What is the signal of helium ?

1 Answer

Answer :

Sign of Helium: He.

Related questions

Description : What is the signal of helium ?

Last Answer : He signal of helium

Description : In what year was helium discovered ?

Last Answer : helium n. Loffier and J. Johnson Mill discovered in 1868 .

Description : What is the boiling point of helium ?

Last Answer : Helium has a boiling point of minus 269 degrees Celsius.

Description : What is the melting point of helium ?

Last Answer : The melting point of helium is minus 272 degrees Celsius.

Description : What is the valence of helium ?

Last Answer : Helium has zero viscosity.

Description : In what year was helium discovered ?

Last Answer : French astronomer Pierre Johnson discovered helium in the solar spectrum during a solar eclipse in 16 AD. References: Wikipedia.

Description : What is the relative atomic mass of helium ?

Last Answer : The relative atomic mass of helium is four.

Description : What is the color of helium ?

Last Answer : Helium is a colorless gas.

Description : What is the atomic number of helium ?

Last Answer : Helium has atomic number two.

Description : What is the symbol of helium ?

Last Answer : Helium symbol He

Description : (4) less soluble in blood than nitrogen at high pressure Explanation: Deep-sea divers have their oxygen supply mixed with helium in order to avoid the toxic nature of oxygen under extreme pressures. The ... blood which blocks blood flow as the diver comes to the surface of the sea from underwater.

Last Answer : The chemical bahaviour of an atom depends upon - (1) the number of protons in its nucleus (2) the number of neutrons in the nucleus (3) the number of electrons orbiting around the nucleus (4) the number of nucleons in the nucleus

Description : (2) it is lighter than air Explanation: Helium is the second lightest element and is the second most abundant element in the observable universe, being present at about 24% of the total elemental mass ... elements combined. A well-known but minor use is as a lifting gas in balloons and airships

Last Answer : Ammonial is a mixture of – (1) aluminium powder and ammonium nitrate (2) aluminium powder and ammonium chloride (3) aluminium powder and ammonium sulphate (4) aluminium powder and potassium nitrate

Description : A balloon filled with helium rises in air because – (1) air exerts an upward force on the balloon (2) the balloon is weightless (3) helium is less dense than air (4) helium pushes down on the air below the balloon

Last Answer : (3) helium is less dense than air Explanation: A gas balloon is any balloon that stays aloft due to being filled with a gas less dense than air or lighter than air (such as helium ... balloons) as the dominant form of airship. as balloons remained popular throughout the age before powered flight.

Description : Which one of the following is-a greenhouse gas? (1) Nitrogen (2) Helium (3) Carbon dioxide (4) Sulphur dioxide

Last Answer : (3) Carbon dioxide Explanation: Gases which absorb outgoing terrestrial rediation are called greenhouse gases, such as water vapour, methane, chlorofluorocarbons, and carbon dioxide.

Description : The inert gas which is substituted for nitrogen in the air used by deep sea divers for Breathing is: (1) Neon (2) Argon (3) Krypton (4) Helium

Last Answer : (4) Helium Explanation: Helium is used since it has very low (almost non-existent) narcotic properties. The nitrogen in air is highly narcotic at depth and adding helium allows one to dive without the effects of narcosis (where one's mind is impaired).

Description : The inert gas which is substituted for nitrogen in the air used by deep sea divers for breathing is – (1) Neon (2) Krypton (3) Argon (4) Helium

Last Answer : (4) Helium Explanation: Helium is used by deep sea divers because it reduces the narcosis of nitrogen and it remains below the oxygen toxicity limits. In fact, they use tri mix of Oxygen, helium and a little bit of nitrogen.

Description : The element with highest first ionization energy is - (1) hydrogen (2) helium (3) lithium (4) sodium

Last Answer : (2) helium Explanation: The first ionisation energy is the energy required to remove the most loosely held electron from one mole of gaseous atoms to produce 1 mole of gaseous ions each with a charge of ... ) of Hydrogen: around 1200: Helium: about 2500; Lithium: about 500; and Sodium: about 500.

Description : In addition to hydrogen, the other abundant element present on Sun’s surface is - (1) Helium (2) Neon (3) Argon (4) Oxygen

Last Answer : (1) Helium Explanation: The Sun is composed primarily of the chemical elements hydrogen and helium; they account for 74.9% and 23.8% of the mass of the Sun in the photosphere, respectively. All ... out of which it formed: the hydrogen and helium in the Sun were produced by Big Bang nucleosynthesis.

Description : Which of the inert gases can form compounds? (1) Helium (2) Xenon (3) Krypton (4) Argon

Last Answer : (2) Xenon Explanation: Xenon compounds are the most numerous of the noble gas compounds that have been formed. Most of them have the xenon atom in the oxidation state of +2, +4, +6, or ... such as fluorine or oxygen. Some of these compounds have found use in chemical synthesis as oxidizing agents.

Description : Which of the following is not a noble gas? (1) Hydrogen (2) Helium (3) Neon (4) Argon

Last Answer : (1) Hydrogen Explanation: The noble gases are the chemical elements in group 18 of the periodic table. This chemical series contains helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon.

Description : In deep-sea diving, divers use a mixture of gases consisting of oxygen and – (1) hydrogen (2) nitrogen (3) argon (4) helium

Last Answer : (2) nitrogen Explanation: Air is not the "ideal" breathing mixture for diving as with a concentration of approximately 79 percent nitrogen, compressed air poses two potential problems for all divers: ... Nitrox, a gaseous mixture of nitrogen and oxygen. It is also known as 'Enriched Air.'

Description : Which among the following is used to dilute oxygen in the gas cylinders used by divers? (1) Krypton (2) Argon (3) Helium (4) Neon

Last Answer : (3) Helium Explanation: Helium is used to dilute the oxygen and nitrogen to reduce these affects. Helium is the gas of choice to use because it is an inert gas, is thinner, therefore more compressible than air, and its narcotic properties are negligible in comparison to nitrogen.

Description : The gas used to dilute oxygen for breathing by deep sea divers is- (1) Neon (2) Argon (3) Nitrogen (4) Helium

Last Answer : (4) Helium Explanation: Helium is used since it has very low (almost non-existent) narcotic properties. The nitrogen in air is highly narcotic at depth and adding helium allows one to dive without the effects of narcosis (where one's mind is impaired).

Description : The inert gas which is substituted for nitrogen in the air used by deep sea divers for breathing, is - (1) Xenon (2) Krypton (3) Argon (4) Helium

Last Answer : (4) Helium Explanation: Trimix is a breathing gas, consisting of oxygen, helium and nitrogen, and is often used in deep commercial diving. The helium is included as a substitute for some ... possible to create mixes suitable for different depths or purposes by adjusting the proportions of each gas.

Description : Which gas emitted by power stations causes acid rain? (1) Carbon dioxide (2) Sulphur dioxide (3) Helium (4) Nitrogen

Last Answer : (2) Sulphur dioxide Explanation: Sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are the principal pollutants that cause acid rain. SO2 and NOx emissions released to the air react with water vapor ... Earth. Power plants burning coal and heavy oil produce over two-thirds of the annual SO2 emission.

Description : The chief constituent of natural gas is: (1) Methane (2) Helium (3) Nitrogen (4) Propalie

Last Answer : (1) Methane Explanation: Natural gas is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon has mixture consisting primarily of methane (CH4). However, it also includes varying amounts of other higher alkanes (ethane, propane), and a small percentage of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, or helium.

Description : Which one of the following elements is an example of noble gas? (1) Nitrogen (2) Hydrogen (3) Chlorine (4) Helium

Last Answer : (4) Helium Explanation: Noble gas refers to any of the seven chemical elements that make up Group Villa of the periodic table. The elements are helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe), radon (Rn), and element 118 (temporarily named ununoctium [Uuo]).

Description : Which of the following gases is mixed with oxygen for breathing by divers in aqualungs? (1) Methane (2) Nitrogen (3) Helium (4) Hydrogen

Last Answer : (2) Nitrogen Explanation: For some diving, has mixtures other than normal atmospheric air (21 % oxygen, 78% nitrogen, 1% trace gases) can be used, so long as the diver is properly ... reducing the likelihood of decompression sickness or allowing longer exposure to the same pressure for equal risk.

Description : An example of major air pollutant is – (1) Oxygen (2) Carbon monoxide (3) Helium (4) Carbon dioxide

Last Answer : (2) Carbon monoxide Explanation: Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless, odorless, non-irritating but very poisonous gas which is a product by incomplete combustion of fuel such as natural gas, coal or wood. Vehicular exhaust is a major source of carbon monoxide.

Description : Name the gas which is used in balloons in the place of hydrogen? (1) nitrogen (2) helium (3) neorn (4) argon

Last Answer : (2) helium Explanation: Helium is used in balloons in the place of hydrogen. This is because hydrogen is a combustible gas and when burst can cause skin burns.

Description : Carbon monoxide is an inflammable gas. Which one of the following is also inflammable? (1) Helium (2) Nitrogen (3) Oxygen (4) Hydrogen

Last Answer : (4) Hydrogen Explanation: At standard temperature and pressure, hydrogen is a colourless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, nonmetallic, highly combustible diatomic has with the molecular ... important role in acid-base chemistry with many reactions exchanging protons between soluble molecules.

Description : Which gas does not form the part, of atmosphere? (1) Nitrogen (2) Helium (3) Chlorine (4) None of the above

Last Answer : (3) Chlorine Explanation: The atmosphere of Earth is a layer of gases surrounding the planet Earth that is retained by Earth's gravity. The atmosphere protects life on Earth by absorbing ... temperature variations). Air is the name given to the atmosphere used in breathing and photosynthesis.

Description : An inert gas mixed with oxygen given to patients suffering from restricted breathing is – (1) Helium (2) Krypton (3) Radon (4) Argon

Last Answer : (1) Helium Explanation: Heliox is a breathing has composed of a mixture of helium (He) and oxygen (O2). Heliox has been used medically since the 1930s, and although the medical community adopted ... its range of medical uses has since expanded greatly, mostly because of the low density of the gas

Description : The gas which turns into liquid at the lowest temperature among the following is – (1) hydrogen (2) oxygen (3) helium (4) nitrogen

Last Answer : (1) hydrogen Explanation: Liquid hydrogen (LH2) is the liquid state, of the element hydrogen. Hydrogen is found naturally in the molecular H2 form. To exist as a liquid, H2 must ... method of obtaining liquid hydrogen involves a compressor resembling a jet engine in both appearance and principle.

Description : The gas used for filling weather balloons is – (1) helium (2) hydrogen (3) air (4) nitrogen

Last Answer : (1) helium Explanation: A balloon is an inflatable flexible bag filled with a gas, such as helium, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, oxygen, or air. Modern balloons can be made from ... others are used for practical purposes such as meteorology, medical treatment, military defense, or transportation.

Description : Which type of intermolecular forces exists among the following molecules? (a) H2S molecules (b) H2O (c) Cl2 and CCl4 (d) SiH4 (e) Helium (f) He atoms and HCl molecules

Last Answer : Ans. (a) Dipole-Dipole interactions. (b)H-Bond. (c)Dispersion forces. (d)Dispersion forces. (e)Dispersion forces. (f)Induced dipole-dipole interactions.

Description : Why is helium used in diving apparatus ?

Last Answer : Ans: Because heliun is very low solubility in blood  

Description : Which one of the following species contains a polar covalent bond? A oxygen B carbon dioxide C sodium chloride D magnesium fluoride E helium

Last Answer : B carbon dioxide

Description : Which of the following gases is more soluble in water as the water temperature increases? w) Helium x) Air y) Carbon dioxide z) Hydrogen

Last Answer : ANSWER: W -- HELIUM

Description : Which of the following elements has the highest first ionization energy? w) Helium x) Neon y) Fluorine z) Argon

Last Answer : ANSWER: W -- HELIUM

Description : The three isotopes of hydrogen are protium, tritiu and: w) heprin x) helium y) duodenum z) deuterium

Last Answer : ANSWER: Z -- DEUTERIUM

Description : Dry ice is the solid form of what gas? w) nitrogen x) oxygen y) helium z) carbon dioxide


Description : Unpaired electrons are present in ground-state ato of: w) Helium x) Calcium y) Oxygen z) Magnesium

Last Answer : ANSWER: Y -- OXYGEN

Description : Which one of the following statements is TRUE regarding the molar heat capacity for the noble gases? w) heat capacity decreases from Helium to Xenon x) heat capacity increases from helium to argon y) heat ... Helium to Argon, then decreases to Xenon z) heat capacity is the same for all noble gases 


Description : Helium is added to the oxygen supply of deep sea divers because it is (1) less poisonous than nitrogen (2) Lighter than nitrogen (3) Readily miscible with oxygen (4) less soluble in blood than nitrogen at high pressure

Last Answer : less soluble in blood than nitrogen at high pressure

Description : The chief constituent of natural gas is: (1) Methane (2) Helium (3) Nitrogen (4) Propane

Last Answer : Methane

Description : The inert gas which is substituted for nitrogen in the air used by deep sea divers for breathing, is (1) Xenon (2) Krypton (3) Argon (4) Helium

Last Answer : Helium

Description : Which gas emitted by power stations causes acid rain? (1) Carbon dioxide (2) Sulphur dioxide (3) Helium (4) Nitrogen

Last Answer : Sulphur dioxide

Description : Which one of the following elements is an example of noble gas ? (1) Nitrogen (2) Hydrogen (3) Chlorine (4) Helium

Last Answer : Helium

Description : Which of the following is not a noble gas ? (1) Hydrogen (2) Helium (3) Neon (4) Argon

Last Answer : Hydrogen