Name the extremely remote celestial object, emitting exceptionally large amounts of light energy, and typically having a star like image in a telescope. -Space

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Description : How did the New Horizon Telescope capture the image of a black hole? -Space

Last Answer : Using the Event Horizon Telescope, scientists obtained an image of the black hole at the center of galaxy M87, outlined by emission from hot gas swirling around it under the influence of strong gravity near its event horizon.

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Last Answer : Recognizing their vision and leadership within the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) awards Shep Doeleman and Heino Falcke the Henry Draper Medal. ... a recent, original investigation in astronomical physics of sufficient importance and benefit to science.

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Last Answer : While most stars quietly fade away, the supergiants destroy themselves in a huge explosion, called a supernova. The death of massive stars can trigger the birth of other stars.

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Last Answer : We don't know that it is still there. For all we know, the North Star or any other star could have been ingested by a passing black hole years ago. (Although this is highly unlikely, it is ... years ago. It is entirely possible that some of the stars you see tonight do not actually exist anymore.

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Last Answer : It's not impossible, but the secret to resolving smaller details at greater distances is to increase aperture size. It's easy to do this with radio astronomy as you don't need a single gimungous antenna ... as well (VLA). But to apply the same principle to the visible light spectrum is a challenge.

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Last Answer : Yes, a star can turn into a planet, but this transformation only happens for a very particular type of star known as a brown dwarf. Some scientists do not consider brown dwarfs to be true stars because ... uses up its heavy hydrogen, goes dark, cools, and spends the rest of its life as a planet.

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Last Answer : Our Milky Way continues to form the equivalent of one Sun every year. But in the past, that rate was up to 100 times greater. So if we really want to understand how stars like our Sun formed in the universe, we need to look billions of years into the past.

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Last Answer : yes,Since all the stars in a cluster formed at the same time, they are all the same age. A very young cluster will have a HR diagram with a cluster of T-Tauri stars evolving ... The rest become gravitationally bound, meaning they will exist as collection orbiting each other forever. thank you

Description : How does a supernova completely destroy a star? -Space

Last Answer : A supernova does not completely destroy a star. Supernovae are the most violent explosions in the universe. But they do not explode like a bomb explodes, blowing away every bit of the original bomb. ... from blowing them apart. It is the gravitational rebound that blows apart a star in a supernova.

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Last Answer : A star's life cycle is determined by its mass. The larger its mass, the shorter its life . A star's mass is determined by the amount of matter that is available in its nebula, the giant cloud of gas and dust from which it was born. hope it helps.

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Last Answer : when star runs out of fule(hydrogen , helium) the gravity becomes larger than the counter fore exerted by fusion so it collapse.

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Last Answer : The Pauli exclusion principle just states how electrons normally behave, not how they behave in very extreme environments. An example of an extreme environment is inside a massive star that is collapsing. If the star ... our Sun's mass, once it starts to collapse it will end up as a black hole.

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Last Answer : when aging star explodes i think it is called supernovae.

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Last Answer : Light is not pure energy. While it is true that light has no mass, this fact does not imply that light is pure energy. Light is composed of fundamental quantum objects called photons which we list ... For more information visit

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Last Answer : When you bump one end of a long metal bar, the other end does not instantaneously move. The movement would be instantaneous if the bar were perfectly rigid, but perfectly rigid materials are fundamentally ... the bar does not permanently deform). Source: by Sir Christopher S Baird......

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Last Answer : Yes. Diamonds are made from pure carbon, and carbon will burn in an oxygen atmosphere to produce carbon dioxide. However, you needn't worry about leaving a diamond in the sun. It would take a ... the carbon atoms in a diamond are in a tight three-dimensional array that's very hard to disrupt.

Description : Where is the light seen around the hole that it is consuming coming from? -Space

Last Answer : If a passing photon is a bit too close, it will get trapped in orbit around the black hole. This creates what is called a "photon ring" or "photon sphere", a perfect ring of light predicted to surround the black hole, inside the inner rim of the accretion disc, but outside the event horizon.

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Last Answer : The existence of this black hole was first guessed at because the Messier87 galaxy when imaged at radio frequencies shows the signature twin-jets of plasma that are squirted out at near-relativistic ... matter, if one has telescopes with sharp enough vision, which the Event Horizon Telescope had.

Description : How Does A Black Hole Distort Light? -Space

Last Answer : Light rays that pass close to the black hole get caught and cannot escape. Therefore, the region around the black hole is a dark disk. Light rays that pass a little further away don't get caught ... bent by the black hole's gravity. This makes the starfield appear distorted, as in a funhouse mirror.

Description : The Closest Black Hole from Earth is how many Light Years away? -Space

Last Answer : At just 1,000 light-years away, the black hole is closer to our solar system than any other that astronomers have found to date. A thousand light-years might sound distant to us, but in cosmic proportions, it's very close.

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Last Answer : A black hole is an astronomical object with a gravitational pull so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape it. A black hole's “surface,” called its event horizon, defines the boundary where the velocity needed to escape exceeds the speed of light, which is the speed limit of the cosmos

Description : If nothing travels at the speed of light, except light, how can a black hole also pull light into itself? -Space

Last Answer : This bending of the light rays increases as the strength of the gravitational field increases. A black hole is simply a region where the effect on light is so great that light cannot escape the region.

Description : What powerful force allows black holes to absorb light? -Space

Last Answer : Actually, the torrent of ultraviolet radiation is being emitted by gas that is heated as it is pulled into the black hole's powerful gravity. Black holes, by definition, are regions from which light cannot escape. Thus, any radiation observed from outside must come from outside black holes.

Description : If photons (light) have no mass, how can they be trapped by the gravitational field of a black hole? -Space

Last Answer : Although photons have no mass, they do have energy, and the gravity of a black hole (or any other gravitating body) will attract them. According to Einstein's theory of gravity, it is energy, not mass, that feels the gravitational force. That's the short answer

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Last Answer : The immense gravity of black holes also distorts space itself, so it is possible to see the influence of an invisible gravitational pull on stars and other objects

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Last Answer : Dark energy is the name given to the force that is believed to be making the universe larger. Distant galaxies appear to be moving away from us at high speed: the idea is that the universe is getting bigger and has been since the Big Bang.

Description : Could black holes be used as an energy source? -Space

Last Answer : Theoretically, a black hole could act as a power source, but it would not be nearly strong or reliable enough. A black hole with the mass of our sun would take half a trillion times the age of the universe to radiate enough energy to power a single light bulb.

Description : Which is the best telescope to watch celestial bodies in the sky?

Last Answer : Yes, It's available. 100mm table top reflector is the perfect starter telescope. It'd quite large enough to view night sky objects like moon, planets &etc.

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Last Answer : Saw that petition a while ago around the time it hit goal. I love the official White House response to it lol

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Last Answer : If they’re smart enough to build a vast financial empire, they’re probably smart enough to realize that there’s not much that can be done to fight the end of the world. A bunker is probably a lot safer and more practical, perhaps a lair in a volcano would be even safer than that.

Description : Can you see a black hole? What does a black hole look like? -Space

Last Answer : We can not see black hole without naked eye but the closest known black hole to Earth with the naked eye. There is a black hole in our backyard. Astronomers have found the closest black hole yet at just 1000 light years from Earth, close enough to see the stars that orbit it without a telescope.

Description : What is the temperature on the ISS (International Space Station)?

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Description : Forget about the price. Would you want to be launched into space for 10-15 minutes and be weightless? What a rush!

Last Answer : Nope. I hear a lot of people throw up. No thanks.

Description : Did we get a message today recently from outer space?

Last Answer : Reading the article, it points out that it could be quite a number of things. I wouldn't put my money on it being a signal from an extraterrestrial species. We have received signals in the past that we ... it being aliens only for it to turn out to be a pulsar (a rotating neutron star) or something.

Description : If we were to redo the Voyager space probes with modern technology then what would be the difference?

Last Answer : Everything would be better except for the power supply. The original probes were basically nuclear powered. Can’t really get away with launching radioactive materials these days.

Description : Can space junk be mined for metals and minerals?

Last Answer : Right now the cost to do it would outweigh what they could get for it. And it can also be pretty dangerous I would guess, too. It would be a good idea to get it down. What kinds of materials are ... I could imagine how some of our frenemies would feel if we snaked some of their old stuff to look at.

Description : How long would an astronaut last in space if they were separated from the station and drifted off?

Last Answer : Around 7 hours before his oxygen system will give out.

Description : How can space expand between individual hydrogen atoms? [Strange Universe Series, 2011]

Last Answer : Gravitational force becomes weaker over distance (inverse square). Also, gravity is the a very weak force. You can not even measure it in small scale (a.k.a sub-atomic scale). It does not help either that ... of add up, is enough to still be bigger than the ZPE's pressure of the space between them.

Description : If Space is emptiness, what does gravity grab to bend it? (Strange Universe series)

Last Answer : answer:Well, if we accept some of the string theory perceptions of the universe, considering that there are 10 or 26 dimensions aside from the three we clearly and fourth we kind of see what we perceive ... the math at this point to see what's really there. Then again, it could just be leprachauns.

Description : Is anyone else sad that Nasa's space shuttle program is shutting down?

Last Answer : Yes.

Description : Are they going to renew the space shuttles when the ones now are put into retirement?

Last Answer : answer:Last I heard, NASA's looking at zero space vehicles, thanks to a certain elected official's massive funding cuts. Needless to say, the guys at NASA are peeved. There is ... The space elevator, a longtime favorite, still faces some technological hurdles before serious development can begin.

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Last Answer : No, not that useful. I mean, I suppose in the long-long run, it’ll add up, but I don’t think the effect would be that great or useful to you. I would say you are better off just getting more storage.

Description : Is there really an up/down, left/right, north/south in space?

Last Answer : directions are three dimensional in space, (perhaps more) and the up/down, left/right, north/south directions refer more to two dimensional maps. Pluto misses you as well, and sends its’ love.

Description : Do you think that with all the space crafts going up into space is damaging the ozone?

Last Answer : I don’t think it works like that. The ozone layer is gas. It’s not like a balloon where the rockets are punching wholes in it. It’s more like a submarine in the ocean. As it goes down, the water just takes it’s place. Same concept applies here. The gasses don’t stay torn apart.