What is marriage ?

1 Answer

Answer :

Marriage is a kind of contractual relationship between an adult man and woman , through which they gain social , cultural , religious and political support to have sex together and live in the same family .

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Last Answer : answer:What isn’t simple about Facebook? And I thought another social networking site was already giving Facebook a run for its money. Twitter. There’s always something better around the corner, so before long Facebook will be obsolete. Just ask Tom over at MySpace.

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Last Answer : answer:Instagram isn't a popularity contest, it's a social site based on square images. Having a high number of followers means nothing if you have no clue who they are and do not interact ... taking attention-whore self portraits, I will not follow that person, and I might consider blocking them.

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Last Answer : answer:Well, the advantages are - your personal data are mined and then sold to 3rd party companies without your permission or knowledge so you can be spammed with personalised advertisment - ... then ruin your relationships with your family, friends and acquaintances. What is not to like?

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Last Answer : answer:Twitter has an API that gives you a lot of control if you’re looking for something custom. I don’t know of an existing tool that’s for your problem specifically.

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Last Answer : All the time, Facebook is terrible. I really don’t know why I keep going back to it. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m off to harvest my crops on Farmville.

Description : So, I'm in charge of my group's Twitter account. What should I be doing to make it help us grow?

Last Answer : Announce if the place changes from the usual place. Announce if you still need someone to volunteer to bring the crackers/wine/ice/toilet paper.

Description : Google+ users: Will you leave Facebook? If not, why?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t leave Facebook, I’d just post only on G+. But having a Facebook is still great for stalking connecting with those who don’t have a Google+ account.

Description : Where can I find academic literature about Twitter and Online Profiles?

Last Answer : Here’s to get you started: http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=twitter&hl=en&btnG=Search&as_sdt=1%2C6

Description : Do you use facebook for social reasons, business purposes, or both?

Last Answer : answer:Primarily social. I find it entertaining. I do get updates from my alumni association, which I like, and a few other groups.