How to Babysit

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How to Babysit
For many teenagers, babysitting is not just a past time, but also a lucrative business. You might think this is an easy task, but on the contrary, it’s a huge responsibility.  Remember, the safety and well-being of the child lies in your hands, and if you don’t know how to properly control difficult situations, chances are you’ll put the kid and your babysitting career in danger. Here are some tips on how to babysit properly.

Prepare Yourself
The first thing you need to do when preparing for the job is to clear your schedule. Check your calendar, and make sure you’re available on the date when the parents need you. Find out the date, time, how many kids you’re going to watch over, and how many hours the job will cover. Once you’re sure you’re free, accept the job.

Never make plans that might run into your babysitting time. For example, even if the parents said they’d be home by 9:00 pm, don’t schedule anything after. You never know when an emergency situation might arise, and you might have to extend your babysitting hours.

Another important consideration is knowing the right emergency information. These include the parents’ cellphone number, the phone number and address where the parents will be, the kid’s full name, blood type, medical information, allergies, and the family doctor’s phone number, too. Also ask the parents to pin a list of emergency numbers (fire department, police station) by the phone, or on the fridge. At the same time, give your cellphone number to the parents.

Do A “House Check”
If it’s your first time babysitting for a particular family, it’s wise to familiarize yourself with the house first. Go around and find out where the children’s bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, as well as the emergency exits, are. Ask the parents where they keep the supplies you need, like food for the kids, and let them point out which areas are off-limits to you and the kids. Some parents also have special household rules, and you should be aware of these. When they leave, make sure you lock the door properly. Check the other doorways and see if they’re locked too.

You should also find out if there are certain tasks you need to take care of, like cooking, use the phone, help the child with his or her assignment, or call someone.

Get To Know The Child
Most people think babysitting is all about watching the child. This is true, but the most successful babysitters are those that are able to get along with children very well, no matter how bratty or whiny  they are. Get to know the children you’re taking care of, and don’t ignore them. Find out what annoys them and what makes them happy. This might require a lot of patience, but once the child trusts you, babysitting becomes easier.

Plan For Some Fun
Nobody likes a boring baby sitter, so make sure you’ve got plenty of activities up your sleeves to keep the kids happy and entertained. Think of fun projects, like making paper puppets, playing scavenger hunt (ask the parents if this is okay, first), or even holding a play. You can bring fun games or toys that they might find interesting. Make sure they know when it’s time for bed, though. When you tuck them in, read them a bedtime story, and stay with them until they’re asleep.

Settle The Payment
How much the parents will pay depends on your rate. Keep it at a reasonable amount. Newbies only charge a few dollars an hour, but professional sitters can charge a lot higher. Of course, discuss your rates first with the parents before you agree to babysit.

Other Babysitting Tips
Don’t leave the kids out of your sight.
If you’re taking care of an infant, find out how often you’re going to feed him and change his diapers.
Don’t hog the phone. The parents may be trying to reach you.
Refrain from inviting friends or other people over.
Clean up whatever mess you’ve made.
A good babysitter is responsible, entertaining and friendly. Keep in mind the above tips, so you’ll be able to satisfy the parents and the kid you’re caring for.

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