How long does it takes cats to learn their names?

1 Answer

Answer :

Your cats’ names are really long. My cat, Onslow, knows his name, an all of his many nicknames “Onsie” “Low-Low” “Lowey” and all of the other things we call him. However, it seems to me that it took about a year for him to figure out that he had a name.

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Last Answer : I don’t know, but great question. I have noticed that too, with my pet cats.

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Last Answer : My babygirl’s name is Ilsa. Her daddy named her after Ingrid Bergman’s character in his favorite movie, Casablanca. Her last name is hyphenated: my last name first, her daddy’s last name second.

Description : How does a cat's body know how long to make its whiskers?

Last Answer : I found this‘s%20whiskers%20are%20proportionate,is%2C%20the%20longer%20its%20whiskers article. (I don’t know why the link won’t paste right.) Let me know if it’s not coming up.

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Last Answer : Give them some time to clean themselves, maybe a few days or until the end of the week. I just hope the olive oil doesn’t affect their digestion, otherwise it could be a bit messy in the litter box (if they make it to a litter box).

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Last Answer : Call the vet’s office in the morning and ask. Without knowing which treatment method(s) the vet used, it is real hard to give a definitive answer.

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Last Answer : Pics or it never happened?

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Last Answer : That depends on what you mean by healed. FLUTD (feline lower urinary tract disease) is typically a chronic condition caused by struvite crystals (more ... .com/html/body_feline_lower_urinary_tract_dis.html

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Last Answer : My cat disappeared for two months and no one in the apartment replied to my fliers. Lo and Beheld, one day I heard a scratching at the door, the little shit was out side, skinny and had a cyst on its ... a warm place and food are after two months. So memory of past Yes. She found her way home.

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Last Answer : >Average life span in cats is around 15 years. This can vary widely depending on the health of the cat, nutrition and preventive care. We have had cats in our practice live to 22 years. -Dr ... , but indoor cats also are facing an obesity epidemic leading to skyrocketing rates of diabetes. -Dr. Ward

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Last Answer : Have your friend replace all of the old litter with new fresh stuff. Wash out the litter tub/box. If your friend uses scented litter, try unscented.

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Last Answer : They have very good hearing and can locate soft sounds, and even when partly asleep (i.e. most of the time) they are tracking what is happening where. Different cats are interested in different things, and ... hear you doing that from far away and come to see if you'll play that game with them.

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Last Answer : I think that they they are just playing with themselves. Just having fun. They really know it’s their tail.

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Last Answer : I think they are programmed to clean anything they can reach, with emphasis on places where food items might drip or splatter.

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Last Answer : Outside the covers, where most(not all, I know) pets slept, it is unlikely, especially for adult animals. Inside the covers, puppies and kittens are at greater risk, as they (like babies in general) sleep harder than adult pets.

Description : Do cats find comfort in the their owner's scent?

Last Answer : I thinks so. Animals have a better sense of smell generally and they do imprint on their owners, so it makes sense he likes your scent. Or maybe he just has good taste.:)

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Last Answer : answer:I am no expert on multiple cats, but what about a litter box for each of them plus an extra one in a different location? My daughter has her own cat, Betty, with her private litter box ... problems (hence the fostering) lives in and poops in a large unused bathroom with his own litter box.

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Last Answer : answer:That's certainly the case with my two. Mine are male and female, adopted at the same time 12 years ago. The female has always clearly dominated. If the male settles into a choice sleeping ... even the male thinks we're being ridiculous when we try to contravene the natural order of things.

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Last Answer : answer:Emotional tears do contain a very low-key chemical messenger to which human males are sensitive. A recent study found that the scent of a woman's emotional tears (which have a different chemical ... that cats would have evolved to respond to the scent of human tears in any particular way.

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Last Answer : answer:Speaking of the unconscious of cats goes far beyond any available data. Cats behave. We observe and make many inferences, many of them unsupported by any empirical data. Do cats even know they exist. There is no reliable way to tell.

Description : Animal compassion towards their people question. Compared to dogs I'm convinced cats really don't give a frak or at the very least, meh.

Last Answer : I didn't know you had back problems. Sorry to hear that. I hope you are feeling better tonight. I love cats and dogs. I guess if I had to pick one over the other it would be a ... cat was trying to communicate telepathically to you and possible heal you but you just aren't enlightened enough yet.

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Last Answer : Well, you probably already know that some cats don’t like other cats. So while you may be correct about what drove your cat away, your husband’s cats may have had a big influence too.

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Last Answer : I think it’s some instinct that you’re a predator grabbing it to attack or something…they hate it, don’t they??

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Last Answer : I am not sure but my guess is a combination of excitement and trying to get a sure footing before they pounce.

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Last Answer : answer: Sometimes though, cats seem to groom humans. They lick their owner's skin with a ticklish intensity that may make us squirm. It often occurs when we are lying down or resting. What is happening, ... the same behaviour it used to exhibit when it used to suckle at its mother's teats. Source

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Last Answer : My two cats know they are the rulers of the universe.

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Last Answer : answer: Cats are equipped with glands, located on the forehead, lips, front paws, and on their flanks and rears, that secrete pheromones. Pheromones, which are substances produced by animals, act as ... identification.

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Last Answer : Because they can’t flush it.

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Last Answer : People are furniture (and heating pads) for cats.

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Last Answer : I used to do that with my old cats, but after they passed and my parents adopted these new Super Basement Cats (see I tired to brush their teeth, and well, let's just say, ... what organs they hit! But ya, I have never had a problem, or even heard it was a problem.

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Last Answer : they have mad crazy balance.

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Last Answer : What about bobcats?

Description : Is a cat's hearing and smell as keen as a dogs?

Last Answer : They're different, but yes, more or less. Dogs have more smell neurons and more of their brain seems to be devoted to smelling, but cats may be more sensitive, as they have 30 V1R receptors versus 9 in ... tell where it is to within 3 inches. Their ears can each rotate and aim to zero in on sounds.

Description : When cats are washing themselves, are they "doing the laundry", or "taking a bath/shower"?

Last Answer : Yes for both.

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Last Answer : My dog is an equal opportunity dog hater. She hates all dogs. I would bet she would be racist, classis(classism?) and a bully.

Description : Fans of musicals, does watching the Cats movie trailer give you goosebumps?

Last Answer : No. I think it looks stupid and I enjoyed it on Broadway.

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Last Answer : As intelligent as questioning orders.

Description : What's the English (and by English I don't necessarily mean UK), term for trimming cats' nails?

Last Answer : It’s called “declawing.”

Description : Why do cats hate being flipped off?

Last Answer : Cats hate any challenge to their authority & being flipped off makes them feel challenged!!! The only thing cuter than a pissed off cat is Babies & their cats

Description : Have you ever noticed that there is a much greater variety of dogs than there are cats?

Last Answer : Big cats, little cats. Black cats, white cats, red cats. Good cats, better cats. Go Cats, Go. Siamese, Burmese, Bengal, Turkish Van, Russian Blue, European short hair, Sphynx, Norwegian Forest cat, Maine Coon, Scottish Fold. And those are from the top of my head.

Description : Do cats become aware of the effect of catnip?

Last Answer : I don't know how much the associate the cause & effects and/or care about the consequences, but my observations of quite a few cats on catnip is generally: * Each cat reacts differently to it. * ... fairly regular use of it. * Freshness matters, as does whether it's been rustled to release more.

Description : Why do Turkish Angoran cats have a fascination with running water?

Last Answer : I have no experience with Turkish Angoran cats, but had a long-haired no-particular-breed black cat who loooooved running water. She would rocket up to the bathroom sink when I turned on the faucet. ... she walked the rim while we showered, poking her paw in the curtain gaps to catch some spray.

Description : Why are cats considered feminine and dogs considered masculine?

Last Answer : I think it's that the common traits overlap somewhat: In the context/understanding that everyone (male or female, human or animal) has both masculine and feminine aspects. Cats tend to be more ... aggressive, and perhaps some other things that are also what people tend to think of as masculine.

Description : Which is more effective, spaying female dogs and cats or neutering the males? (Please see details.)

Last Answer : Well neutering the males is cheaper and far less risky and invasive. On the hand, personally, the racket a female cat in heat makes me want to murder things.

Description : Is cat hair a problem with short haired cats like Siamese?

Last Answer : They can still have all the same problems with fur. It’s just less fur. Some people who aren’t allergic to cats, will have terrible allergy problems with Siamese cat’s hair….

Description : What is a good ear mite remedy or medicine for cats?

Last Answer : answer:Most ear mite medications work by suffocating the mites in an oil based solution, with a little topical antibiotic in them as well. Probably best to get the medicine from your vet. You could try a ... you have been in fairly recently in the last couple of months or so. Might do that for you.

Description : Does anyone here know of any pages like the one I link to below of breeding rules or guidelines, but for CATS?

Last Answer : How about this site ? It looks like it will answer your questions and is simple and clear. Just click on the underlined red link and the page will come up.

Description : How would I go about getting my cats to stop using the litterbox?

Last Answer : Did you try putting a box outside? Preparing a digging area for them outside?

Description : What do you think of my cat's health problem?

Last Answer : answer:Has your vet tested for internal parasites? Is Sheba an indoor/outdoor cat and does she hunt small game like rodents/birds? There is a intestinal parasite called Coccidia that can cause all of ... transmittable to humans. Maybe ask your vet about this.