Mushrooms under live tree?

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Last Answer : I think that some old tree roots are still in the ground. They have to be dug out.........and removed........might need a friend with a backhoe.

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Last Answer : Some animals smell them and they are allergic to spores.Some mushrooms are poisonious. Can you keep children & pets away.........and get some funguscide and spray might need to get someone to take that tree root out..............

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Last Answer : Sounds like fungus.........try vinegar right on it see if that will kill it off..............if that does not work you need to use funguscide. Keep children & pets away........until that is ... When it dies off.....dig out the whole thing and trash it in a plastic bag. Please do not mulch this.

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Description : what causes mushrooms under bark groundcover?

Last Answer : The mushroom spores may have been in your soil or in the bark mix. What causes them to germinate is mloisture and darkness. Use of a drip sysltem to water the flower bed is probably impractical ... the longest time to dry out before sunset. I recommend thatif you are not currently doing that.