Has anyone ever used shredded paper for cat litter?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:It’s easiest to deal with if you line the box with a section of newspaper first. Then you can toss a couple handfuls of the shreds in and just lift the newspaper out to clean the box. Without some liner, shredded paper is messy and a big hassle to clean. Also, you have to change it daily or more often but cats don’t seem to mind it.

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Last Answer : answer:Switch catfood, some of them can be the problem. Are you feeding dry, canned, raw or a combination?

Description : Can you recommend a good cat litter?

Last Answer : answer:There is no cheap natural solution that I know of other than toilet training. IMO, you either invest in a whole system like the Tidy Cat thing I use. Or you do what I used to do for one of mine ... , two of my cats will not go on the toilet, so I use the Tidy Cat Breeze system for them.

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Last Answer : You answered it yourself, actually. Mordenite is a subtype of zeolyte, which are commonly used as commercial adsorbant. It’s safe. They use it because it’s abundant and cheap.

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Last Answer : The silica has to be respirable. I don’t believe silica gel in the form of pearls is respirable.

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Last Answer : best cat litter ever is actually called “The World’s Best Cat Litter” and it’s made from corn, so no clay or silica dust. Excellent clumping and totally biodegradable.

Description : I got 3 kittens 2 boys and a girl and they were all using the cat litter tray and in the last week the girl has started using all 3 beds instead of the litter box what can i do to stop her?

Last Answer : Perhaps you need separate litter boxes for each kitten. Cats are private creatures.

Description : I am looking for a solution to reduce the tracking of cat litter all over my apartment, any suggestions?

Last Answer : I use a litter box that is covered with a door at one end. It keeps anything from going outside the box except the litter on their paws. In front of the door is a plastic grass welcome mat. That catches most of the litter from their paws.

Description : Cat people: have you found the magic litter scoop?

Last Answer : What kind of litter are you using? I know the problem you’re talking about, but the litter I use (Tidy Cats instant action) absorbs the liquid really well, so unless the urine is really fresh, it doesn’t break up that much.

Description : What is the best cat litter for a very good cat who tracks the stuff all around the house but doesn't want to.

Last Answer : We use Feline Pine. The look of it actually reminds me of Hampster food – too big to get stuck in kitty paws. There are benefits other than your kitty not tracking the litter around your house, too. It’s much safer for said kitty and generally smells a lot better. :) http://www.naturesearth.com/

Description : Does 'scoopable' cat litter hurt to flush in the toilet with a septic tank?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t try it. Some of the scoopable kitty litters out there almost have a concrete quality when they get wet. Why can’t you just put the scooped stuff in a bag and toss in the outdoor trash? That’s what I do.

Description : How can you stop a cat from going to the bathroom outside of the litter box?

Last Answer : Also to note: he did not have trouble using the litter box until about the last month.

Description : Is my cat afraid of the litter box?

Last Answer : Well if you found the cat outdoors the odds are it’s a out door trained cat.once the cat learns where to go it most likely won’t change. Some cats are stubbern like mine.

Description : Do you have more than one cat and more than one litter box? If so, I have a question for you.

Last Answer : We have two cats and one litter box so I only have experience with your last question. I really hate how they piss in one corner. I hate having to scrape out what is stuck to the box when I throw it all ... of litter. I don't know why they do this, but it sure is a pain. Cats are just peculiar.

Description : How often should I give a one-cat litter box a thorough cleaning?

Last Answer : I do it once every two weeks, but with my two, I don't feel safe leaving them without a box for any period of time more than 10-15 minutes, and I refuse to deal with the waste of litter in ... it all apart and scrubbing with bleach if you do it more often, and it's definitely less of a hassle.

Description : My cat gave birth to only one kitten. All the other cats that I know of have had at least 3 kittens or more, Is there something wrong with her?

Last Answer : It's not usual, but especially if the cat is young and it's a first litter, one kitten is born. Keep watch that momma cat is willing and able to take care of the kitten. ... underlying medical conditions. Unless you are a breeder, please think about spaying your cat to avoid anymore litters.

Description : She's been using it regularly for most of her life. All of a sudden she's decided that she'd rather pee in the bathtub. What's up with that?

Last Answer : Sounds like you have one cat, so sharing the litter box is not a problem. Your cat may need to be checked by the vet to rule out any medical issues. You can try changing the litter box, ... times as necessary. Don't punish the cat for accidents or she'll associate punishment with the litter box.

Description : Where to Find the Best Cat Litter Scooper?

Last Answer : Are you looking to buy the best long handle cat litter scooper online in the USA? There are many things to keep in mind before selecting the litter scooper as tons of brands claim to have the best in the market. Purple Pet iPrimio's litter scoop holds all the useful features you need.

Description : Why do you Need a Cat Litter Trapper Mat?

Last Answer : Investing in a best quality iprimio cat litter trapper is absolutely necessary as it can save you from creating the mess in your house. As we all know how the cats bury their feces and toilet ... scattered all over the places. For best quality litter trapper mat visit Purple Pet Iprimio's website.

Description : I need something that absorbs odor and moisture to some degree. I don’t want the whole apartment to stink because of the litter.

Last Answer : I usually buy the 990 ft in the DM. No smell, its ability to absorb moisture is also very good. The secret is that it needs to be cleaned frequently.

Description : What melts ice faster salt cat litter or sand?

Last Answer : Rock Salt try it the salt will go straight down

Description : Where can I find training to teach my cat how to use the toilet instead of the litter box?

Last Answer : There is no real trainer that can do that since it depends on the character of the cat. However, I would recommend trying it yourself to see if it work.

Description : How To Make Cat Litter Casserole

Last Answer : Ingredients: 1 c Bisquick 1 c Shredded Cheddar cheese 1 lb Ground beef, turkey or pork Sausage Litter: 2 c Long grain rice 3 3/4 c Water 2 ts Salt 2 tb Butter or margarine Materials: ... way Kitty does when he/she is in a hurry. Serves 8-10 litterbox lovers. Use ppper scooper to serve.