Would you rather have your child be overtly sexual or overtly violent?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:I think that what is shown in those photos is not overt sexuality but a manufactured form of sexuality which I would not want for my children. However, I do not think there is anything wrong with children displaying sexuality as long as adults and animals are not involved. The way I see it, there is nothing wrong with two young kids engaging in sexual behavior with each other. If my child was experimenting with his/her sexuality at that age, I would want to know what was going on and have a talk with my child so that he/she would essentially have a sexual education earlier than most kids his/her age. That having been said, I would rather have an overtly sexual child than an overtly violent child.

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Last Answer : I think people just talk about it more now, I don’t think it is on the rise. Back about 25 years ago there were a lot of reports that wound up to be false, false memory. Some of that still happens, but for the most part I believe what is reported is true.

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Last Answer : answer:Um. Well, I guess it depends on how serious the charges are. Sometimes people get jailed for “abuse” when it’s not really. Also, how old are the kids? I don’t think total honesty is necessary all the time for younger children.

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Last Answer : Only if the parents use the TV/video games as a babysitter for the child. Bad parenting is to blame if a child plays violent video games and thus reacts violently to things in reality.

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Last Answer : 8–10.

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Last Answer : Espiritus_Corvus put this up for me because I can’t post questions. Thanks EC! The sources in this link are pretty old. Can anyone bring us up to date on this subject?

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Last Answer : answer:I don't have children, but that doesn't sound too abnormal for her age. How constant is it? Every day? Does she never have calm moments? Is she getting enough attention? Enough of your attention ... likely they will be inclined to put some sort of label on her. Still, it might be helpful.

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Last Answer : answer:Nope! I only encouraged my children to participate in (a) things I thought they would enjoy, or (b) things I really enjoyed that I thought they would enjoy. I would never encourage them to do something I didn’t like unless they were interested.

Description : Do you know a strong willed or precocious child?

Last Answer : You were lucky-extremely lucky! My daughter was an absolute fireball. Whether I was up to the task of managing her or not is open to debate, but there are 2 things I can claim without ... to understand that both her and her mother would suffer mood swings bordering on psychosis if not properly fed.

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Last Answer : I would take it as a huge call to action for both of us. Some very severe soul searching for me and immediate intervention and help for my child. I love my girls so much, it's really hard ... that way about me but I hope that our relationship is good enough that we could work things out together

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Last Answer : I wore a leash when I was young. My mom had a hard time keeping up with me when I was two or three.

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Last Answer : No . I would pay extra. WITH all the CRAP that he has been through , and he survived to be 39. I would congratulate him. It is nothing special getting a PH.D, and having an I.Q. of 160 isn' ... (hell I have an I.Q. of 165). Now living with disabilities and staying alive now that's something special.

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Last Answer : Previous Question sorry I forgot that I had asked it before on December 22nd, 2014. So it is longer than a year so it should be ok

Description : Do you have a very strong memory of feeling safe as a small child?

Last Answer : It was not so much a matter of feeling safe as never feeling unsafe. My small world at home was all that I knew as a small child. Because I grew up in a middle class home with loving ... came as naturally as breathing. I don't ever remember consciously thinking that this was a really safe place.

Description : At what age does the average child begin to comprehend such abstract concepts as "cities" or "countries"?

Last Answer : I would guess around 6, but the trick of distinguishing one from the other, or the capacity to define any of them is almost certainly not as common a talent as you might suppose in a class of high school sophomores.

Description : What's the funniest or most ridiculous thing an adult tried to teach you as a child?

Last Answer : - Everything that begins with “if you , will come and eat you” – If you get too cold you will turn into a stone.

Description : If your child did something illegal would you turn him/her in?

Last Answer : Depends on what he/she did. If it was selling smack or something like that, no. If it was robbing a bank absolutely no. If they like raped a kid or something then yeah, probably.

Description : Now that both you and your child are older, what is it you would do differently if parenthood started again?

Last Answer : You ask this as I have traveled half way across the world to celebrate the birth of my 9th grand child. There are so many things I would do different! I could spend hours reciting my mommy guilt but my children have found the grace to forgive me so I am trying hard to forgive myself.

Description : What is a minimum salary to raise a child?

Last Answer : It depends on how much you want to do with the child and how much assistance you get from other sources. It also depends on things like are you going to dress the child in Walmart clothes or are you ... etc. So it's really hard to eve put a minimum and it's definitely impossible to put a maximum.

Description : At what age do you think a child should be expected to say "please" when they want something?

Last Answer : 3–4. My granddaughter, who was just 4, has been saying “please” and “thank you” for a year,

Description : Why not a change in child labor laws?

Last Answer : answer:1. Governments are corrupt, bought and controlled by corporations. It is only a matter of time before restrictions on where children can be forced work are undermined and eventually eliminated. The emergence of ... the rich and the poor. All in all, I consider it to be a dreadful idea.

Description : What was your favorite plaything when you were a child?

Last Answer : I can’t remember any specific toys other than my teddy bear. I loved to draw and I was a voracious reader. I loved books.

Description : What's the perfect age to have a child?

Last Answer : When you’re mature and settled enough to be a responsible parent and provide a stable, nurturing home, but when you’re still young enough to have the energy needed to care for children.

Description : What do you think of the logic of teaching a 9 year old child to shoot an Uzi sub-machine gun?

Last Answer : It's irresponsible. From what I've read even some the gun people are saying you should allow a nine year old to use a gun like that, and Uzi. If you want to teach your kids to how to, and the ... matter want you want your kids to learn a parent's job is to find an age appropriate way to do it.

Description : Do your children spend their summer vacation the same way you did when you were a child?

Last Answer : More summer school instead of living with grandparents.

Description : Can you envision accidentally leaving a baby or young child in a car all day?

Last Answer : No, never, under any imaginable circumstance.

Description : In your family, were you the oldest child, the youngest, the middle or the only child, and how did it affect you as a child being brought up and now, as an adult?

Last Answer : With or without artificial time dilation?

Description : Do/would you ask your child to invite a class mate they didn't like?

Last Answer : answer:To clarify: My sister does actually like Meg – in a way. It’s hard not to, she’s very sweet. However, the two are not very alike, and I doubt they will become friends at all.