A man has 9 children. Half of them are boys. How is this possible? -Riddles

1 Answer

Answer :

they are all boys

Related questions

Description : I am something that the naughty boys use to draw on, girls write beautifully on the side, you have to clap my defeaters every day, and I stand dumbly as the young children cry. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A chalkboard. (When the young children cry, it means they are crying for a turn to write the answer and the defeaters are the erasers)

Description : There is a certain family with both girl and boy children. Each of the boys has the same number of brothers as he has sisters. Each of the girls has twice as many brothers as she has sisters. How many boys and girls are there in this family? -Riddles

Last Answer : Four boys and three girls.

Description : A rich man in Arabia died, leaving a note for his three sons. It reads: 'I have 17 camels. The big brother can get a half of all, the middle can get third of all, and the youngest can get a ... 17 cannot be divided by 2, 3 or 9 without anything left. How can the brothers solve the problem? -Riddles

Last Answer : 1. Borrow a camel from their neighbour to make 18 camels. 2. The big brother takes a half of it, so he takes 9. 3. The second brother takes a third of it, so he takes 6. 4. The youngest ... so he takes 2. 5. All the camels that the brothers took add up to 17, leaving the camel they borrowed!

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Last Answer : Add 3 on to 25 = 28 then add 2

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Last Answer : 1. Jack is not the murderer, because he is the brother of the murderer. 2. Dan can't be the murderer since he ran a marathon, and the murderer recently had his leg amputated, and wouldn't ... must also be alive since Jeff plans to install Ben's computer next week. This means that Jeff killed Mike.

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Last Answer : This answer was deleted by moderators

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Last Answer : 8lbs.

Description : A man is walking down a road with a basket of eggs. As he is walking he meets someone who buys one-half of his eggs plus one-half of an egg. He walks a little further and meets another person who buys ... of his eggs, and he never broke an egg. How many eggs did the man have to start with? -Riddles

Last Answer : 7 eggs. The first person bought one half of his eggs plus one half an egg (3 1/2 + 1/2 = 4 eggs) This left him 3 eggs. The second person bought one-half of his eggs plus one half an egg, (1 1/2 + ... last person bought one-half of his eggs plus one-half an egg, (1/2 + 1/2 = 1 egg) leaving no eggs.

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Last Answer : Tilt the barrel until the wine barely touches the lip of the barrel. If the bottom of the barrel is visible then it is less than half full. If the barrel bottom is still completely coverd by the wine, then it is more than half full.

Description : A man is walking down a road with a basket of eggs. As he is walking he meets someone who buys one-half of his eggs plus one-half of an egg. He walks a little further and meets another person who buys ... of his eggs, and he never broke an egg. How many eggs did the man have to start with? -Riddles

Last Answer : 7 eggs. The first person bought one half of his eggs plus one half an egg (3 1/2 + 1/2 = 4 eggs) This left him 3 eggs. The second person bought one-half of his eggs plus one half an egg, (1 1/2 + ... last person bought one-half of his eggs plus one-half an egg, (1/2 + 1/2 = 1 egg) leaving no eggs.

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Last Answer : Carthy, Janine and Maria received $1220, $1320, and $1420 respectively. Joe received the same as his wife Carol, $1220. Hary received half again what his wife Janine did, $1980. Tommy got twice as much as his wife Maria, $2840.

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Last Answer : The answer is Frank. The mother named the kids with the first two letters of the days of the week.Monday is Marco, Tuesday is Tucker, Wednesday is Webster, Thursday is Thomas and Friday is Frank.

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Last Answer : 13 people are in the family John+his 10 siblings+his mom and dad.

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Last Answer : First the boys cross the river and 1 boy comes back and gets a soldier and keeps going back until all the soldiers have made it across safetly.

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Last Answer : When bare-footed.

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Last Answer : The Doctor was the son's mom.

Description : A man has nine children, born at regular intervals. The sum of their squares of their ages is equal to the square of his own age.What are the ages of the children? -Riddles

Last Answer : 2 - 5 - 8 - 11 - 14 - 17 - 20 - 23 - 26

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Last Answer : 50%. It's always 50%.

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Last Answer : Solution #1 - Squares First, Carl divides his as to reserve to himself one-fourth in the form of a square. Then, Carl takes the remaining 3/4 shape and scales it down by 1/4. He then, ... each square. The shape of land for each of his four children is divided evenly and is the same shape.

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Last Answer : He switched lanes while there was a right bend in the road.

Description : A man walked into a room, and there were three doors. The first door had a sign which read 'Lion's Den.' The second door had a sign which read 'Mountain Top.' The third door had no sign, yet the man knew exactly where it went. How is that possible? -Riddles

Last Answer : The third door is the door that the man entered through.

Description : A man was walking on a beach, but when he turned around, he saw no footsteps. How is this possible? -Riddles

Last Answer : He was walking backwards.

Description : A man is driving in his car, there are no headlights or streetlights for him to see the road. But somehow, he saw an old lady crossing the street and stopped for her. How is this possible if there are no lights? -Riddles

Last Answer : It was daytime!!

Description : A man and his son are driving to the supermarket. they then get in a car crash. The dad dies but the son lives. He goes to the hospital but the doctor say 'I can't operate on you, your my son.' It is not his mom. How is this possible? -Riddles

Last Answer : It is his god father.

Description : A man is trapped in a room. The room has only two possible exits: two doors. Through the first door there is a room constructed from magnifying glass. The blazing hot sun instantly fries anything ... enters. Through the second door there is a fire-breathing dragon. How does the man escape? -Riddles

Last Answer : He waits until night time and then goes through the first door.

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Last Answer : The parrot was deaf.

Description : A man was born in 1898 He is still alive now at the age 33 How is this possible ? -Riddles

Last Answer : he was born in room 1898 in the hospital

Description : A man rode out of town on Sunday, he stayed a whole night at a hotel and rode back to town the next day on Sunday. How is this possible? -Riddles

Last Answer : His Horse was called Sunday!

Description : One day, a thirty story building was on fire. A man jumped out a window and nothing happened to him. Nothing was under him. How is this possible? -Riddles

Last Answer : He was first floor.

Description : Four people are sitting around a campfire after a long day of recreation, when one man comments: 'Do you realize that around this campfire, the four of us include a mother, father, brother, sister, ... '?. If everyone is related by blood (with no unusual marriages) how is this possible? -Riddles

Last Answer : The campfire circle includes a woman and her brother. The woman's daughter and the man's son are also present.

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Last Answer : The two men were partners playing doubles.

Description : A man dies of old age on his 25th birthday. How is this possible? -Riddles

Last Answer : That man was born on February 29.

Description : You're sitting down for breakfast and realize you have 4 bagels left. You know you'll run out in four days so you cut them in half. How many bagels do you have now? -Riddles

Last Answer : 4 Bagels.

Description : You are about to be executed, but the king gives you a chance. He says that he will divide 100 marbles in half. 50 of them are black and 50 are white. You can arrange them however you like into two ... one you die. How do you divide the marbles so there is a 50-50 chance you will live? -Riddles

Last Answer : You need to put one white marble in one of the bowls. Then the remaining 49 go with the 50 black marbles. Then you will have a good chance of living.

Description : You go to the doctor because you're ill and he prescribes you with 3 pills and tells you to take them every half hour.How long do the pills last you? -Riddles

Last Answer : An hour because the first pill doesn't take 30 min. to take.

Description : A simple peasant bought a number of camels and is taking them to his farm. As he rides contentedly along he counts them - he counts 29. He was sure he had bought 30 camel, so in alarm he jumps ... Confused, he climbs off his camel and counts again. Once more there are 30. Can you explain? -Riddles

Last Answer : When he is on the camel he omits to count it.

Description : Farmer Brown came to town with some watermelons. He sold half of them plus half a melon, and found that he had one whole melon left. How many melons did he take to town? -Riddles

Last Answer : Three melons!

Description : You're on a bus. 20 people get on at the first stop. At the next stop 45 people get on. At the 3rd stop 48 people get off. Then at the next stop 5 people get off and 9 get on. At the last stop 21 people get off 2 people are left. How is this possible? (Who's still on the bus)!? -Riddles

Last Answer : This is possible because you and the bus driver are still on the bus!

Description : Does New Balance carry half sizes in boys' sneakers?

Last Answer : New balance carries half sizes in boys sneakers only for smaller sizes.

Description : There are 20 pieces of bread to divide among 20 people. A man eats 3 pieces, woman eats 2 pieces and a child eats half piece of bread. Tell the correct combination of men, women and children so that ... the bread. You have to tell there are how may are men, women and children in those 20 people.

Last Answer : There are 5 women, 1 man and 14 children.

Description : There are 20 pieces of bread to divide among 20 people. A man eats 3 pieces, woman eats 2 pieces and a child eats half piece of bread. Tell the correct combination of men, women and children so that ... the bread. You have to tell there are how may are men, women and children in those 20 people.

Last Answer : There are 5 women, 1 man and 14 children.

Description : When a color blind man marries a woman pure for normal color vision, it is probable that one of the following situations may result. Is it probable that a) all the children will be color blind b) ... will be color blind c) only the sons will be colorblind d) half the grandsons will be color blind


Description : A mother has 6 girls and each of them has a brother. How many children are there? -Riddles

Last Answer : 7. Each girl has the same brother.

Description : There once was an evil wizard. He took 3 woman from their homes and turned them into rose bushes that looked exactly alike. He put them in his garden. One of the woman had a husband and children and ... the answer and he took his wife home. How did he know which rose bush was his wife? -Riddles

Last Answer : The wizard brought the rosebush to her home at night and returned her to the garden in the morning. Therefore, she was the only plant without dew.

Description : How common is it for young boys to show their penis to other children?

Last Answer : Suck it ? Really? I think that at his age, he's picked that up from someone or something he shouldn't have had access to. I'd have a chat with his parents. They have to find out where he got ... that he's acting out. Someone may be hurting him, and his parents need to find out if that's happening.

Description : Rs.4900 was divided among a group of 150 children. If each girl gets Rs.50 and each boy gets Rs.25 then, the number of boys in the group is: (a) 100 (b) 102 (c) 104 (d) 105

Last Answer : (c) 104

Description : Which of the following group of people are more vulnerable in the event of a disaster (a) Men, boys, old people (b) Men, Women, boys (c) Women, children, Old people (d) None of these

Last Answer : (c) Women, children, Old people