How can you take 2 from 5 and leave 4? -Riddles

1 Answer

Answer :

F  I V  E Remove the 2 letters F and E from five and you have IV.

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Description : The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I? -Riddles

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Last Answer : a footprint

Description : The more you take the more you leave behind What am I? -Riddles

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Description : A man went on a trip with a fox, a goose and a sack of corn. He came upon a stream which he had to cross and found a tiny boat to use to cross the stream. He could only take himself and ... alone with the goose or the goose alone with the corn. How does he get all safely over the stream? -Riddles

Last Answer : Take the goose over first and come back. Then take the fox over and bring the goose back. Now take the corn over and come back alone to get the goose. Take the goose over and the job is done!

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Last Answer : His horse was called Friday.

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Last Answer : Bring a chair back with you.

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Last Answer : A snail.

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Last Answer : The wise son bought a candle and a box of matches. After lighting the candle, the light filled the entire room.

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Last Answer : A Nail!

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Last Answer : I am Tree.

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Last Answer : A Spider.

Description : An old man wanted to leave all of his money to one of his three sons, but he didn't know which one he should give it to. He gave each of them a few coins and told them to buy something ... filled the room, so he obtained his father's fortune. What were the two things that the man bought? -Riddles

Last Answer : The wise son bought a candle and a box of matches. After lighting the candle, the light filled the entire room.

Description : If a man carried my burden he would break his back. I am not big but leave silver in my tracks. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A snail.

Description : If a man carried my burden He would break his back. I am not rich, But leave silver in my track. -Riddles

Last Answer : I am a Snail.

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Last Answer : A stamp.... it is always on the corner of the letter and the letter travels all around the world along with the stamp.

Description : The more you take of me, the more you leave behind. What am I?

Last Answer : Footstep

Description : In the early 1900's in England, there was two towns: town A and town B, and there was a huge river in between them. The only way across to each town was by a long bridge with a guard ... back. Many people have tried to cross but have always been caught, even very fast runners have only ab -Riddles

Last Answer : Did you get it? The answer is that they went up close to the guards tower, turned around and started walking back to the town they came from, the guard caught them and assumed that they came ... way and sent them back! Hope you enjoyed this, please subscribe and check back soon for more riddles!