Why is the letter G like the sun? -Riddles

1 Answer

Answer :

Because it is the center of light.

Related questions

Description : It is a 5 letter word if you take away first letter it is something you get from sun, if you remove second letter you will get something to eat, if you remove third letter you get a word you use in pointing at and if you remove the fourth letter you get something to drink. What is it? -Riddles

Last Answer : Wheat.

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Last Answer : The man is calling a Bingo Game for a group of mostly women. The woman who shouts out says, 'Bingo!', and feels happy, while the rest of the people feel disappointment.

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Last Answer : Tea.

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Last Answer : As the B is after it. (Bees are after flowers)

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Last Answer : Ambrosia The gems are: Amethyst Emerald ( Emerald City in the Wizard of Oz ) Ruby Pearl Diamond Tiger's eye Cubic Zirconium (Fake diamond) Black Opal Taking the first letter of Amethyst, second of Emerald, etc.. gives Ambrosia - The food of the gods.

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Last Answer : Because without it life is a lie, or it makes life a lie.

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Last Answer : Because it makes ire fire.

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Last Answer : Because it's light when it rises.

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Last Answer : The letter B. It’s surrounded by AC.

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Last Answer : I am a PEN!

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Last Answer : Seven.

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Last Answer : The masked man is Zorro, and the personal letter he delivers to the villains he thwarts ----- is the letter 'Z'.

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Last Answer : Add an 'x' between 'ninety' and 'eight'. Ninety x Eight = 720

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Last Answer : 1009 means MIX IX=9 M=1000.

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Last Answer : Radar.

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Last Answer : The code is science After solving for the first note, you will get sciesnce. If you don't understand why, go to the Periodic Table of the Elements and find these elements there. From the ... with this my self when I was looking at the periodic table. Thank you for reading my Escape Room.

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Last Answer : Feast (fast) .

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Last Answer : Joker.

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Last Answer : An Automobile.

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Last Answer : Thor.

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Last Answer : This answer was deleted by moderators

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Last Answer : Empty.

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Last Answer : The letter D because the letters are the first letters of months: January February March April May June July August September November So the D would be December.

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Last Answer : Bedroom! >:D

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Last Answer : Impossible ;).

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Last Answer : Part ;)

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Last Answer : Estate. Estate, state, stat, sat, at, and a.

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Last Answer : The SEE-SAW.

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Last Answer : I am Letter X.

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Last Answer : Was and Saw.

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Last Answer : An artichoke.

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Last Answer : The police officer suspects the newspaper delivery person. The absence of Tuesday's and Wednesday's newspaper indicates that the delivery person knew there was no one there to read it.

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Last Answer : Crypt (others are accepted).

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Last Answer : CRY.(other answers accepted, if available)

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Last Answer : Scarcity

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Last Answer : Laughter: If you add a 'S' to the begging of laughter it becomes slaughter.

Description : The word i think of is 5 letters long, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. This word is a source of good, one letter gone and its created from burning wood. Take another one away and you and I ... a destination. And the last letter is a type of drink. Do you have the answer, do you think? -Riddles

Last Answer : Wheat. Marvelous Wheat. Wheat, heat, eat, at, t. How convenient. As for a good, wheat is a good. Heat is created from burning wood. A relation both you and I have is well, we both have to eat. At ... . If you guessed right, pat yourself on the back, if you didn't, keep trying I have faith in you!

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Last Answer : The word pea.

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Last Answer : Woman, oman, man.

Description : The first letter is derived from the 18th letter of greek alphabet, the second one is the rounded form of v, the third one arises from the 2nd letter of greek alphabt, the fourth one is derived ... last letter is believed to be derived from Djet (an egyptian pharoah ) Can you decode it? -Riddles

Last Answer : This answer was deleted by moderators

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Last Answer : Y?

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Last Answer : Habit! Remove the 'H', and it's 'a bit'. Remove the 'A', and it's 'bit'. Remove 'B', and it's 'it'.

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Last Answer : S! Look at the first letter of every word.

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Last Answer : K9 (canine).

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Last Answer : They're both in water.

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Last Answer : Arr, mateys.

Description : I am a five letter word and I am a fruit. Take the first letter out and I am a crime, take out the first and second letter and I am a animal, take out the first and last letter and I am a type of music. What am I. -Riddles

Last Answer : Grape cause if you take out the first letter it's rape, ape, rap.

Description : My name starts with 'rain' and ends with the first letter of my name. I get mistaken for other things a lot. I am usually present in children's stories. I am usually flying in mid-air too. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Santa's reindeer.