How do you delete answer?

1 Answer

Answer :

First thing's first: the aim of the game on's WikiAnswers is to improve answers by editing them. If there is already an answer that is partially true or needs more info, feel free to add more to it.Sometimes, there is vandalism or spam that needs to be removed completely. The best way is to report it as an abuse so that a Supervisor or Community Assistant can review it and also determine if the asker should be warned or blocked. To report the abuse you have to click the red report abuse link on the top of the Q&A.To change or make an answer better, you have to be logged in.You can register or sign in with one of these kinds of usernameFacebookTwitterYahoo!GoggleLinkedInOnce logged in, you can edit answers. You can also get email updates when your answers ha

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Description : So you can't delete an answer or question if you change your mind?

Last Answer : answer:As long as it's within the alotted editing time you can. I've sometimes done that if an identical (or even more correct answer) was posted during the time I was typing mine. You can't erase the ... . If your reason is good enough they can send it back to you for editing and you can change it.

Description : How do I delete my answer?

Last Answer : Welcome to ask-public. If it is still editable, just delete it and put in place something like Deleted by mayself. Unfortunately, If the edit period has already expired, you would need to ask a Moderator to do it for you.