What's the best editor for PHP/Javascript work?

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Last Answer : answer:The toggle_visibility function specifies (eng, met), not (var1, var2), so it seems not to matter what order of parameters you send it, it's going to read (eng, met) always. function toggle_visibility(eng, ... = block'; } else { e1.style.display = block'; e2.style.display = none'; }

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Last Answer : Study hard…work hard!!!

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Last Answer : something like a for loop is pretty simple, and gives you a handy counter if needed. for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { forward(); }

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Last Answer : answer:This is a trick using the exclusive or operator ^ that was used when computers were short on memory. a = (a ^ b) /* a^b, b */ b = (a ^ b) /* a^b, a */ a = (a ^ b) /* b, a */ You can also do it using subtraction for numeric ... = a - b /* a - b, b */ b = b -a /* a-b, a */ a = b - a /* b, a */

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Last Answer : answer:There is no such thing as classes or object-oriented programming when it come to Javascript. Are you sure you didn't mean Java? Java is a full programming language, developed by Sun. ... used to do thing like change the background color when you hover your mouse over a certain image.

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Last Answer : You might want to check out some extremely lightweight Javascript libraries such as xui, zepto, or jQuery Mobile. However, 17KB should not be a huge concern on iOS and Android devices. On phones with ... .example.com or mobile.example.com with minimal CSS, small page size, and no Javascript at all.

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Last Answer : So, you’re saying the JavaScript code for doing this works in IE and Firefox, but not Chrome? That’s weird. Let me see if I can find a script for you.

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Last Answer : answer:You might be correct, there can potentially be more abstraction in JQuery with what you are doing when compared to pure JavaScript. But do note, JavaScript is client side based so it depends on your ... But if you are OK with the delay then keep using JQuery, if not, back to pure JavaScript.

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Last Answer : By using the call and apply prototype methods of Functions. For example: function example () { console.log(this); } example.call(window); this will be the window variable. example.call( a string'); this will ... 2'); Hope this helps. If you need any more help with this, feel free to just ask.

Description : Javascript help, please?

Last Answer : any ideas, anyone?

Description : Is Javascript the best way to go when doing a ... photography portfolio site?

Last Answer : Those are all very different technologies that don't really compare to each other. Actionscript is for Flash obviously, which I would not recommend for doing an entire web site in. HTML is the foundation of all ... here. Or you could of course just put them on Flickr and let them manage all of it.

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Last Answer : Would assigning the scripts in page B to an “onload” event handler not work? (I’m new to this, but that seems possible. Forgive my kneejerk response.)

Description : How do I get rid of a javascript warning message from my browser?

Last Answer : Javascript gets mad when you try to access pages on a different domain. So your computer is probably running things as localhost and it is making a call and it says fuck no this is a huge ... . Javascript isn't supposed to load stuff outside of the domain that hosts it. This kinda explains it.

Description : Can I wrap native JavaScript methods with my aspects?

Last Answer : If I am understanding this correctly, you want to do something like authenticate someone, if the auth is returned true then invoke window.open. Really all you need to do is create a JS function ... I believe can be done semi-easily using something like Prototype to handle all of the XHR requests

Description : How can I open a text file in javascript?

Last Answer : Do you mean open a file from the file system? That’s not possible using JavaScript within web browsers due to security restrictions (imagine if that warez site you “stumbled onto” could access your file system…ouch!), but it is possible within some environments, like Apple’s Dashboard.

Description : Can you use JavaScript to force-replace a particular image in the browser cache?

Last Answer : answer:I'm not sure about doing it in js but if you make it so that the image/stylesheet/javascript file in question has a unique string after the filename like '/images/header.jpg?somerandomstring', when ... the string. That way, whenever you deploy a new version, it'll have a new cache string.

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Last Answer : it looks like a piece of obfuscated code. Because normally JavaScript even in it's most complex is still humanly readable. If it is not obsfucated, then someone must have some really messed up naming ... but for what little I know, it does not look like it would ever work for any browser.

Last Answer : It Basically One Scripting Language . It 's HTML With Work By . To say Anyway , that's it Almost HTML _ Like . It is Absolutely Free . It is That Someone Use To do Can .

Last Answer : JavaScript One Popular Scripting Language , which The web Page Interactivity, Functionality Increase , form Validation , browser Instruction , time, Date Instructions Etc. At work Used Is.

Description : What's your favorite PHP integrated development environment (IDE)?

Last Answer : If I did PHP development, I’d probably use Coda: http://www.panic.com/coda/

Description : What's the best way to deploy a PHP application?

Last Answer : answer:debian package At a previous job I had to install/maintain a site written in CakePHP. I made it into a debian package. “aptitude install projectname” and you’re done (although I guess that is technically “touching the server”) Send me a PM and I can give you the details.

Description : Is it possible to store PHP scripts in the cloud?

Last Answer : answer:Yes Simplest example would be to grab the script from a service, stick it in a variable and eval it. Could you provide an example of why you’d want to? I can’t think of a good reason to do it offhand.

Description : Which is better between PHP and ASP.net?

Last Answer : answer:I prefer PHP. It is well documented and very portable. ASP is non starter for me since I refuse to use IIS. I like Ruby and Python too. But when I have to start a project from scratch I use PHP and CodeIgniter.

Description : PHP problem with && and possibly a malfuntioning array?

Last Answer : answer:Unfortunately the examples above don't really shed a lot of light without some additional information. Maybe we can help with some troubleshooting tips in general? A couple of things that come to mind ... is where you're expecting it. Good luck with it, I hope it all comes together.

Description : Which windows application for writing PHP codes?

Last Answer : answer:Don’t know about compiling php? and debugging is also foreign to me. But Notepad++ is awesome.

Description : If I already know basic PHP/MySQL, what else should I learn to use Google App Engine?

Last Answer : answer:I am not an expert, I just started reading up on this myself, but here are a couple of starting points on data storage. Rather than a separately maintained SQL database, ... .com/appengine/articles/datastore/overview.html http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/overview.html

Description : PHP echo number of instances if specific word?

Last Answer : make a while loop that goes through the contents of the array. prior to the array define a counting variable and give it the value 0. during each loop, increase the value by 1 if the word “and” is encountered

Description : Make an archive-like page in PHP?

Last Answer : Hi Davey, Here is some quick and dirty code for your showarticlesfor($year)' function which should get the job done (NOTE: I am assuming you are using MySQL as your DBMS): function ... few breaks, and finally by the records (the while loop). References: MySQL DATE_FORMAT PHP mysql_fetch_assoc()

Description : How would I check if an XML element exists in PHP?

Last Answer : Wrap it in an if that checks for the existence first if($status->item(0)) { $eventStatus = $status->item(0)>getAttributeNode( value )->value; } and run from there, I haven't actually run your ... and does just about everything you'll want (then you can use the DOM stuff to fill in the blanks)

Description : How would I perform this operation on a string in PHP?

Last Answer : That isn’t XML, that’s HTML. Can you not grab the data in a format where times are stamps?

Description : [PHP] Forgot Password Help?

Last Answer : You could try using the built in PHP crypt() function, you pass the string and a salt you want to encrypt, then to decrypt it use the decrypt() function and the same salt. That should give you the same password back. Though really you should try to push for a randomly generated password on reset.

Description : Referencing a class from another class [PHP]?

Last Answer : Great question! I wish I knew.

Description : Cloning Objects in PHP?

Last Answer : I usually use it when I'm at a midpoint that I'll be using for several objects. How about a oversimplified example just to illustrate the point? If I'm programming a Christmas story and have ... formatted request that I'll be reusing, and then clone the XML object before filling in the particulars.

Description : Does including a file with lots of functions slow down PHP applications?

Last Answer : It is always better to short the calls to the server, so it is a good practice to keep it in one file and one call. But also the the size of the file been called sometimes slows ... the time periods of the requests to the server. There is also PHPSpeedy that makes the requests significantly faster.

Description : I'm in PHP right now. Will a transition to Objective-C be relatively easy, or do you think I should try other languages first?

Last Answer : answer:Objective-C is a compiled language, strong typed, then is different to Php in many ways. Since 2.0 version, Obj-C has its own garbage-collector for memory management. I don't try to ... want to do with Objective-C ? Cocoa framework is really interesting, you should take a look at it !

Description : What is the best php framework?

Last Answer : I have found cake to be the most portable and easy to install. If I had to choose a MVC PHP framework I would go with Cake.

Description : Cut a string into pieces (PHP! ;-) )

Last Answer : You could use substr while looping up to the length of the string and using array_push to build your $string_array.

Description : Anybody know how I can integrate .zip files with PHP?

Last Answer : http://www.net2ftp.com/ allows you to do this. You could dig through the source (you can download it there) and figure out how they did it. Or you could just install net2ftp and have them use that instead.

Description : Free PHP Web Server for Dreamweaver?

Last Answer : answer:This is probably your best bet for getting PHP, Apache, and MySQL running easily. http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html It works well on most operating systems. I can't help with Dreamweaver ... add that xampp runs on your computer. No need for a external server. It is great for testing.

Description : External Link to PHP module execute twice?

Last Answer : answer:I'm not sure I understand the question correctly, but if I do: it sounds like whatever program you're embedding your link in ( email or word document ) is loading the URL more than once. It' ... has been moved, and only raises an error if the appropriate row can't be found in either table.

Description : Can someone please explain to me exactly how PHP, mySQL, Javascript, and HTML/CSS are related?

Last Answer : PHP is a serverside language, while JavaScript and mySQL are clientside languages. I think the difference is that PHP/HTML is the language used by the server to encode instructions for the web browser, ... have no idea whether it's accurate or not. I just started learning this stuff this week.

Description : Which of the following is not a web language: a) PHP b) C++ c) Javascript d) None of These

Last Answer : b) C++

Description : Which of the following statements is false   You can make a website without using HTML   You can make a website without using PHP   You can make a website without using CSS   You can make a website without using Javascript

Last Answer :  You can make a website without using HTML

Description : Which is the best javascript and actionscript editor?

Last Answer : if you have a Mac, Textmate, I use it for all my code. love it.

Description : What is the best text editor for HTML/XHTML/CSS/PHP/SQL on Ubuntu?

Last Answer : Take a look at Geany

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Last Answer : It would depend on the individual program.

Description : How does the music identifying application Shazam work?

Last Answer : answer:As I understand it, it's similar to how scientists date trees based on their ring structure. If you look at a tree's rings, you will see a pattern of big rings and small rings. A tree grows a ... unique pattern for a unique song. I'm not 100% sure this is how it works but I'm fairly sure.

Description : I need C troubleshooting: When i include a library do i have to do something more in order to have its functions work in my script?

Last Answer : Are you getting any other errors, like “math.h” not found? Actually, IIRC, not finding an include is just a warning…

Description : Ever created an open source project based on your work?

Last Answer : answer:Well, I've done something like this, on a very small project (a WordPress theme)... even so I think the hardest thing it's to create a community around a project, but this might be a little easier ... are not LGPL, but I think you can't use GPL code if your project isn't GPL'ed) Good luck!

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Last Answer : I nominate [at]jp.