what is the role of AI in our world?

1 Answer

Answer :

World War I was a significant turning point in the political, cultural, economic, and social climate of the world

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Last Answer : answer:Do you mean rpgs? I’d say tetris would be pretty damn impressive. Minesweeper would be interesting too. Generally AI would be something in game like in half life or TF2, but a close to AI for tetris would be very neat.

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Last Answer : A neural network is a series of algorithms that endeavors to recognize underlying relationships in a set of data through a process that mimics the way the human brain operates. ... Neural networks ... nonlinear function (relu) as a separate layer. But I would really appreciate a definitive answer.

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Last Answer : Regression: It predicts continuous valued output.The Regression analysis is the statistical model which is used to predict the numeric data instead of labels. It can also identify the ... very similar and points in different clusters are different. It determines grouping among unlabeled data.

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Description : Differentiate between training data and testing data. -AI Class 9th

Last Answer : Training Data Testing Data Artificial Intelligence is created primarily from exposure and experience. In order to test the performance of models, they need to be challenged frequently. In order to ... to fit on the training data set and verify for its proper functioning for further generalization.

Description : data by itself is not useful unless -AI Class 9th

Last Answer : (b) Data is unprocessed and raw facts. It is not useful unless it is processed to obtain information

Description : What does Safar stand for? -AI Class 9th

Last Answer : Safar stands for System of Air Quality Weather Forecasting And Research where, S = System of A = Air Quality and Weather F = Forecasting A = And R = Research Hope this helps :)

Description : Why are AI Ethics important? -AI Class 9th

Last Answer : We need to have ethics built into the idea of why a certain piece of technology, equipt with AI, is being developed. We need to monitor/check/police the outcomes of that specific piece of ... to fully understand its behavior and make sure that it's not violating our (human) moral compass.

Description : What are the steps required for the Program Development Stages ? Explain all the stages. -AI Class 9th

Last Answer : There are 5 steps: Problem analyzing, Design the program, Code the program, Test & Debug and Document. Problem analyzing: a problem requires a clear definition of the problem statements, inputs ... the program error free. Documentation: it involves preparing an information manual for the end user.

Description : Did you know 40 percent of human jobs could be replaced by AI in the future? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : Kai-Fu Lee, a venture capitalist who used to develop artificial intelligence for both Microsoft and Google, told CBS' 60 Minutes that AI will displace 40 percent of the world's workers within 15 years. ... ] is going to change the world more than anything in the history of mankind, Lee told CBS.

Description : what is a communication -AI Class 9th

Last Answer : means of sending or receiving information, such as phone lines or computers.

Description : what are AI Learning Outcomes -Other

Last Answer : Areas Class 8 Class 9 Unit 1.1: Excite After completion of the unit, learners will be able to describe: After completion of the unit, learners will be able to describe: Introduction ... Introduction to the concepts of Neural Networks Learners will be able to describe the working of Neural Networks

Description : what are AI Learning Indicators -Other

Last Answer : Areas Class 8 Class 9 Knowledge Understanding AI What is AI? Why? Pedagogy- Brainstorming/Concept maps, Venn Diagrams Why AI /Why not AI ? What other possibilities? Pedagogy- Discussion/Debate ... to face Online Online Newsletter for all levels on the work in AI all across participating schools

Description : what is AI Curriculum Mapping -Other

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Description : Which car does use AI technology ? -Technology

Last Answer : Tesla is the car which uses AI technology. It is an self driving car and recently Ronalt has also launched the similar car

Description : What is the full form of 'AI' ? -How To ?

Last Answer : The full form of 'AI' is Air India

Description : What is meant by "repetitive labor requiring feilds/jobs" ? -AI Class 9th

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Batsman Are On 94 Notout,need To Win 7 Runs Off 2 Balls,both Hit A Century? How It Is Possible? -AI Class 9th

Last Answer : Match is 49.1 overs because of rain. Last 2 balls means 48.5 and 49.1 then. A hit six and got his century then over finish means 48.6 then new over start 49.1 balls and b is on strikes then his also hit 6 runs and got his century. Match also win two players will make his 100 runs.

Description : Where Can I Find Conference Information? -AI Class 9th

Last Answer : Georg Thimm maintains a webpage that lets you search for upcoming or past conferences in a variety of AI disciplines.

Description : Who coined the term "Artificial Intelligence" in 1955 ? -AI Class 9th

Last Answer : John McCarthy is the correct answer