How to get past this weird gag reflex thing?

1 Answer

Answer :

Have you seen a doctor? A friend of mine has a throat problem. It closes, and they have to put a balloon in to expand it. It sou ds similar.

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Description : Can someone be hyptonized to no longer have a gag reflex?

Last Answer : First of all, the gag reflex is a defense mechanism. It keeps us from eating something based on signals from our sense that the thing is bad. We learn through time what is bad and we get ... completely, but you might be able to suppress a gag reflex that is based on memory and experience.

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Last Answer : Vegetable broth with some pasta in it?

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Last Answer : answer:Apparently it goes back to at least 1909. I’m not sure why it’s so classic. Have never seen this happen in real life. And I shed a tear for those pies who have been lost to bad slapstick. Pie is good.

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Last Answer : PVC sounds a liitle harsh. If they’re not broken I’m guessing it might be rough on the gums. Could you cushion it with something softer?

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Last Answer : You can use Vinegar. The solution is poured in areas filled with mold and mildew before washing. Likewise, Baking soda spread across a moldy area. Air refresher sprays are also available.

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Last Answer : Go to one of those stores in the mall that specialize in gag gifts. Like Spencers. If you don’t have one in your area, just shop online.

Description : Why do I gag when brushing my teeth in the morning?

Last Answer : Your muscles may not be relaxed/ready in the morning as your body is still waking up and stretching say compared to night time. Just a thought.

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Last Answer : Have you been to the doctor? That’s who you should be asking..

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Last Answer : i gotta believe this is learned behavior. like why we think some foods are gross that are totally normal in other cultures. probably associated w/childhood trauma or something.

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Description : Where can I buy a jumping spider box gag online?

Last Answer : There are two great places to get this. Go to - Cached and

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Last Answer : The website has just what you are looking for. They have many plans for all sorts of different pranks including many kinds of spider pranks.

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Last Answer : answer:If that's weird, then I can't begin to imagine what I eat that your friends would not consider to be weird. I mean, how bland can you get? Mustard and Cheese? Do they put sauerkraut on their brats? ... I have no idea what to say here. Except to list my entire diet, which I'm not going to do.

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Last Answer : This actually comes from another jelly, so I hope she doesn’t mind me posting it. It will just stick in my head forever. Tuna & peanut butter.

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Last Answer : One of my favorite IC flavors is green tea.

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Last Answer : No. However, I would like to point out that most of the border collies that I have dealt with when I bred dogs all had something a tad bit “awkward” about them, whether it be seemingly ocd about some things or wanting veggies instead of dog food. I personally think its kind of cute.

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Last Answer : It is edible, it is spores from the mold that is used to give Brie its unique flavor and texture.

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Last Answer : I love grits slathered on buttered toast.

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Last Answer : I prefer Mac & Cheese to be reheated. Like, cook it, refrigerate it, then microwave it. And I’m not a big leftovers fan… so it’s double weird.

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Last Answer : I use “Ms.” because at any age and marital/social status, it is appropriate (like “Mr.” for men); and that is what I prefer to be called, also.

Description : Do you have any weird (different) food habits and are there foods that you just won't eat?

Last Answer : When I go to a buffet I refuse to put so much on my plate that the flavors overlap. I’d rather make 100 trips to the buffet table. And no scallops for me! I also have been known to dunk Oreos in water if I’m out of milk.

Description : What are some delicious weird snacks?

Last Answer : Ice cream topped with lucky charms, is pretty good, I hear.

Description : What is that reflex that causes some people to be violent in the first second after they're awakened unexpectedly?

Last Answer : I think it is normal to react when somebody wakes you up unexpectedly. In nature you should protect yourself from somebody who wanted to attack you and this is the way you are protecting yourself when you are not conscious. Does that happen when the alarm clock is ringing?

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Last Answer : I think you're referring to the hypnic jerk reflex. This happens during the transition from wakefulness to sleep, aka hypnagogia. Since the a typical night's sleep cycles through around four ... wakefulness, there are several such transitions. The hypnic jerk reflex seems to be related to stress.

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Last Answer : answer:Evolution is imperfect. You can use your hands to cover your ears. There were fewer instances where man needed to protect his ears, but protecting our eyes happened daily just being in ... exposure. Most loud noises that cause hearing loss are man made, not naturally occuring. Just guessing.