What is the price of Elvasin Syrup ?

1 Answer

Answer :

100 ml 55.00

Related questions

Description : What are the rules for taking Elvasin Syrup ?

Last Answer : : Diagnosis: Indicated for all types of cough , runny nose , tonsillitis , sore throat , laryngitis, bronchitis ( bronchitis) , bronchial asthma , chest congestion , influenza.

Description : What is the function of Elvasin Syrup ?

Last Answer : : Diagnosis: It is indicated for all types of cough , runny nose , tonsillitis , sore throat , laryngitis, bronchitis ( bronchitis) , bronchial asthma , chest congestion , influenza.

Description : What is the price of Dysni syrup ?

Last Answer : The price of 100 ml syrup is 35.00 rupees.

Description : What is the price of Holarant Syrup ?

Last Answer : The price of 225 ml syrup is 110.00 rupees.

Description : What is the price of Ginsant Syrup ?

Last Answer : 450 ml syrup 240 rupees.

Description : What is the price of Orangin Syrup ?

Last Answer : 450 ml 140.00

Description : What is the price of alcohol syrup ?

Last Answer : 450 ml 100.00

Description : What is the price of Sinkara Syrup ?

Last Answer : 100 ml 45.00 450 ml 150.00 , 225 ml

Description : What is the price of Masturin Syrup ?

Last Answer : 225 ml 80.00 , 100 ml 45.00 450 ml 120.00

Description : What is the price of Naonehal Syrup ?

Last Answer : Naonehal syrup 100 ml 40.00 rupees

Description : What is the function of hemofresh syrup ?

Last Answer : Efficacy : Blood cleanser , skin disease , liver disease , physical strength enhancer , general weakness.

Description : Cough for a long time today. I also ate syrup but it is not working. What can I do now ?

Last Answer : You can try these medicines --- Tab- Kofen / Tofen / Ketomar / Alarid 1 mg. 1 + 0 + 1 meal after 7 days. Tab- Trilock / M Kast / Monocast 10 mg 0 + 0 + 1 after meal , 7 days ... , 2 syrups. [Note: Feelings of drowsiness , dry throat may occur. Drink more water. Refrain from driving any vehicle]

Description : How long does Hamdard's Safi Syrup take? What is its function? What are its side effects ?

Last Answer : Eat for two weeks. Especially used for skin diseases , bronchitis , eczema , blood purification etc. There is not much side effect in taking the prescribed dose.

Description : What is the function of Ispaghol Syrup ?

Last Answer : It is used in constipation.

Description : What are the rules for eating Dysni syrup ?

Last Answer : : Dosage: Adult: 2-4 teaspoons daily 2-4 times , Juvenile: 1-2 teaspoons 2-4 times daily before meals or according to doctor's advice.

Description : What is the function of Dysni syrup ?

Last Answer : Answer : Indicated in fever , urinary incontinence , urinary incontinence , menstruation , urinary tract infections , jaundice.

Description : What are the rules for taking Holarant Syrup ?

Last Answer : Adults : 2-3 teaspoons 2-3 times daily , minors: 1-2 teaspoons 2-3 times daily or as per doctor's advice.

Description : What is the function of Holarant Syrup ?

Last Answer : Diagnosis: Effective in curing diarrhea , bloody diarrhea , bloody hemorrhoids and intestinal ulcers.

Description : What are the rules for taking Jinsant Syrup ?

Last Answer : : Dosage: 2-4 teaspoons twice daily or as per doctor's advice.

Description : What are the rules for taking Orangin Syrup ?

Last Answer : : Dosage: 2-4 teaspoons 2-3 times daily or as per doctor's advice.

Description : What is the function of Orangin Syrup ?

Last Answer : : Diagnosis: Indicated in fever , pain , swelling and inflammation , bile outbreak , urinary incontinence , thirst , depression , indigestion , indigestion and restlessness.

Description : What is the function of alcohol syrup ?

Last Answer : Answer : Diagnosis: Indicated in fever , urinary incontinence , urinary incontinence , menopause , urinary tract infection , jaundice.

Description : What are the rules for consuming Sinkara Syrup ?

Last Answer : : Rules of use: Adults: 6 teaspoons twice daily , minors: 2 teaspoons twice daily or as per doctor's advice.

Description : What is the function of Sinkara Syrup ?

Last Answer : Disease indications: Malnutrition , general weakness , nervous weakness , memory loss , anemia during pregnancy , liver disorders , loss of appetite , deficiency of vitamins and minerals , disease indicates subsequent weakness.

Description : What are the rules for taking Masturin Syrup ?

Last Answer : : Rules of consumption: Irregular and difficult menstruation: 2 teaspoons 10 days before menstruation ; Menstruation and white matter: 2 teaspoons , anemia: 2 teaspoons ; Inflammation of the uterus: Mix 2 teaspoons with lukewarm water and serve every night.

Description : What are the rules for taking nonnehal syrup ?

Last Answer : Dosage: up to 6 months of age: 1/2 teaspoon ; 6 months to 1 year of age ; 1 teaspoon , up to 1 year of age and above: 1-2 teaspoons , 3-4 times daily or as per doctor's advice.

Description : What are the side effects of ginseng syrup ?

Last Answer : The most serious side effect of ginseng is sleep problems. Ginseng stimulates the nervous system and enhances mental capacity. Sleep is delayed due to excited nerves , such as after coffee. Other common problems include diarrhea , headaches , increased heart rate and changes in blood pressure.

Description : What is the function of hemoglobin syrup ?

Last Answer : It is used in case of anemia.

Description : What is the function of Hormozine Syrup ?

Last Answer : It is used to solve sexual problems.

Description : What is the function of Horsef Syrup ?

Last Answer : Used for nervous weakness , physical weakness , memory loss , fainting, etc.

Description : What is the function of Hibi Syrup ?

Last Answer : It is used for obesity , which is more harm than good.

Description : What is the function of digestive syrup ?

Last Answer : : It is used for those who suffer from indigestion, bloating , indigestion , loss of appetite , acidosis , abdominal pain and constipation.

Description : What is the function of hemogen syrup ?

Last Answer : Efficacy of hemogenous syrup : 1) Appetite will be greatly increased 2) Temporary digestive power will be increased 3) Gastric problems will be temporarily relieved. 4) The body will look temporarily fat.

Description : What is the function of salbutamol syrup ?

Last Answer : It is used in asthma.

Description : What are the disadvantages of Sinkara Syrup ?

Last Answer : Not so much damage , but it may contain some amount of steroids , which can damage the kidneys if played too much.

Description : What are the rules for eating Lahmina Syrup ?

Last Answer : Are there any rules for eating poison ??? Obesity and appetite suppressants. Which is more harm than good. So you should refrain from eating these. The main ingredient in these drugs is "cyproheptadine ... being dragged straight, these are not stories , or words. Real experience of my own seeing.

Description : What is the function of Lahmina Syrup ?

Last Answer : Playing this syrup 1 file will make you fat! As long as you continue to eat this syrup, you will have fat and appetite! When you stop! Just like before! And your appetite will be lost!

Description : What is the function of Liback Syrup ?

Last Answer : : The work of Liback syrup is inflammation of pharynx , sinusitis , otitis media , tonsillitis , laryngeal trachea-bronchitis , acute and chronic bronchitis , labor and bronchopneumonia , ... , Inflammation of the intestine, Inflammation of the peritoneum , Prevention of post-surgical infection.

Description : What is the function of limousine syrup ?

Last Answer : Limogin is a Unani vitamin syrup used for vitamin deficiency. But I think they have a lot of side effects.

Description : What is the function of liqueur syrup ?

Last Answer : It is especially given to women to stop white discharge.

Description : What is the function of leukorrhea syrup ?

Last Answer : : It is given in case of leukorrhea (taste discharge).

Description : What is the function of lactulose syrup ?

Last Answer : : Use lactulose-like syrup for constipation.

Description : What is the function of limousine syrup ?

Last Answer : : Limogen is permanently healthy and strong and works to increase weight.

Description : What is the function of Livostar Syrup ?

Last Answer : It is used to treat asthma .

Description : What is the function of reflex syrup ?

Last Answer : If the spelling is ( Rafex) then it will work on cough , cold , allergy.

Description : What is the function of Revital Syrup ?

Last Answer : It is a multivitamin + multimineral which is used to fill the deficiency of the body.

Description : What is the function of silver syrup ?

Last Answer : It is used for cough , cold and allergies.

Description : What is the function of Rosith Syrup ?

Last Answer : It is an antibiotic that works against a variety of bacteria.

Description : What is the function of reset syrup ?

Last Answer : It is used for fever , general pain.

Description : What is the function of Roxim Syrup ?

Last Answer : It is an antibiotic that works against various bacteria in the body. Used in fever , pneumonia , otitis media etc.