Can someone be hyptonized to no longer have a gag reflex?

1 Answer

Answer :

First of all, the gag reflex is a defense mechanism. It keeps us from eating something based on signals from our sense that the thing is bad. We learn through time what is bad and we get gag reflexes to foods that we don’t like or have had a bad experience with based on our memories. My guess, and it’s just a guess, is that the actual defense mechanism can never be suppressed completely, but you might be able to suppress a gag reflex that is based on memory and experience.

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Last Answer : Have you seen a doctor? A friend of mine has a throat problem. It closes, and they have to put a balloon in to expand it. It sou ds similar.

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Last Answer : PVC sounds a liitle harsh. If they’re not broken I’m guessing it might be rough on the gums. Could you cushion it with something softer?

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Last Answer : Go to one of those stores in the mall that specialize in gag gifts. Like Spencers. If you don’t have one in your area, just shop online.

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Last Answer : Have you been to the doctor? That’s who you should be asking..

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Last Answer : i gotta believe this is learned behavior. like why we think some foods are gross that are totally normal in other cultures. probably associated w/childhood trauma or something.

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Description : How are involuntary actions and reflex actions different from each other? -Biology-10

Last Answer : All reflex actions are involuntary in nature but all involutary actions are not reflexes as the beating of heart is an involuntary action but is not reflex action. Reflex actions are very quick but all ... lie process as circulation of blood, swallowing of food, movement of food in food pipe, etc.

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Last Answer : Involuntary actions Reflex actions 1. Those actions which occur immediately without any thinking are called involuntary actions. 1. Reflex action is an immediate response to an event which does not require ... etc. 2. Reflex actions are controlled by spinal cord. Example: Sneezing, coughing, etc.

Description : What is the role of the brain in reflex action ? -Biology-10

Last Answer : There is no role of brain in reflex action. These involuntary actions are controlled by the spinal cord which take place immediately without thinking of how to respond to the stimuli.

Description : What happens in a reflex arc? -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : What are the components of a reflex arc? -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : What is reflex action? -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : What is monosynaptic reflex arc? -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : how do we get a green light on reflex?

Last Answer : just at least prank the person or just look up picturs of a green light thats what i do!

Description : Which explains why the reflex reaction is important in certain situations?

Last Answer : sending a message up the spinal cord takes a lot of time

Description : how do you get the green light in reflex in (1) minute?

Last Answer : i need to so I can watch modern family

Description : how much fact fluency can you get on reflex math?

Last Answer : I'm at 92.9

Description : Why does reflex action happen so fast ?

Last Answer : The sudden and automatic reaction of an event is called reflex action. The reflex is controlled by the spinal cord / spinal cord of the human body. Because it is located in the center of the body, it ... it takes more time. So the reflex action happens much faster than the reaction of the brain.

Description : How many parts are there in each reflex cycle ?

Last Answer : Each reflex cycle has 5 parts.

Description : What is the acquired reflex action ?

Last Answer : The reflexes that are acquired through different experiences are called acquired reflexes. Such as- learning to walk , swimming.

Description : What is innate reflex action ?

Last Answer : The reflexes that are inherited from the ancestor at birth are called innate reflexes. For example, if the hand is scorched, the hand is removed , if there is intense light in the eye, the eye is closed.

Description : What is reflex ?

Last Answer : A complete nervous reaction is called reflex.

Description : What is the function of reflex syrup ?

Last Answer : If the spelling is ( Rafex) then it will work on cough , cold , allergy.

Description : What is the difference between reflex and reflector telescope ?

Last Answer : refractive telescope 1. This device uses two or three convex lenses or one convex lens and one concave lens to form reflection through refraction. 2. The color of the reflection in this device is ... 5. It is relatively easy to make mirrors for large children. . The scattering capacity is high.