prepare gladiola for winter?

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Last Answer : They will die back, you can then trim them..........if it is below 32 all winter or close to can sprinke some hay on them. You did not mention your area.

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Last Answer : Those brown spots are normal in swamp milkweed, common milkweed, and butterfly weed - the pod may split open when it's still partly green or may turn brown entirely before opening. When I collect seeds, I ... in the house to admire the beauty of the silk, and the way the seeds lie in the pod.

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Last Answer : I don't know if there is a perennial tomato plant-- at least not like the tomatoes you can buy at vegetable stands or food markets varieties such as Delicious- Better boy-- Beefmaster etc. are all annuals

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Last Answer : We do NOT cut ours back. It took us years to get this to grow. Yours must be in the perfect spot. If yours is taking over the trellis....I would just give the tips a trim, if you cut it back you won't get flowers this year.

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Last Answer : We sprinkled lots of hay on ours to prevent the roots from freezing.

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Last Answer : Leave it outside. Make sure it is watered regularly during the winter. You can drape it with old-fashioned Xmas light and cover it with a bedsheet to protect it from a freeze.

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Last Answer : You have to save seeds from them and replant them in the spring after the last chance of rfost has passed. They are annuals and will die off in the winter and won't come back on their own. Collect ... them in a big paper envelope and store them in a cool dry area for next spring.

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Last Answer : When they die back trim them and put some old horse or cow manure on them.

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Last Answer : rhubarb is very hearty and does not need alot of attention but you can always cut back then spread some mulch to protect if you are in a colder climate


Last Answer : The fall season is a good time to start thinking about getting one's home ready for the cold weather. It is a bittersweet reminder that winter is soon approaching. The winter months ... drop below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Poor insulation can cause more heat loss raising winter bills dramatica

Description : This year I decided to improve in gardening-destruction :) and I also invested quite a lot in the garden. I have thujas, perennials, roses and a few bushes. Should I fertilize something, cut something, cover something? Thank you for the advice :)

Last Answer : It covers with twigs against drying and wind on the holofrost. Who knows how cold it will be. If there will be snow and how much there will be so that it does not break. Neither at home, when I ... dug him in the fall. In the spring it was like new and grew much faster than the unconverted ones.