Once I did a personal values test online. Can't find it. Can you help?

1 Answer

Answer :

Here is one.

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Last Answer : (C) 98.3%

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Last Answer : ????????????? Would you like to clarify? I haven’t the vaguest idea as to what you are trying to ask.

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Last Answer : C. Determining what is ethically right or wrong is a process of arguing from an appeal to values and principles that justify and legitimize an opinion.

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Last Answer : a) Money

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Last Answer : B) Despite the importance of its other responsibilities, the school exists primarily for the purpose of developing the intellectual and the academic atmosphere

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Last Answer : A) Adequate behaviour

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Last Answer : Too cold, too hot, depressed, excited…all of them.

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Last Answer : I don’t, there’s only one me & i’m more than happy with that.

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Last Answer : I think it’s a bit like reading about the physics of the perfect baseball swing and actually practicing hitting the ball. The textbook will actually be very useful and you’re going to be better off for having read it. That said, reading and participating are two very different activities.

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Last Answer : This is not an answer to your question -but it is in a way. I know you are hurting and would prefer an answer immediately. Unfortunately you might have to wait a little bit. Today is the morning after ... with family. I promise someone will answer you in a bit. Please be patient. Good luck to you.

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Last Answer : answer:I belong to a forum that is related to the retirement area where I live. There have been a couple of our members to die since I've been a member. It is sad and they are missed. Death is ... it is to misplace your emotions at a time like this. Death is always sad, but keep it in perspective.

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Last Answer : I try, but find I can be reactive and motivated by my own internal world. So for me the ideal would be seeing it from a more holistic perspective, such as you have mentioned.

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Last Answer : I'm with you. I get really emotionally wrapped up in my online friendships. The people that I form relationships with online are just as meaningful to me as those that I know face to face, and I ... to face relationships. Anyhow, I'm positive that you are not the only one to have felt this way.

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Last Answer : answer:Did you Google AMOS SEM? There are a variety of sites and lectures that various professors have placed online. Here's one. There are many others and you could look for one that hits the level you want. The ... through. I'd read the book and learn it for real. And I am not a stats nerd!!!!

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Last Answer : Not the same, but it still helps.

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Last Answer : sometimes, but you need to have spent a lot of time with the person. i have had friends of mine try and play tricks on me on msn, and i could tell it was them as soon as they said a certain something or used a certain emote.

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Last Answer : twice, both times people i knew on youtube. one lost his mind and killed some girl and then killed him self, the other was actually more or less the same and did something similar. i would have not ... friends, but we did used to debate and talk quite often. both times i found out through the news.

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Last Answer : they can make me feel very wary, and i tend to ‘back off’ – nobody’s that nice are they?

Description : Online application question?

Last Answer : I’ve taken those tests before, they’re pretty common in the application process. It’s basically a personality test which essentially cuts the time store managers spend on interviewing applicants.

Description : A perceptron adds up all the weighted inputs it receives, and if it exceeds a certain value, it outputs a 1, otherwise it just outputs a 0. a) True b) False c) Sometimes – it can also output intermediate values as well d) Can’t say

Last Answer : a) True

Description : Which of the following statement is true? (1) A Primary key is also a candidate key (2) Each relation has at least one foreign key (3) Foreign keys can’t have null values (4) A Primary key is also an alternate key

Last Answer : Foreign keys can’t have null values