mini yellow flowers in yard what are they?

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Last Answer : You might need weed & feed....check bag to be sure it includes your invasive plant problem. follow the directions for it's use.

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Last Answer : I have yellow Iris.....mine only bloom once in the spring.

Description : I brought in my mini rose Bush and the leaves have all turned yellow and are falling off. how can I save it

Last Answer : 1). how big is the pot where the mini-rose bush is growing in, you may need to change pots, 2). is it warm where you have it? if its too cold for the plant or too hot the plant will ... will yellow and fall off, too little water and the leaves will yellow, turn brown and then fall off. -Birdy

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Last Answer : I would go on the internet as there are many different situations. Just put exactly what you call this the same way into your internet browser. Only you can pick out which one fits your needs. Some may require a permit and some don't..........good luck to resolve this problem.

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Last Answer : That has to be done at night time when they are in the nest sleeping. Usually that allergy runs in the family............maybe a neighbor can help you do this. Raid has a new 27 ft spray.........2.97 at Lowe's for large can.

Description : How do you get rid of yellow jacket bees in your yard?

Last Answer : Watch the bees and see where they are going in a hole in the ground and pour a little gas in it. This will kill the whole nest at once. If you have a lot of bees there may be several nests. do not light the gas as it could explode. the fumes from the gas kills them

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : try to find the source and use vinegar very carefully in an old mustard bottle that has a pointed top or something else that you can control it.

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Last Answer : There is no such plant, or be a tad more specific as to what you are asking for.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : We had frost here 2 nights ago. Yesterday we had a hail storm. We live in NE PA and hail as far as Southern MD............

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Description : Name of a plant that grew 12 to 15 ft. tall, with medium size yellow flowers that bloomed in September

Last Answer : This is probably Jeruselum Artichoke.

Description : hibiscus leaves turning yellow / not producing flowers

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : My orchid dropped all the flowers and now both leaves after turning yellow

Last Answer : It sure sounds like it's dead. The watering schedule should have been a heavy soaking once a week, not once a month. That's assuming it is your typical Phaleonopsis. If there are ner ... that it gets a couple of weeks of night time temperatures fifteen degrees lower than the daytime temperature.

Description : why are the leaves on my petunia and impetiens turning yellow, but flowers look great?

Last Answer : Do they have sufficient water? Is it only the oldest leaves or leaves further up the stem? Do you live in a region where these plants are approaching dormancy/death this time of year? Have you fertilized them? Yellowing can be a sign of iron deficiency.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Yellow flowers on tomato plants but no fruit. planted 60 days ago. What might be causing it?

Last Answer : A lack of potash. Feed fertilizer will a large middle number.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : 6 foot weed or plant that has large leaves and yellow flowers on top

Last Answer : if it's fuzzy and has a grey green look to the leaves it is a wild lamb's ear plant

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : I am growing zucchine & the yellow flowers are falling off, whatcould be causing this

Last Answer : too much rain or you might have tiny bugs eating the vine when the sun goes down have ready a mix of 1 teasp of liquid hand soap and 1 qt water and spray.....use a flat stick to get under leaves and spray the ground.....repeat as needed.

Description : identify and treat lawn weed with yellow flowers and low spreading branches tiny leaves

Last Answer : oxalis--it can be killed with weed killer--but can take more than one application--get it before it gets flowers in the spring

Description : My yellow bagonia plant has brown flowers and brown of the leaves, what is wrong. please help

Last Answer : Sounds like a water or temp issue. If it is in a pot, then check the soil. If you recently moved it, move it back to its original spot. A nice, shady area with dappled sun. Begonias seem to be prone to negative reactions to environmental stress in my experience. HTH!

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Last Answer : You need to harvest it now. You may still get some more from it later but once it flowers and starts making seeds then it stops producing.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Last Answer : Names of 5 Yellow Flowers - 1. Sunflower Flower 2. Golden Flower 3. Shrimp Flower 4. Moonlight Flower 5. Alaknanda Flower

Last Answer : of the answer ' Betazenthin ' in petals Called Pigment Of the sun Light Six Color Exploitation By And Yellow The letter Back Gives.

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Last Answer : Thevetia nerifolia