Do you ever feel lost?

1 Answer

Answer :

Is it possible that you are smoking too much pot? Or not enough?

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Last Answer : Uh – let me think; Furious!

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Last Answer : Nope. I had a great childhood. I come from a good family. :)

Description : Have you ever been lost?

Last Answer : Once, when I was about 7 years old. We were at the beach. I needed to use the restroom, so I went off by myself and because the beach was so crowded that day, I couldn't remember where my ... such a public manner. I felt like everyone on that beach must have thought I was an idiot for getting lost.

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Last Answer : Been there, done that. I thought about the alternatives and a friend pulled me through. It was close.

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Last Answer : answer:My dad. He’s alive, but he’s living with his girlfriend… and I choose not to talk to him for semi-obvious reasons.

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Last Answer : My mother once found her glasses in the frizzer freezer. I’m trying to remember a more personal story but I can’t just now.

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Last Answer : Yes. I get lost everywhere to be honest. I have absolutely no sense of direction. So anyhow I got lost in Walmart and couldn’t find the exit. I seriously had to find help to get to an exit. This was as an adult. This is just one of many stories.

Description : Have you ever lost something, and then found it 10 years later?

Last Answer : Yes, I found my favorite purple cow from when I was four when I moved houses when I was fourteen. It was awesome. And one of the little paintings I did when I was a kid that I've remembered better ... perfecting. I think I drew it in like 15 minutes. :) Congrats on finding your thing. What was it?

Description : For those who have lost a loved one, have you ever had the experience where dealing with their death is more difficult years later (then, say, right after they had past away)

Last Answer : I think that in the beginning you still feel shocked, you make up in your mind that they're just not there, not dead, just elsewhere ( I did that when my brother passed away) but as more ... more pronounced you miss them more because now you know they'll never experience all that you have and will