Can you freeze portabella mushrooms?

1 Answer

Answer :

They don't freeze well because of the water content.  Some people can them but you have to be real careful doing mushrooms.  You can make a soup out of them and freeze some but some of the delicious flavor changes when you freeze them.

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Description : can you freeze cooked mushrooms

Last Answer : It is definitely better to cook them first for the most possible uses. They are made up of mostly water so if you freeze them raw they will become more mushy then if you cook them first. ... frozen mushrooms are going to be best for things like soups that don't require a solid firm consistency.

Description : Can I freeze fresh mushrooms

Last Answer : You have to cook them first...............put them into ice cube trays............use with a month...........they won't be exactly the same as they are mosly water.

Description : can i freeze fresh mushrooms

Last Answer : Cooking them fresh is the best can cook them and freeze with the juice, it does not have the same freshness when frozen and defrosted to use again. Get all the air out of the heavy duty freezer bags and mark date & freeze.

Description : How do I freeze fresh mushrooms?

Last Answer : Alweays store fresh mushrooms in a paper bag , this includes freezing, using plastic bags during the freezing process will ruin the structure of the mushrooms and when thawed, the mushrooms will be mushy and fall apart and be of little use. -Birdy

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Last Answer : mushrooms do not freeze well, they get very soft & mushy.

Description : Is it best to freeze fresh or baked mushrooms?

Last Answer : I tried to cook them in butter & freeze.....they don't have the same you have a dehydrator..............that would work.....they sell them that way...........they ... if you don't do them correctly.......I noticed that they have cooked green beans with mushrooms in the frozen aisle.

Description : how can I freeze fresh mushrooms?

Last Answer : I tried to do that...but they are too watery....also tried and cooked in butter and froze.......ok for mushroom soup but they don't taste the same. If you have the machine for it you could dehydrate them

Description : how to freeze mushrooms

Last Answer : they do not freeze well, high water content.

Description : can i freeze fresh mushrooms

Last Answer : I cooked them with a little butter and cooled & froze them. They were a little watery and not as flavorful as fresh made.

Description : can you freeze mushrooms?

Last Answer : Mushrooms do not freeze well, they get soft & mushy.

Description : can you freeze mushrooms

Last Answer : NO i would not

Description : how can you freeze morrel mushrooms

Last Answer : When you have harvested them, place them in ice water for 2 - 3 hours, then wape them off so that there is no water on any of them. It is better is you use a paper bag placed inside ... bag for the freezing process. The paper bag will lock in the flavor better than just plain plastic. -Birdy

Description : What to put mushrooms in the freezer. I don't want to do something wrong and get poisoned.

Last Answer : I suffocate them (with regard to future use either alone or on onion and either single-species or a mixture) and I freeze them when suffocated. I've been doing this for about 30 years - and they're still here. ;-)