How do you feel about J&J baby shampoo?

1 Answer

Answer :

I love the baby shampoo! Sometimes I use it myself just because it smells so good and leaves my hair silkier.

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Last Answer : answer:Whatever you do, do not go overboard buying newborn clothing and diapers. They quickly outgrow the newborn stage and you'll be left with many unused diapers and clothing. Every baby and nursing mom ... pillow. My daughter is 7 now. We definitely got our money's worth buying this pillow. =)

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Last Answer : answer:Emmerson isn’t bad. But why two of the letter m? Simeon is going to get picked on when the other kids learn the word simian. Xavier is ok as is Dexter. Gnarls makes me think of and old creepy looking tree. Take a look at this for ideas of what not to do.

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Last Answer : Yup.

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Last Answer : Let’s say it’s room temperature, and the baby is wearing a thin garment. I’m not a doctor, but my understanding is that babies require a certain heat input or their vital signs become dangerously high/low. The question is: how much is that heat input (measured in kCal, joules, etc).

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Last Answer : I nursed both mine, which made it very simple. Supply balanced demand. Let your doctor steer you on this. (Why have you decided on formula?)