General functions of nucleus in plant cells? -Biology

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Description : What cells main job is to sort and package proteins and other substances in a plant cell. chloroplasts chromosomes nucleus Golgi Submit?

Last Answer : organelle

Description : Consider the following statement: (1) In plant cells, cytokinesis start with the formation of the phragmoplast (2) Phragmoplast comprises intrazonal microtubules and Golgi vesicles (3) Primary cell wall is produced by microtubules (4) Phragmoplast is formed by nucleus

Last Answer : Ans. ((a))

Description : Which one of the following is true regarding plant cells and animal cells ? (1) Plant cells contain chloroplast while animal cells do not (2) Plant cells are small while animal cells are large in ... nucleus while animal cells do not (4) Plant cells and animal cells are similar in all respects

Last Answer : (1) Plant cells contain chloroplast while animal cells do not Explanation: Plant cells have several structures not found in other eukaryotes. In particular, organelles called chloroplasts allow plants to ... varied as wood trunks and supple leaves; and vacuoles allow plant cells to change size.

Description : Photosynthesis takes place inside plant cells in ______. (1) Ribosomes (2) Chloroplasts (3) Nucleus (4) Mitochondria

Last Answer : (2) Chloroplasts Explanation: In plants, the process of photosynthesis takes place in the mesophyll of the leaves, inside the chloroplasts.

Description : Which one of the following pairs of plant structures has haploid number of chromosomes? (a) Nucellus and antipodal cells (b) Egg nucleus and secondary nucleus (c) Megaspore mother cell and antipodal cells (d) Egg cell and antipodal cells

Last Answer : d) Egg cell and antipodal cells

Description : (CBSE2011): Deepa was shown two slides of plant tissues: parenchyma and sclerenchyma. She can identify sclerenchyma by the (a) location of nucleus (b) size of cells (c) thickness of cell walls (d) position of vacuoles

Last Answer : (c) thickness of cell walls

Description : Cells are commonly studied in the lab. If you were examining various unlabelled slides of cells under the microscope, you could tell if the cell was from a plant by the presence of (A) A nucleus (B) A cell membrane (C) Cytoplasm (D) A cell wall

Last Answer : (D) A cell wall

Description : Which one of the following is true regarding plant cells and animal cells ? (1) Plant cells contain chloroplast while animal cells do not. (2) Plant cells are small while animal cells are large ... nucleus while animal cells do not (4) Plant cells and animal cells are similar in all respects

Last Answer : Plant cells contain chloroplast while animal cells do not.

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Last Answer : b) cell theory

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Last Answer : (a) (b) Two functions of stomata are: (i) Exchange of gases between the plant and the atmosphere takes place through stomata. (ii)Transpiration in plants takes place through stomata. ( ... through these stomata, the plant closes these pores when it does not require carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.

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Last Answer : I)Oogenesis begins during the embryonic development stage when a million gamete mother cells (oogonia) are formed within each foetal ovary. (ii) (a) Sertoli cells are located on the inside ... provide nutrition to sperms. (b) Bulbourethral glands Their secretion helps in the lubrication of penis.

Description : What are the functions of mesosome prokaryotic cells? -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : The cell’s nucleus is filled with a substance called؟?

Last Answer : No, it is actually DNA

Description : what are cells that do not contain a nucleus?

Last Answer : Prokaryotes are organisms whose cells lack a nucleus and other organelles.

Description : what are the cells that doesn’t have a true nucleus.?

Last Answer : Prokaryotic Cells

Description : How many types of cells based on the organization of the nucleus ?

Last Answer : There are two main types of cells based on the type of cell center: progenitor cell and actual cell. The progenitor cell is much more independent , but the actual cell works closely with the other in the multicellular organism.

Description : $ Nucleus was discovered by Robert Brown ! Large sized organisms have large sized cells.

Last Answer : $ Nucleus was discovered by Robert Brown ! Large sized organisms have large sized cells. A. If both As and ... is wrong D. If both As and R are wrong.

Description : $ A cell with actively dividing nucleus is called interphase cell. ! Prokaryotic cells have a true nucleus.

Last Answer : $ A cell with actively dividing nucleus is called interphase cell. ! Prokaryotic cells have a true nucleus. A ... wrong D. If both As and R are wrong.

Description : What does nucleus contains the cells genetic material in the form of?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : In the nucleus what tells the cells what to do and how to change?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What genes are located in these bundles that are found in the nucleus of most cells are?

Last Answer : Chromosomes

Description : What is the threadlike structures in the nucleus of cells that contain genes?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : What if Ian is looking at cells using a microscope. He sees a nucleus and a large vacuole in the central area of a cell. What type of cell is he most likely looking at?

Last Answer : I need help on my science homework!!!

Description : Does the cells in archaea have nucleus?

Last Answer : no

Description : Cells contain smaller parts known as organelles. The nucleus, chloroplasts, mitochondria, and vacuoles are all examples of organelles. What do these organelles have in common?

Last Answer : They are all enclosed by a membrane.

Description : In mammalian cells, ribosomal RNA is produced mainly in the (A) Nucleus (B) Nucleolus (C) Ribosome (D) Golgi apparatus

Last Answer : Answer : B

Description : In mammalian cells rRNA is produced mainly in the (A) Endoplasmic reticulum (B) Ribosome (C) Nucleolus (D) Nucleus

Last Answer : C

Description : Do all eukaryotic cells have nucleus and only one nucleus ?

Last Answer : There are eukaryotic cells without nucleus and others with more than one nucleus. Osteoclasts, the cells responsible for resorption of the osseous matrix, for example, are multinucleate cells; ... cells. Cell Nucleus Review - Image Diversity: cell nucleus miltinucleate cells enucleated cells

Description : How are cells with delimited nucleus called ?

Last Answer : What are the main elements of the nucleus? Cells with delimited nucleus are called eukaryotic cells. Organisms composed of one or more eukaryotic cells are called eukaryotes. The mains elements of the ... the nucleolus, the karyolymph, or nucleoplasm, and the nuclear membrane (or karyotheca).

Description : Concerning the presence of nucleus what is the difference between animal and bacterial cells ?

Last Answer : Animal cells (cells of living beings of the kingdom Animalia) have an interior membrane that delimits a cell nucleus and thus they are eukaryotic cells; in these cells the genetic material is located ... so they are prokaryotic cells and their genetic material is found dispersed in the cytosol.

Description : Do bacteria cells have nucleus ?

Last Answer : In bacteria the genetic material is dispersed in the cytosol and there is no internal membrane that delimits a nucleus.

Description : Which of the following are also known as 'Suicidal Bag of Cells'? (1) Lysosomes (2) Lycosome (3) Nucleus (4) Chromosome

Last Answer : (1) Lysosomes Explanation: Lysosomes are membrane enclosed organelles that are known as 'Suicidal Bag of Cells'.

Description : How is the production of a tissue-specific protein restricted to a particular tissue when the gene is present in the nucleus of all cells?

Last Answer : Most of the control of tissue-specific gene expression occurs at the level of transcription; this is achieved with tissuespecific transcription factors. E.g., all the genes that are to be expressed in ... when bound by a transcription factor, called GATA-1, which is present only in erythroid cells. 

Description : With respect to lens development: a. the lens first appears at 27 days of gestation b. it is formed from neural crest cells c. the lens first appears as a vesicles with a single layer of ... d. Y suture is absent in the embryonic nucleus e. the adult lens is more spherical than the foetal

Last Answer : the lens first appears at 27 days of gestation

Description : Which of the following pair have haploid structures? (a) Nucellus and antipodal cells (b) Antipodal cells and egg cell (c) Antipodal cells and megaspore mother cell (d) Nucellus and primary endosperm nucleus

Last Answer : (b) Antipodal cells and egg cell

Description : Plasmodesmata are (a) locomotory structures (b) membranes connecting the nucleus with plasmalemma (c) connections between adjacent cells (d) lignified cemented layers between cells.

Last Answer : (c) connections between adjacent cells

Description : What is a difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells in making protein? a. Eukayotes have introns that stay inside the nucleus b. Prokaryotes can transcribe and translate at the same time c. the process is faster in prokaryotes d. A-C are correct

Last Answer : d. A-C are correct

Description : Which of the following may account for the small size of the cells? A- .The rate of diffusion B- The surface area/volume ratio C- The number of mRNAs that can be produced by the nucleus D- All of the above

Last Answer : All of the above

Description : Which of the following is not true for eukaryotic cells? A- Nucleus is bounded by nuclear membrane B- Chromosomes contain histones C- Chloroplasts and mitochondria contains 70S ribosomes D- Gas vacuoles are present

Last Answer : Gas vacuoles are present

Description : Which of the following statements supports the cell theory? a. all living things are made of cells b. all living things have a chromosome in the nucleus c. all living things have cellular metabolism in the mitochondria d. A-C are correct

Last Answer : a. all living things are made of cells

Description : During mitosis, the eukaryotic cell nucleus splits in two, followed by division of the parent cell into two daughter cells. Mitosis progresses through five separate morphologically distinct phases. Name, in order, these five phases of mitosis.

Last Answer : Prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.

Description : Gluconeogenesis occurs in _______ of cells. a. Mitochondria. b. Cytosol. c. Golgi bodies. d. Nucleus.

Last Answer : b. Cytosol.

Description : The structure in cells which contains light absorbing pigment is (1) Endoplasmic reticulum (2) Nucleus (3) Chloroplast (4) Chromoplast

Last Answer : Chloroplast