Where can I get instructions on making a jumping spider box gag?

1 Answer

Answer :

The website www.discoverfun.com has just what you are looking for. They have many plans for all sorts of different pranks including many kinds of spider pranks.

Related questions

Description : Where can I buy a jumping spider box gag online?

Last Answer : There are two great places to get this. Go to www.Amazon.com/Loftus-Jump-Out-Spider/dp/B0006GKG0C - Cached and www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_nkw=jumping+springs

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Last Answer : You can find a lot of "How To" videos on making your own pneumatic jumping spider. Here is a link to a great how to build a jumping spider; http://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=iY3NZA5ZA2c.

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Last Answer : answer:Apparently it goes back to at least 1909. I’m not sure why it’s so classic. Have never seen this happen in real life. And I shed a tear for those pies who have been lost to bad slapstick. Pie is good.

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Last Answer : PVC sounds a liitle harsh. If they’re not broken I’m guessing it might be rough on the gums. Could you cushion it with something softer?

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Last Answer : You can use Vinegar. The solution is poured in areas filled with mold and mildew before washing. Likewise, Baking soda spread across a moldy area. Air refresher sprays are also available.

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Last Answer : Have you seen a doctor? A friend of mine has a throat problem. It closes, and they have to put a balloon in to expand it. It sou ds similar.

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Last Answer : Go to one of those stores in the mall that specialize in gag gifts. Like Spencers. If you don’t have one in your area, just shop online.

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Last Answer : Your muscles may not be relaxed/ready in the morning as your body is still waking up and stretching say compared to night time. Just a thought.

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Last Answer : Have you been to the doctor? That’s who you should be asking..

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Last Answer : Are you on a laptop? If yes, turn it off, flip it over and try tightening the small screws on the underside. There are 6–10 of them. Sometimes they work lose and the keyboard mouse will begin to wiggle. You’ll need a small Phillips + screwdriver. Let us know how you make out.

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Last Answer : Sell one. sorry…I cuoldn’t resist

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Last Answer : The spray collar is genius. http://www.discountpetmedicines.com/training-citronella-dog-collar.htm

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Last Answer : The safest boots are zip-up boots with flat soles and a low heel. Make sure it's the type of heel that won't get stuch in the stirrup. If you accidentally fall off your horse, you don't want your boots trapped and you dragged along the ground by your horse.

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Last Answer : The Knight chess piece.

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Last Answer : When the passenger jumps out of a fast-moving bus/train, his feet will come to rest on touching the ground, whereas the upper part of his body continues to move forward, due to the inertia of motion. As a result, if he does not run forward he will fall with his face in downwards direction.

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Last Answer : answer:

Description : What are jumping genes? -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : What's the world record for most jumping jacks done in a 1 hour?

Last Answer : The most jumping jacks in one hour is 3,873 and was achieved by Mario Silvestri, in Venafro, Italy, on 9 May 2020.

Description : What is the root word of jumping?

Last Answer : Roots of bodily