Everyone (not just parents): What suggestions and parenting tips do you have for other parents?

1 Answer

Answer :

Spank, spank, and spank.

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Last Answer : Only if it’s obvious the child is being physically harmed. Left alone in a car with closed windows, being physically abused, etc.

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Last Answer : answer:I think it's something newly made up. I don't remember hearing about these when I had my son back in 2002, but I've heard a lot about them recently. I didn't get one back in 2002 and I ... it. I hadn't even heard of push presents until a few months into my pregnancy (so earlier this year).

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Last Answer : Yes. And when she was tired, hungry, uncomfortable. And yes, I can tell what other babies are crying from, too. And nothing pisses me off more than a kid wailing in the store because he or she is ... way you can tell the difference between an adult crying out of fear, or out of sadness, you know?

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Last Answer : My heart would melt if that happened, I would be much closer to happy than annoyed.

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Last Answer : “Thank you dear lady for being my mom, you did all my homework you took me to prom, and I was the only guy who got lucky that night” – Stephen Lynch

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Last Answer : I can't say how many mothers experience such a thing, but I was asked to be there at a birth to sort of hold a young mother's hand (English was not her native tongue and she was from another culture). Her ... to go through that again, that's for sure. It's a pity, because it didn't HAVE to happen.

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Last Answer : I'd tell her that maybe her friends get to talk that way, but it is a disrespectful way to talk, and there are consequences for continuing to talk to me that way. Then if she chose to pursue ... through with consequences that really have teeth. You don't want to feed this sort of behavior at all!

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Last Answer : At tne birth of her child; until then she is a pregnant woman.

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Last Answer : When I was 9 she made a candlelight dinner for myself and a friend who was spending the night. She set a formal table, served us on the fancy china and lit candles. We felt so grown up and special. :-)

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Last Answer : (UK based) It is recommended, where possible, for the first 6 months of a child's life. I believe that some solids can be introduced as early as 4 months, though the child will dictate this to some extent. ... along the lines if they're old enough to ask for it, they shouldn't be still having it .

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Last Answer : answer:Kids adapt swell. If you know how to interact there won’t be any issues.

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Last Answer : The whole years we’ve lived together and she being a great single mother most of her life.

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Last Answer : No…

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Last Answer : The dark brown discharge is most probably blood. Don’t hesitate to go see your GP and get checked out. Might be nothing to worry about but best to have piece of mind.

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Last Answer : I don’t think that having a small uterus has anything to do with you having your babies or not! It just depends or people. Maybe she was just born like that!

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Last Answer : What makes you happy?

Description : How do i stand up to my overbearing mother?

Last Answer : answer:Have a discussion about how her behavior affects you. Tell her exactly what she does that upsets you so much. Tell her if she continues to do these things then you will not be able to ... your boundaries. She will either learn to respect you or she will not have the pleasure of your company

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Last Answer : Some have argued that many of the women who have killed their own children have maternal instinct gone haywire- they love their child so much and so twistedly? Unhealthily? that they don't want them to ... mutually exclusive. But yes, I think it is very possible for a woman to just not have it.

Description : Did you have more children after a complicated pregnancy? (possible TMI alert)

Last Answer : Seek_Kolinahr I haven't been through a complicated pregnancy, but as a CNM, I have lots of work experience in this area, so I'm going to try to answer some of your questions. First, the long labor, ... . Nausea and fainting can be different from one pregnancy to the next. Or not. No way to predict.

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Last Answer : Indeed he does. And he knows it also from your tender touch, your attentive gaze, and all the ways you mother him.

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Last Answer : I'm a former nurse midwife and have delivered many babies. Most women are feeling back to normal by the 6 week postpartum visit, but some are not. Did your GF go for her PP check? Did her care ... of an episiotomy, and the estrogen issue can come up in a woman who didn't even deliver vaginally.

Description : Are there problems breasfeeding if you have scar tissue from a former nipple piercing?

Last Answer : I think this is a good and important question for women who may one day be interested in breast feeding (which I will add, all new mothers should do for their children and themselves.) I have no idea of the answer, but thank you for the question. Hopefully, others will know the answer.

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Last Answer : have you tried Time Out?

Description : Do children of unwed mothers take the last name of the mother?

Last Answer : I would assume so.

Description : Mothers of any stage or age: how has the experience of being a mother been for you?

Last Answer : Being a mother is the hardest thing I've ever done. Sometimes I want to curl up in a ball, and hide from my own child because it's just so stressful. Other times I just watch him playing, or learning ... because he is so young right now and he's still my baby but, he'll always be my baby boy.

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Last Answer : all this bru-ha-ha about mother's day is like any bru-ha-ha over a commercialized holiday - it has NOTHING genuine to do with the concept it's celebrating and if people think it's enough, that ... some actual help with my children (well, not you, specifically, daloon, but you get what i'm saying)

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Last Answer : Your wording is a bit fuzzy, but I plan to be a mother, career be damned. I have lots of potential to become anything I'd like [medical doctor, architect, researcher, etc.], but my highest goal ... was seven years old was to be a mother. I'll have plenty of time after motherhood to do something.

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Last Answer : Here are some sites I like with lots of projects: Make Stuff Best Free Stuff- Crafts Craftster

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Last Answer : I think they are a pain to use, it is one more thing to carry/pack and you will be up and down with the baby anyway!

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Last Answer : dunno, possibly because more women care about raising a child with a religious background than fathers typically do.

Description : Would leave your daughter?

Last Answer : Depends..what is her opinion on it?

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Last Answer : I can’t think of a reason to wait, if you know what you want…maybe the 6 month goes with don’t swim for 1/2 hour after eating…don know…

Description : What are some things that you had to learn thru parenting experience that other/new parents should know?

Last Answer : answer:To start it off, a few things that I can think of off the top of my head: 1.) I wouldn't recommend any parent of a newborn dress their child in those cute little nightgowns that have ... fans for the first time since my daughter was born. It really helps to keep her comfortable at night.

Description : How can parenting support groups help other parents raise their kids?

Last Answer : Parenting support groups can help you share experiences and hear other parents tips and tricks to raising children.

Description : Parenting tips?

Last Answer : am 16 years old male and i have some problems with my father. My advice is to think twice before you say no to something she really wants. If you insist you should tell her a very good reason. Talk to ... This way she will trust you and when she has a problem you will be the first one to hear it.

Description : What bit of 'normal parenting' did your parents do too much of?

Last Answer : Got spanked with a belt…too many times for minor infractions

Description : Parents of adult children: Which age was your favorite age of parenting?

Last Answer : 18 months to 2. (At least they’re my favorite for grad parenting. ) Their little personalities are bursting out and they are having a language explosion. They also seem to begin having so much self confidence.

Description : What clear parenting mistakes did your parents make?

Last Answer : Oh never mind I misread the details, edited.

Description : Why do you think there are clashes between parents and non-parents over parenting issues?

Last Answer : If you were Frank Lloyd Wright would you want somebody telling you how to design a home just because they’ve watched HGTV a couple of times?

Description : Parents: what have been some disagreements over parenting in your relationship?

Last Answer : answer:Ear piercing. A family member of mine had lost an ear due to infection. My wife, at the time, and her parents wished to get my daughters ears pierced almost immediately after birth. I insisted that none of my children would ever have an ear pierced. We split the difference at 8 years old.

Description : Why aren't parents required to take a parenting class?

Last Answer : No the more we try and make everyone conform to requirements the less freedom we enjoy. It is getting out of hand how much control we are allowing government to take in our lives.

Description : How much of the parenting you do to your own children is consciously different then the parenting you got from your parents, and how much is similar?

Last Answer : I stick to a lot of the same methods that my own parents used, but there are a few situations that I have and will be approaching differently.

Description : Opposite term for "Helicopter parents" or "Helicopter parenting"?

Last Answer : Long Leash? Tough Love?

Description : Parents, do you hold any unconventional beliefs about parenting?

Last Answer : I think I probably gave them a little more latitude in roaming around the neighborhood than most parents would give today, and also wasn’t a fanatic about germs, i.e., not making them wash their hands before dinner.

Description : Are there any groups that offer parenting classes to teen parents in Seattle?

Last Answer : You can find a list of parenting classes in Seattle at this website (familylawcasa.org/pdf/Parenting Classes.pdf). It should apply to teens like anyone else. Here you go, this should get you a nearby location willing to help you. http://www.familyworksseattle.org/resource-center/teen-parent-programs

Description : Rude obnoxious kids, product of parenting, or they are just born that way?

Last Answer : Products of bad parenting, from what I’ve experienced with neighbors and friends.

Description : Hi everyone, I decided to make a little encouraging gift for my boyfriend before his final exams, any suggestions please And I prefer it to contain cute homemade food #i_need_help?

Last Answer : Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want

Description : Do you have any suggestions for affordable movers or other tips to make our move easy?

Last Answer : The way I moved to the Midwest from Reno was to buy a panel truck, load it, and when it was unloaded, I sold it. I paid $2,000 for it, sold it for five hundred. Could have made more, but my landlady ... was quoted to rent truck of the same size, and this way I didn't have a deadline to turn it in.

Description : Parents, your child is at a park or playland. Do you let them play with everyone that is there or tell them not to play with certain kids?

Last Answer : When mine were little, I let them make that sort of decision, unless they were just too young or immature to do so. My philosophy on this is that the sooner a child is able to begin ... learned from a particular encounter with other children. You'd be surprised at the insight they acquire early on.

Description : Can any one offer suggestions and tips for corner beading?

Last Answer : answer:You seem to know what you are doing overall. FWIW .I am not a fan of gorilla glue as it can foam up a lot lot under humid conditions and that could create a mess you may not want to have. ... corner bead crimper you can borrow. Those things rock and you can put up a 100' of bead in minutes.