brown leaves on my vegtable plants why

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Last Answer : You should be able to grow tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers up until frost. Not sure when you start getting frost in the fall, so be prepared with a row cover if possible. As for greens, it depends on ... Long Day types will only grow in warm areas like CA, FL, AZ. Good luck with your garden!!!

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Last Answer : You might need to change the soil and go to the next sized pot ....pot needs to have a small hole with some pebbles in it.

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Description : why do leaves on house plants turn brown?

Last Answer : with my house plants it has always been one of two things.... aside from figuring out a good watering/ fertilizing schedule (too much can do it) but too much DIRECT sunlight, especially afternoon sun... or not ... in the front windows... so if i blabbed on... just typing as i was thinking :)

Description : why is my plants leaves turning brown?

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Last Answer : Its from a soil born virus that is transmitted during a rain and is splashed on the plant. Next kyear mulch with hardwood mulch 2" thick wide enough so that the soil will not splash on plant during a rain. Prune off the branchs if you can.

Description : My tomato plants' leaves are turning brown in July. Reason? We've had plenty of rain

Last Answer : Are all of the leaves turning brown or just the ones toward the bottom of the plants? If it is just near this bottom this may not be anything to worry about. This can be part of the natural life cycle of the plant.

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Last Answer : usually means over watering

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Description : brown leaves on tomato plants

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Why does my Duranta Gold Edge plant's leaves turn brown around the edge and dry up?

Last Answer : sounds like some tiny bug eating it.................try & give it a soapy bath after the sun passes........mix up 1 teasp liquid hand soap with 1 qt water.....and spray and repeat ... plant is included. wear, old long clothes, mask, goggles and gloves, Keep children & pets away until it is dry.

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Last Answer : Your drowning you plants. You only need to water young plants maybe twice a week, not everyday. Try to hold off on the water, to just once per day, for a couple of weeks, and that will give the time needed for the young plant to send forth a root system. -Birdy

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Description : why are the leaves on my tomato plants turning yellow and brown

Last Answer : sun, lots of light good ventilation and when the sun goes down mix 1 teasp hand liquid soap & 1 qt water mix & spray from container. Needs good drainage. Take off dead leaves with clean knife. may need to reapply

Description : why do leaves turn brown on house plants

Last Answer : could be too much sun or sitting in the afternoon instead of morning sun or vice-versa. Could be the roots are too tight in container. Only go up one size and make sure it has a drain hole ... that can be used inside/outside. If the soil is not properly prepared you can get bugs in the house.

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Last Answer : I sounds like you need to repot in the next size.

Description : why do my plants leaves turn brown

Last Answer : What type of plants? Indoor or outdoor? Is this seasonal? Can you give more information? Thanks.