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Related questions

Description : How do I get rid of bugs on Hibiscus

Last Answer : The smaLL BLck bugs are aphids and they're very common on hibiscus and the sticky residue is honey dew.. The ants are "milking" the aphids to get the honey dew so you will normally see ... not to use any insecticides as they will kill the beneficial insects and lady bugs LOVE aphids..Good luck

Description : How do I treat tiny bugs on my hibiscus bush that keep it from blooming?

Last Answer : Give it a hard spray with the waterhose! That alone will remove a lot of the bugs if you don't want to use a pestiside. A teaspoon of dishsoap in a water filled water bottle is an other alternative to pestisides, but the hard spray has worked the best for me and is easy and convienient.

Description : tiny black bugs on my hibiscus plant

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : white powdery bugs on hibiscus

Last Answer : after the sun goes down have this mix ready 1 teasp liquid hand soap W 1 qt water and start spraying..................do it again tomorrow....................and again when needed and after it rains..........................bugs hate soapy baths.

Description : black bugs on my hibiscus rose of sharon tree

Last Answer : If they are very tiny bugs they could be black aphids.Try spraying them off with water.If it is aphids, that will get rid of them.They might come back later so keep watch for them.If they do,spray them again.

Description : what can i use to keep bugs off of my braided hibiscus?

Last Answer : after the sun starts to go down mix 1 teasp of hand soap with 1 qt water and into sprayer...might need to do it again after it rains.