillin ?

Last Answer : He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1945.

Description : In what year did Mother Teresa receive the Nobel Peace Prize ?

Last Answer : Mother Teresa received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 .

Last Answer : Scientist Will Helm Rন্টntgen was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901 for his discovery of X-rays.

Last Answer : Taslima Nasrin won the Nobel Prize in 2005

Last Answer : Meghnad Saha was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1930

Last Answer : Ravi Dutt received the Nobel Prize in 1913

Last Answer : Dr. Muhammad was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2006

Last Answer : Amartya Sen won the Nobel Prize in 1998

Last Answer : Rabindranath was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1913 .

Last Answer : Melvin Calvin was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1961

Last Answer : Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1921.

Last Answer : UNICEF won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965 .

Description : How many Nobel Prize are awarded every year

Last Answer : 6

Description : Who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in the year 2010 ?

Last Answer : Liu Xiaobo

Description : In which year did Amartya Kumar Sen receive the Nobel Prize in Economics ? (1) 1998 (2) I995 (3) 2000 (4) 1990

Last Answer : 1998

Description : The Nobel Prize for Chemistry for the year 2011 has been awarded to (1) Saul Perlmutter, Brian P. Schmidt and Adam G. Riess (2) Bruce A. Beutler, Jules A. Hoffmann and Ralph M. Steinman (3) Christopher A. Sims and Thomas J. Sargent (4) Dan Schechtman

Last Answer : Dan Schechtman

Description : The Nobel Prize for Physics for the year 2011 has been awarded to (1) Saul Perlmutter, Brian P. Schmidt and Adam G. Riess (2) Bruce A. Beutler, Jules A. Hoffmann and Ralph M. Steinman (3) Christopher A. Sims and Thomas J. Sargent (4) Dan Schechtman

Last Answer :  Saul Perlmutter, Brian P. Schmidt and Adam G. Riess

Description : Why does the Nobel prize in economics not have a cash award?

Last Answer : The Nobel Prize in Economics has the same monetary reward as all of the other prizes.

Description : Can we award the Nobel prize in medicine to the person who cures hiccups?

Last Answer : Just drink a glass of water upside down.

Description : So the Republicans in the Congress have nominated Trump for the Nobel peace prize?

Last Answer : Haven’t heard that but I read that a few tea party type Norwegians have.

Description : Edward Snowden has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. What do you think about that?

Last Answer : answer:All for it. Controversial, sure. But no odder than giving the Peace prize to Obama in 2009. The way I see it, Snowden has done more for transparency and honesty in the last 8 months ... He has shown the hypocrisy and cravenness of countries all over the world. That should be worth rewarding.

Description : Any guesses on who will win the Nobel Prize for Literature?

Last Answer : Is there a list of candidates? There’s a lot of authors. I may check out their book depending on what it’s about.

Description : Can you write one Nobel Literature Prize worthy sentence?

Last Answer : I know when I am beaten.

Description : What is the procedure to win a nobel prize?

Last Answer : Every year the Nobel Committee sends out nomination forms to scientists, usually who have done outstanding work in their particular subject. Then the Nobel Committee nominates potential winners from the ... majority vote. There can be up to three laureates/two works selected to each award.

Description : Theoretically, what Nobel prize could you be up for?

Last Answer : Literature, I guess. One of my songs may be good enough to be considered a great piece of literature (Not really). If I have to go to Stockholm as a condition of winning, I’d pass and let the runner-up take it.

Description : What effect will the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the Chinese activist Liu Xiaobo have short term, mid term and long term?

Last Answer : i think so, China's Human rights abuses are legendary, it's like their national sport or something, they are the all time champs. When the government declared open season on the Tiananmen square ... by the Chinese authorities, never to be seen again. Apparently for his own safety. Totally sick.

Description : What would you get an Ig Nobel prize for?

Last Answer : Testing whether cayune pepper increases the rate of anal itching.

Description : Why isn't Marilyn vos Savant either; a billionairess,CEO of a fortune 500 company,a Nobel prize winner,a world renowned scientist or a World Leader ?

Last Answer : Personal choice :)

Description : Is 'The Internet' worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize?

Last Answer : answer:Everyone should get a penny. And no. When is the wheel going to get the prize?

Description : Who will snag the 2009 Nobel Prize in Literature?

Last Answer : Probably the author who gave birth to the nightmare that is Twilight.

Description : What's the best way to celebrate some REALLY amazing, life changing, nobel prize level good news?

Last Answer : You're not going to tell us what that 21gun salute news is? Please share.

Description : The first black American to win the Nobel Prize for literature is -Awards

Last Answer : Literature Year Laureate Comment 1986 Wole Soyinka First Black person to win the Nobel Prize for Literature 1992 Derek Walcott 1993 Toni Morrison First Black woman to win a Nobel Prize

Description : The only Indian to win the Nobel prize in physics is -Awards

Last Answer : Subrahmanian Chandrasekhar.

Description : In 1901, Nobel Prize was not given for -Awards

Last Answer : Leo Tolstoy was nominated for Nobel Prize in Literature every year from 1902 to 1906 but never won, and in the first year of 1901, he was not even nominated, resulting in a major controversy ... year, the prize went to French poet Sully Prudhomme, the year after to German historian Theodor Mommsen.

Description : The Nobel peace prize is awarded in which city? -Awards

Last Answer : Oslo, Norway As stipulated in Nobel's will, the Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine and Literature are awarded in Stockholm, Sweden, while the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway.

Description : Who among the following own the Nobel prize for literature? -Awards

Last Answer : NEED ANSWER

Description : The Nobel Prize was first awarded in -Awards

Last Answer : The first Nobel Prizes are awarded in Stockholm, Sweden, in the fields of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and peace. The ceremony came on the fifth anniversary of the death of Alfred Nobel, the Swedish inventor of dynamite and other high explosives. In his will, Nobel directed that the

Description : Who among the following has received a Nobel Prize in literature 1953? -Awards

Last Answer : Winston Churchill

Description : Who is the first Asian Winner of Nobel Prize? -Awards

Last Answer : Rabindranath Tagore

Description : 6. Who discovered the iridium layer and won Nobel Prize also? -Discoveries and Inventions

Last Answer : Explanation: Luis Alvarez discovered the iridium layer and also he had given a theory that dinosaurs were driven to extinction by the aftermath of a large meteorite impact on Earth. In 1968, he won Nobel Prize in Physics.

Description : Who was the first asian to have received the Nobel Prize? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : The answer is 'R.N. Tagore'

Description : Which book brought the first Nobel Prize to an Indian? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Dr. Rabindranath Tagore received the Nobel Prize for which work? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Who is the recepient of Nobel Prize for the development of Wireless Telegraphy? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : answer: