why are my geraniums dying?

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Related questions

Description : why during the hot days of summer my geraniums turn yellow and start dying?

Last Answer : when it got like 95 degrees the plants were dying off.

Description : Why are my geraniums growing long and lanky?

Last Answer : answer:I have had great success both w. cuttings and bringing in pots from the garden. I have a lot of double-paned glass, light, sun and a S-SW exposure. There is a passive solar effect and the ... they get too woody; I snip off the fresh tender growth, root them and toss the originals. Good luck.

Description : why are my geraniums blooming dry dark colored blooms? Everyone else's seem to be bright red

Last Answer : I would change the soil in the container to that new vitamen soil. Ph should be 6.0-8.0

Description : how do i get my geraniums to flower?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : how do I deadhead geraniums?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : When do Geraniums bloom?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Do I pluck, or prune, dead flowers from geraniums after bloom is completed?

Last Answer : I make a daily trip thru my yard cutting off dead flower esp form my geraniums! I cut at the base of the stalk.

Description : How can I, propagate, geraniums

Last Answer : Take a cutting and plant it in damp soil. If that soil remains damp the cutting will produce roots and grow.

Description : why don't my geraniums bloom?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : how to cut geraniums from a plant so i can plant more

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Description : why do old geraniums leaves turn yellow

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : My geraniums don't set flower or don't bloom fully.

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : How do I get my geraniums to have bigger, fuller blossoms?

Last Answer : The two most common problems when geraniums are not blooming well are too little light or too much fertilizer. Geraniums are sun loving plants and need four to six hours of sunlight a day. ... approximately once every four to six weeks. It is better to under fertilize than over fertilize geraniums.

Description : why leaves on geraniums turning yellow

Last Answer : Two things you might try. First, it may be that you are watering your geranium too much and that the pot in which it is planted does not have adequate drainage. Be sure that several holes in ... the soil dry out before watering. Second, you might try a good nitrogen fertilizer. Hope this helps!

Description : I have geraniums in the cottage and I will go there in 14 days. Do you think that geraniums outside the window will last 14 days?

Last Answer : Unable to answer unambiguously. It depends on how tall they are, how much clay is planted and what the weather will be like.

Description : Can I bet geraniums?

Last Answer : You can sow the seeds now. There is still a month to go on seedlings.

Description : Can you please advise me some good fertilizer that you use for geraniums? Thank you Barbora

Last Answer : I recommend "KAPKA nutmeg fertilizer 500ml" for geraniums, it costs less than 60 CZK

Description : When should I harvest geraniums in the cellar? I still have them outside the windows. Isn't it too late?

Last Answer : I leave them until the first frosts come.

Description : I have geraniums on the window where a lot of wind blows. Can't it hurt those geraniums?

Last Answer : I don't think so. I have had geraniums on the windy side every year for 20 years and I always have them nice. Grandma

Description : One thing I had, they were such poor people.

Last Answer : Shop at a garden center, not at a market or hypermarket. Buy overhanging not upright. Box, substrate for geraniums, lots of light, adequate water.

Description : I think nutmeg is a grateful flower that will make you happy with its flowers, which are in different colors. Do you have geraniums all year round, or just during the summer and put them in the ... 't come across it anywhere yet. Are you especially happy with some of your flowers, most of which?

Last Answer : Probably my favorite - that is, inedible flowers, succulents. But I grow a lot - from netman to durman to cactus. :O

Description : Or are new plants bought every year?

Last Answer : If now, these days you will break the rhizomes, about 10 cm and stick them in the ground, take root and you will have plants for next year. If you have a loose box, do so, he won't have any ... up and watering them. You put them out until the heat is, awakened, growing. You will be rewarded (blush)

Description : They do it every year. Where am I making mistake?

Last Answer : It can be cold / purchased geraniums are pre-grown in greenhouses / or soil. I would personally recommend replacing the soil. I would not use soil for geraniums, but quality garden compost or gardening substrate B

Description : When can I start fertilizing geraniums after transplanting? So that not too much for them.

Last Answer : Yesterday I saw in Loskuták that they gave some fertilizer for the whole season. I don't like geraniums, so I didn't write it down, but it can definitely be found in the TV Nova archive. I know, I like nothing much, but maybe at least inspiration (happy)

Description : I bought small geraniums from Tesco. I saw that Penny had a bag of soil for flowers. Will that be enough for those geraniums? Or should I go to gardening and buy some special land? I'm planting geraniums for the first time. So thank you in advance for your advice

Last Answer : There is a special substrate for geraniums, they have it in almost every flower shop or even in markets. It is written on the packaging.

Description : Do you think frosts will not come? So I don't lose the geraniums. Hanka

Last Answer : I don't put them out yet, I have them on the window in the room because I think it's still cold and growing and stopping. And it's cold at night. Flowering and last year's cold will probably not ... benefit them more. And even then it's good to give them out just on a warm day. Harden them.

Description : Every year they go through the winter. I have them outside the window during the summer and for the winter I cut them to about 10 cm and put the rooms in the apartment. Over the winter, they water ... are after them again and I will buy new ones. How should they be properly stored for the winter?

Last Answer : I cut overhanging geraniums to about 15 cm. I will only remove flowers and dried, yellowed or rotten leaves from the upright ones. The optimal temperature has already been stated by the mowla. the ... a new substrate. It is better to prevent Mrazík, some varieties of geraniums will not survive it.

Description : Geraniums — Natives and Immigrants

Last Answer : Geraniums - Natives and Immigrants by Linda Jenkinson There's always a good reason to grow geraniums. Many geranium varieties boast herbal medicinal and/or aromatic qualities, but no matter which ... make the geranium always a popular choice for both the beginning and the veteran flower gardener.