where can I buy a Mountain ash tree?

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Related questions

Description : Can you show me a picture of a mountain ash tree?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : What insect is eating my mountain ash leaves?

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Description : Mountain ash has had leaves eaten off ,will it live to another year?

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Description : what is the root system of mountain ash trees

Last Answer : A mountain ash tree has a root system that is deep and extensive, it is not advisable to move one unless it is considered to be absolutely necessary, as the move may actually kill the tree.

Description : does mountain ash disease leave holes in the trees bark?

Last Answer : Unfortunately, the answer is yes, holes in the lower trunk do indicated borers. The most common borers for these trees are the flat headed apple tree borer and the round headed borer. The rounded headed borer ... is you should be able to get rid of the borers but it may take some time and effort.

Description : What are the telltale signs that a tree is infected by emerald-ash-borer?

Last Answer : From SaveYourAsh.org – “Evidence that may indicate the presence of emerald ash borers include dying branches at the top of a tree, vertical bark splitting, new branches sprouting from the base of the tree, D-shaped exit holes and increased woodpecker damage.”

Description : What could cause the leaves on our ash tree to turn brown rather than yellow this fall?

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Description : The early frost got our ash tree this spring and now there are a lot of suckers coming up at the base.

Last Answer : It sounds as if you have emerald ash bore, which is an insect that kills the tree. The suckers will come up, but eventually will die. If the tree is dead, or partly dead, you have already lost it.

Description : how large is an ash tree root?

Last Answer : The main root of the ash tree can be as large as 1/3 of the base of the tree itself, that root will branch into as many as 6 other roots that range in diameter from 4" to 2'.

Description : why did my grass die after cutting down an Ash tree

Last Answer : Sound like the grass was very happy with the tree there. Check the PH for your grass..............not knowing which kind of grass you have it runs from 5.5-7-5........the tree roots are also dying and that might be causing the problem.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : How long will a dead ash tree last?

Last Answer : If a living tree falls, it is covered by your homeowners, if a dead trees falls it is not covered. I would be safer to take them down. They will rot at the bottom and can fall and ... call a lumber yard and have it made into wood boards for paneling. short trees could be left for woodpeckers.

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Description : The principle species of this tree family include the: Black, Eastern, Mountain, Canadian, Formosan, Western and Carolina. Name this tree.