Who was Tantia Tope? -History

1 Answer

Answer :

He was the General of Nana Saheb.

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Description : What was the real name of Tantiya Tope?

Last Answer : R a m c h a n d r a  Panduranga

Description : Any recommendations for good books on the history of Scotland?

Last Answer : Magnus Magnusson’s “Scotland:the Story of a Nation” is worth a look and it is quite readable. It was published in 2000 so isn’t right up to date.

Description : How are you celebrating Black History Month?

Last Answer : Is that a holiday there or just a celebration day? I could suggest searching for George Washington Carver to learn and appreciate the man. Basically he was a Black scientist who was born as a slave. And also I’m really curious about that CRT post :P

Description : Did America, at any point in history, do something to Cambodia (details inside)

Last Answer : Yes, we did. I can look up the specifics (or maybe @kritiper knows them; he's crafting a response right now), but my recollection is that the Americans pulled out and left them to their fate when ... on the subject of what happened in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, and this is how I remember it.

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Last Answer : I feel deep Pride. There are many great people and accomplishments in my family tree.

Description : Can you help me fact-check my history textbooks?

Last Answer : They seem mostly true, albeit simplistic, with a little Nationalistic propaganda to help it go down better. America was a collection of colonies, and colonial history was necessarily exploitative. Those ... too powerful to be controlled, and wealth was too entrenched to cede power across the ocean.

Description : When in history did the United States become the biggest economic and millitary power?

Last Answer : After World War Two. The transition period started under Teddy Roosevelt, and the Great White Fleet of steel battleships that toured the world to demonstrate naval superiority. But that wasn't fully ... as the only major economy that wasn't destroyed to some extent solidified the economic might.

Description : Which people have made an impact in history in England?

Last Answer : there are far too many to list. I’m sure this is something you can easily research on your own by searching for a short history of England or famous people in English history. This is an easy assignment which I am sure you are meant to do on your own.

Description : Are there events in history that you thought you knew about but then you learn details much later that totally surprised you?

Last Answer : I was surprised by how much was omitted from standard texts and teaching. When I was in grade/middle school, in the early-mid 60s, no mention at all was made of Japanese-American internment camps. A ... 10th grade, and we were able to discuss it in school. It was heavily spun to justify it.

Description : What is the biggest hoax in history that people still believe today?

Last Answer : .

Description : Do any of you know any quotes or quips from people in history?

Last Answer : I’ll start..Daniel Boone was once queried by some admirers as to whether he had ever been lost in the wilderness. He responded that, “I can’t rightly say as I was ever lost, but I did get a mite bewildered once for a couple of weeks”. . .

Description : Do you have a favorite or interesting history fact to share?

Last Answer : Canadian Prime Minster Justin Trudeau's father was Pierre Elliott Trudeau also a Canadian prime minster in the 70's.. Pierre Elliott Trudeau, was a Canadian politician who served as the 15th Prime Minister of Canada from ... 20, 1968, to June 4, 1979, and again from March 3, 1980, to June 30, 1984.

Description : Is history a science?

Last Answer : Do you mean history as it happened or as reported?

Description : Do you have a favorite history topic?

Last Answer : answer:If I had to be specific, I like to study Irish culture from the late Iron Age to the beginning of the Viking age. Trying to parse out the neo-pagan celtic nonsense from the actual ... are supposed to have taken place. There are other areas I enjoy studying, but that is my main focus.

Description : Have you seen this history documentary?

Last Answer : I’m on my phone right now, so I can’t check the accuracy of my memory, but I believe Cuba was under the protection, and therefore under the flag of the U.S. for a number of years after that war. I’ll look it up some time in the next 12 hours and verify or correct.

Description : How can I learn about the history of everyday life?

Last Answer : The internet is a boon for finding out such information. I have had a blast for the past few years collaborating with my cousin in Australia, 9000 miles away from me, to help rebuild our combined ... there to help and thousands of folks willing to expend the time to help you expand your horizons.

Description : When you learned about slavery and segregation in America, was it taught as American history, or more specifically Southern history?

Last Answer : answer:US History. Not being from the South, we didn’t have a Southern History course. Public schools in the northwest tend to have a northwest history section, and teach about the indigenous people and how we were scumbags to them as we took their land, cheated them and killed them off.

Description : Where's the best place to start if someone wants to learn about world history in extreme depth?

Last Answer : I’ve heard the history book by Bill Bryson is good. It’s called “A Short History of Nearly Everything”. I haven’t read it, but many of his other books are informative, funny, and easy to read.

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Last Answer : A prime example would be the interenment of Japanese Americans during the Second World War. Then there were the infamous McCarthy hearings wherein citizens were persecuted and found their lives and careers destroyed ... I could spend the rest of the day on this question but others deserve a chance.

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Last Answer : Certainly, as a scholar of history I have come across many horror stories and much despair. However, this is countered by many, many examples of determination, courage and sacrifice. Often the ... and documents I examine, some amazing and inspiring people. They give me hope for the future.

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Last Answer : No, it is not. Just as it is not possible to honour the 3rd Reich without glorifying the Holocaust. You can not just ignore the 11 million people that were murdered in the ... the primary reason for the secession in the declaration of causes' by various southern states, including Missouri

Description : Have you heard of the "Bonus Army" in American history? [link] [details]?

Last Answer : answer:I knew the generalities, but your link provided more information than I had known before. It seems to me that Hoover was wrong in not firing MacArthur for crossing the bridge to Bonus City in the face ... if he had had the same type of lust for absolute power, and similar demons to Hitler's )

Description : How a major in history can take me far?

Last Answer : It will take you as far as you want. If you're extremely passionate about history, then I see no reason why you should consider another major. There are some people in law school who were ... a useless major that gets constantly bashed). Just do internships, make connections, and get good grades.

Description : How far can you reach back into history with 2 degrees of separation?

Last Answer : answer:Some time at the last half of the 18th century. As far as I know, the oldest person in my family tree lived during that period.

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Last Answer : The Egyptian Book of the Dead

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Last Answer : Absolutely not. I don’t have any interest whatsoever.

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Last Answer : The possible future as depicted in Star Trek. Because it is better than the present and all past periods of history combined.

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Last Answer : You want a book on political history that doesn’t discuss politics? Huh?

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Last Answer : How would you define “the right side of history”? That seems too big a goal to aspire to. Ask yourself instead if your opinions and actions are in line with your moral beliefs.

Description : Hidden history: Did you know about this event? (Trigger warning for homophobic violence).

Last Answer : answer:I actually have heard about this, only because Ghost Hunters filmed an episode there last season. I don’t understand how some people can be so hateful. It makes me sick to my stomach.

Description : Imagine you could say 12 words to anyone in history who would you speak to and why?

Last Answer : I’d tell Hitler as a child…“I’m going to kill you, The Boys From Brazil has inspired me.” As for why, for the lulz, pure & simple.

Description : What will the "History" Channel talk about when the World doesn't end on Dec. 21, 2012?

Last Answer : answer:They will hunt for the next end-of-the-world date. Anyone done any research as to when this date is and why?

Description : It's time for a George-off! Who is the best George in history, and why?

Last Answer : Lonesome George!

Description : Can you think of ten moments that changed history?

Last Answer : None of those were on my list. I was thinking of a lot different events. The Battle of the 300 Midway WW I and the Middle East, primarily Arabia. Henry Ford and mass production, etc i.e. the Industrial Revolution. for starters.

Description : Can you help me find information about the Master's and Servant's Acts in Australia's History?

Last Answer : Wikipedia has an excellent article with several references listed at the bottom. You can find what you need there.

Description : How do you feel about the still-to-be-built Smithsonian Black History Museum?

Last Answer : There are musuems for pretty much every ethnic culture. I agree we need to forget about race altogether, but that’s not how things are now, so I see no problem with it.

Description : Will someone help me with my history homework?

Last Answer : Honestly I’m not sure if he is in power at this time. The teacher doesn’t explain anything about it until we have our discussion group which is the same day its due.

Description : Which movement in the history of America do you find most interesting and why?

Last Answer : I find the current movement to inject religion into everything, and legislate based on religious beliefs, very interesting and bothersome. It is so anti-American to me, I just can't understand it. Yet, ... loud voices, and decent amount of numbers, that it gets a lot of pay and influences elections.

Description : What history books should I be reading?

Last Answer : If you are interested in the mind of Hitler, you might read Mein Kamph (do not know if that is spelled correctly or not, but Hitler wrote it & it is German for My Struggle). Most libraries have at least one copy of this book.

Description : Would you like to share the history of your house with us?

Last Answer : The house I live in is newer, so it doesn’t have a huge history behind it. It was built after I was born.

Description : Does anyone have a good documentary or video on the history of Ireland in the 20th century?

Last Answer : answer:You might want to look at The Story of Ireland. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=the+story+of+ireland&aq=f It's a five part series produced by the BBC and is available on youtube but ... to see the whole thing on youtube, in the correct order. Maybe you can find it somewhere else.

Description : Who was the first man to be declared king in all of human history?

Last Answer : Nimrod… HA I got it first!

Description : If you could go back in history and kill one person, who would it be?

Last Answer : If the mythology happened to be true, Gilgamesh might be a good one.

Description : What are some really good books on US History between the discovery of America to 1877?

Last Answer : John Adams By David McCullough

Description : Role and history of the 1950s housewife?

Last Answer : I’m sure there are plenty of members that actually lived it :)

Description : Who do you believe was the best president in United States history? Why?

Last Answer : My man Frank Delano! Lol. And I shouldn’t have to explain why.

Description : What period of history do you think that you would have better belonged in?

Last Answer : The future! I want to know what happens next!

Description : How much "history" is too much for your S/O to have?

Last Answer : Children, former alcoholic/drug user, multiple divorces, history of stabbing exes.