when do i plant garlic

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Answer :

HappyNew Home............plant garlic in July and harvest next July a year later.

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Description : When and How do I plant garlic

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Description : what kind of plant has talk grass like stems and have a bulb with cloves that smell like garlic on the top

Last Answer : It is very possible that it is what is called a "walking onion" as when the stems soften in the fall, they keel over and the little bulblets on the top of the stem plant themselves to make new plants. Some people call it an Egyptian onion. You can eat all parts of the plant like onion.

Description : Can I plant any kind of garlic in the fall? Or is their a special variety got fall planting?

Last Answer : Now is the time to plant...................then they will be ready in July next year.

Description : how do I plant garlic in the fall

Last Answer : plant in soil that was mixed with mulch, hay, grass, leaves, some lime & old manure...........tilled & raked..............you can plant as early as July and then next July harvest your crop.

Description : How to plant garlic in fall in illinois

Last Answer : You can plant now.....seperate the cloves and plant them just pushing them in the gound tip up...just under the soil.............they will be ready next July.

Description : I just dug my Elephant Garlic. ok How do I keep till e nd of Sept. or oct. to plant ?

Last Answer : Net says to hang them in an onion bag in a cool dry place.......not the refrigerator....................don't seperate them until you plant them..............give them lots of room and plant in a amended soil with the point up.................water

Description : is it okay to plant garlic bulbs in July?

Last Answer : September would be best along with onions and greens. Harvest in late spring early summer.

Description : how do you plant garlic bulbs?

Last Answer : Pointed side up .should be roots on the other end.I put mine about an in and a half deep.

Description : how do i plant garlic how deep and what time of the year

Last Answer : In zone 5, plant in Fall, around October 15-30. Plant 4" apart, 2-4" deep. Harvest July 1-15, depending on when they start to die back.

Description : When and how do you harvest a garlic plant?

Last Answer : July is time to harvest..........Use a sharp trowel, take the whole plant..........use a clean bucket and pile them up.............Sit somewhere and carefully brush off the dirt...... ... and hang them up out f the sun to dry out the outter skins. They will taste much better than store bought.

Description : what not to plant garlic beside

Last Answer : Garlic is a very beneficial plant to use for companion planting with some other plants, as it has natural fungicidal and pesticidal properties that help keep neighbouring plants healthy. It works well with ... and beets. It is recommended that one NOT plant garlic near beans, peas, or potatoes.

Description : November is unusually warm. Although it reports some cooling, in my opinion it is still time to plant garlic. I have garlic cloves ready, flowerbeds too, but I don't want to rush the planting. I have a garden at 250m.nv Sadit already or not?

Last Answer : I also have a story about garlic. Sometime around the end of the eighties, we bought a cottage in Mělnicko. The cottage belonged to 40 acres of fields and Dad was all hot to finally earn something. He planted ... I pay attention to Setsakramen. I don't need garlic, even if I admit it's a shame. :)

Description : When to plant garlic?

Last Answer : Garlic cloves need a period of cold before they will produce healthy plants. In northern climates, it is usually best to plant garlic cloves in the fall, which will give the plants some time to ... winters, garlic can be planted in late February or March when a chance of spring frosts have passed.

Description : What is the best way to plant garlic?

Last Answer : Common gardening guidelines apply. You want your garlic plant to be situated outdoors, in direct sunlight, and you don't want your garden in an area where water can pool in large quantities.