Iberis - Candytuft

1 Answer

Answer :

DESCRIPTION: These are perennials, annuals or biennials that grow wild in Spain, southern Europe and western Asia. They form bushy plants, 6 to 18 inches high. Their leaves are lanceolate and 3 to 4 inches long. They produce thick umbels of flowers, 2 to 3 inches across; they may be colored white, rose, lavender or pink. I. Affinis is a dwarf annual, which grows 6 inches or so high and produces honey-scented, white or pale lilac flowers. I. Gibraltarica produces flowers, which open up white and fade to pink; it grows 6 to 9 inches high.

POTTING: These plants can be grown outside in open, sunny positions in regular, well-drained soil. When they are grown in the greenhouse, they should have a 45 to 50 degree nighttime temperature, with a 5- to 10-degree rise during the day. They should be grown in light, well drained, fertile soil. They may be grown in pots or benches.

PROPAGATION: The annual or biennial kinds can easily be raised from seeds sown outside when the soil is warm. They may also be started, 8 to 10 weeks early, indoors at a 70-degree temperature. When they've sprouted, the temperature should be lowered between 50 and 65 degrees. The perennial kinds can be increased by taking cuttings and inserting them in a frame in June. They may also be divided and replanted in September. Perennial Iberis can be raised from seeds as the annuals are, but varieties such as Snowflake and Little Gem do not come true from seeds.

VARIETIES: I. gibraltarica; I. saxatilis; I. sempervirens & varieties Snowflake and Little Gem; I. affinis; I. umbellata; I. amara coronaria.

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