My neutered cat was humping my spayed cat- isn't that abnormal?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:No, it’s not abnormal. They still sometimes exhibit the same behaviors, they just can’t follow through with impregnation (sometimes it’s learned, sometimes it’s instinct, and sometimes it’s dominance). There’s a tiny chance that he was a cryptorchid and your vet not only didn’t go into the abdomen looking for it, he also neglected to inform you of the fact. But I seriously doubt that’s it.

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Last Answer : He looks a bit young to be developing “tom” face. He’s probably just round-headed.

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Last Answer : I’d get some advice from the vet. They should offer some sort of follow up service.

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Last Answer : Being a male, and just reading the question in my box, even before reading the details, I'd say no. In other words, a healthy neutered male look like in the genital area? Does this sound normal? scared ... DOG after posting this TO THE QUESTION WOOF WOOF WOOF!!! i'M ANGRY NOW: WOOF WOOF WOOF!!!

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Last Answer : It sounds to me as if he was improperly socialized during the time the breeder owned him. 6 weeks is a little early, for one thing, and for another, littermates usually curb these aggressive impulses by giving feedback during play. You may need to engage the services of an animal behaviorist.

Description : Are male police dogs usually neutered?

Last Answer : They (males) tend to be more aggressive when intact. (I have additional theories, but they’re based on opinion only and likely to cause dissent.)

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Last Answer : Probably, because they reproduce very very fast! But if you only have one rabbit then I think your fine with saving your money. :)

Description : Do newly spayed puppies really need to be confined?

Last Answer : Give her a few days to heal. It’s very important not to let her be a puppy after the operation.

Description : At what age should a puppy be spayed?

Last Answer : When my dog was a puppy my vet reccommended letting her go into season at least once, which is usually at around six months. I understand that it helps decrease the risk of certain types of cancer (though I can’t remember which – it was a long time ago).

Description : Can any of you share success stories of two spayed female cats becoming companions?

Last Answer : Sure, just give it plenty of time and space. I’ve never had any trouble adding females to my household.

Description : For those who have or have had female cats - when you spayed them, did you find that they stopped peeing indiscriminately?

Last Answer : I’ve only had females, and when they were spayed, they stopped peeing all over, until they got older and somewhat incontinent, or just didn’t care. Or when they got mad and peed on my pillow. ew

Description : Non-spayed cats what would the total be in 8 months?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : I have a female dog I need to get spayed, but cant afford to. Is there any places that do it free?

Last Answer : you can sometimes get vouchers from the local shelters to get it very cheap or sometimes free.