How can I grow back broken tree peonies?

1 Answer

Answer :

They will grow back spring the children where they are and explain to them that they are going to come back to watch where they walk & play.  Maybe put some flags that blow around right there.

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Description : will cutting peonies help them grow

Last Answer : I cut some but only take them as fr as my porch as they still have the fall you can put old horse manure on them....about a shovel full....we made some ... oval for when the peonies came up that they would be standing instead of falling over from the weight of the flowers.

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Last Answer : After those leaves die off and trim them and dig them up you have to amend your soil, dig the sandy soil out and mix it with mulch and well rotted manure and new vitamin dirt....replant your tubers 3 to ... cold weather so don't mulch in the winter. The best time to do this is fall to late fall.

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Last Answer : Here is a good article on propagating holly trees that might be of help. It gives some good details instructions on transplanting cutting. Hopefully this helps.

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Last Answer : Start at the base of the tree and remove the branches up to 3'. Then simply trim back every other branch to the look of a closly cropped tree (or bush), do not remove all the new ... idea, to thoroughly water the plant prior to trimming the branches, as this will lessen the shock process. -Birdy

Description : cut back peonies

Last Answer : before the snow comes, cut them back and add some old horse or cow manure.

Description : how to cut back peonies

Last Answer : Yes, cut them down to the ground - use a strong scissors or knife or a pruner. Remove all stems and leaves from the property by bagging them - do not put them in your compost heap for fear of ... for little red sprouts and be careful not to break them off - each will turn into a tall green stem.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : That should come back as long as the roots were not damaged..........maybe a stick stuck close to winter just brush the snow off it afterwards. Carefully to avoid anymore damage.

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Last Answer : Good question! I live in Washington state. I just brought some beautiful peonies into the house from my garden and was relieved that unlike my experience as a kid in ants.

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Last Answer : Not alot of info to go on but if you water manually check to see if you have high chlorine or Iron in your tap water


Last Answer : NO spray that will kill the flower....................float them in cold water ants will that outside in a bucket...........................


Last Answer : WAIT..............until the blooms die off.................when you finally transplant them amend the soil first and before you plant the tubers not too deep........put some bone meal in the hole with gloves on.

Description : How do I transplant a Peony? What season is best for transplanting Peonies?

Last Answer : After it flowers and it dies off. prepare the new sight and dig up some tubers and replant them at the same depth. Not too deep.

Description : When should you transplant peonies?

Last Answer : Fall to late fall is the best time to transplant. Not too deep.....

Description : when is best time to transplant peonies?

Last Answer : fall to late fall is the best time to transplant peonies.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : You can plant them right now in the ground. This is the time to do it....

Description : how deep you plant peonies?

Last Answer : 2 to 3 inches deep at least 6 hours of full sun or more a day. right before it snow throw a shovel of old horse or cow manure over each peonie plant..............

Description : growing peonies

Last Answer : They do much better in the good soil.

Description : Best time to transplant Peonies?

Last Answer : Fall to late fall is the best time..........and not too deep.....put some old horse or cow manure on top for next year's flowers.


Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : can i transplant my peonies in june?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : why would peonies stop blooming

Last Answer : that's why they stopped blooming....need ants to open up the blossoms.

Description : instructions for transplanting peonies

Last Answer : late fall is the best time................aafter you transplant put some very old horse or cow manure on top of the soil..........the snow will take it down and next year your flowers will be beautiful

Description : when is the best time to transplant peonies?

Last Answer : It would be best to tranplant in the fall since they bloom in the spring.

Description : When can I prune peonies

Last Answer : I don't cut them back, when late fall comes dump some old horse or cow manure on year the blooms will be much larger.

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Last Answer : I would move the mailbox............over 16 to 20 inches away..........and in thelate fal lput one shovel of very old horse manure on top of the plants.

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Last Answer : I never cut them or the leaves. I just let them die off....and when that has happened I put a shovel of cow or horse manure right on top. Then when they start to grow again I put a cage around them to keep them straight because the blooms are so large and beautiful.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : why are there black ants on my peonies?

Last Answer : we need ants to help the buds open

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Last Answer : mine do best in the sun. Straight over head light helps them to droop evenly. The advice my mother gave me and I follow is, Just make sure you plant it at the exact same depth as it is/was. Do take it out of the pot.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Generally speaking when you look at the Peonie root structure and sprouts off the roots you'll see a reddish colored tip near the top of the roots. When you plant the roots make sure that the red ... ground and the rest of the roots below ground.. This rule holds tru for any variety of Peonie.

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Last Answer : Were they transplanted? Were the roots disturbed in any way.....maybe an animal digging................did you have a very cold winter or a mild winter.......they like and want a cold ... will change color from pink, purple white or red. Good luck in the spring.....when they will bloom again.

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Last Answer : you need to dig for some tubers under the plant and start another one

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