Does your kitteh miss you when you're gone?

1 Answer

Answer :

It’s kinda kitteh miss.

Related questions

Description : Do you feel that our kitties miss us when we're gone?

Last Answer : All signs point to yes.

Description : I have been away from my kitty for 5 days (my Dad was looking after him). I have him now and he meows quite a bit (usually doesn't); did he miss me?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t worry about it @Jude. I’ve had quite a lot of cats in the past, quiet and playful ones by nature. All of them used to meaow and cuddle/rub against me whenever I used to get back from school. Have you noticed any other behaviour apart from the miaowing?

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Last Answer : My cats have released intestinal gases. They didn’t generate sounds loud enough for me to hear but my olfactory nerves definitely did detect them.

Description : Is there any way to un-spoil an adult cat?

Last Answer : answer: [I]t's impossible to undo years of bad cat parenting' from my indulgent and delusional partner. I don't think that's it. I'd agree with, [I]t's impossible to undo years of bad ... delusional partner. It sounds like he needs to change his behavior before Mr. Cheeto is able to change his.

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Last Answer : Does he have to be in the bedroom in the first place?

Description : Have you ever had or seen a male calico cat?

Last Answer : Not personally, I know they occur but are very rare.

Description : How can some people be so stupid when it comes to animals?

Last Answer : answer:There are too many people in the world who want an animal as a fashion statement. I see it all the time with dogs. I take my dogs for a walk everyday and there is this one place I walk by that ... you do it right. That person obviously shouldn't have an animal. :( I wish I could save the cat.

Description : What's been your experience with a cat door?

Last Answer : I can answer part of your question. I have a doggie door and there is a solid door that slides from the top to cover the flap when you want to lock it, so there is no way a pet can unlock it ... slide it up, to escape. Also, I have never had any other creatures come in while it was in use.

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Last Answer : My female cat does this with me, and I don't know if the taken from their mother too early thing has any bearing on it, but it would certainly fit my cat. When she was born, her original ... cat milk, and she tried to nurse on me for several weeks. She has aggressively groomed me ever since.

Description : Any of you have an indoor/outdoor cat (or cats). How did you go about getting them used to the outside, so, that they didn't run away?

Last Answer : When my family moved, they would just wait a week or so before letting the cat out, so the cat had time to associate the new place with home. They never had any trouble with their cats running away. ... s much you can do to keep your cat within a certain distance of home, if that's your goal.

Description : I'm looking for a good French name for a black and white fluffy feline (female)

Last Answer : Sabine.

Description : Cat with a few sores on her tummy, yet, we don't see excessive licking; what could be the cause?

Last Answer : answer:When you say sores, what do you mean? Are they pustules, scabs, or raised, reddened areas? Is there any hair loss? Psychogenic causes (i.e., crack head ) usually involve extensive ... much too heavily on steroids!) The plaques are usually oval shaped, slightly raised, and feel thickened.

Description : Why do my cats suddenly loathe eachother like a bad can of tuna?

Last Answer : Yeah, that's kinda normal. When I bring my cats home from the vets, they get all hissy and fighty and stuff. I don't know if it's a vet smell or a lack of normal them smell, or if ... of vanilla extract on them, and it's supposed to be this really strong scent that makes them smell all the same.

Description : Has anyone ever used shredded paper for cat litter?

Last Answer : answer:It's easiest to deal with if you line the box with a section of newspaper first. Then you can toss a couple handfuls of the shreds in and just lift the newspaper out to clean the box. Without some ... to clean. Also, you have to change it daily or more often but cats don't seem to mind it.

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Last Answer : answer:No, it's not abnormal. They still sometimes exhibit the same behaviors, they just can't follow through with impregnation (sometimes it's learned, sometimes it's instinct, and sometimes it's dominance). ... for it, he also neglected to inform you of the fact. But I seriously doubt that's it.

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Last Answer : Tried calling some vet offices? Sometimes they know of people who have recently lost a cat and are looking.

Description : My girlfriend and I each have an indoor/outdoor cat; what is the best way to get them used to each other (without killing one another)

Last Answer : My older cat and new kitten hated each other. They battled it out and are buddies now. Cats will be cats once both cats know their place they’ll either be friends or they will go their separate ways.

Description : How are kitties able to handle the heat?

Last Answer : Don’t forget, they are desert creatures.

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Last Answer : It’s a form of social interaction. Dogs wag their tail and sniff, cats mark and rub (much more sensual creatures than dogs, aren’t they?)

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Last Answer : It’s not exactly a cartoon, but all of the Simon’s cat shorts are brilliant.

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Last Answer : Sweet and sappy. A little too soft for my taste.

Description : Question about kitties; no matter where I'm sitting, or lying down, my cat insists on using me as lounge furniture. Why?

Last Answer : Because they love you and want to be with you. Your their mummy.

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Last Answer : It probably feels good, like scratching an itch.

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Last Answer : Tuckered out.

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Last Answer : It started with Caturday and grew into LOLCats, like on I can haz cheezburger. wiki

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Last Answer : answer:GQ. I’d give it a decent answer now, if I didn’t have to go to f**n jury duty tomorrow.

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Last Answer : Maybe the point would be to remedy the situation and find a person who would miss one. If we accept failure at its first sign, we can never learn from it and learn how to defeat it.

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Last Answer : Yesh!

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Last Answer : Lightning.

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Last Answer : There’s always a Soyuz capsule attached in case of emergencies.

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Last Answer : I’m not worried (not beyond a degree of natural worry that anyone should have for their children or young loved ones), if that’s what you’re asking.

Description : How long before you notice someone is gone? How long is it that you think before others will notice you're gone?

Last Answer : This kinda happened to me last week, I was without a phone for 7 days. A few people were beginning to wonder where I was after I didn’t answer my phone for that long.