Does Fluther have a please send your SPAM here ad in India?

1 Answer

Answer :

They have gone nuts tonight. I’m running out of fingers to count how many I have flagged.

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Last Answer : It’s said Yeah, it’s said.

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Last Answer : Rudyard Kipling had some good ones. How the leopard got his spots, how the elephant got his trunk (down by the banks of the great gray greeasy Limpopo RIVA, all set about with fever trees)...pretty sure they were just made up though.

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Last Answer : answer:Cowards. It would be hard for it to happen where I live. Most people carry knives, or guns. Some innocent people would probably get shot by a would be hero. But the attack would be unlikely here. You don’t want to bring a machete to a gun fight.

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Last Answer : I know how he feels. How about some warm throws for his couch. Or, seriously not joking, thermals. Or, give him a book on how to make a winter home cozy. (All of this I had to learn). ... literally learn how to deal with this weather. I might actually be enjoying it a little (just a little!).

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Last Answer : Wow, that’s hard core. He should loose his job, that’s for sure. I don’t know how long it would take but I think it’s a sure thing at this point.

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Last Answer : GQ. I’d like to know (and try to understand) this too.

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Last Answer : I personally do not know, but the World Wealth Report 2012 says that India drop in ranking for 2011 to 2012.

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Last Answer : I think the company president reaped what he sowed.

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Last Answer : Lets put it this way, they want to make a light-hearted comedy, they are going to play up the really down trodden slum places and make it more colorful. I have not been to India personally but am ... see on the Amazing Race. The movie more than likely gussied up many parts to not make it so gloomy.

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Last Answer : Sure. same as there is a solution to the unending corruption in America. Overhaul the system.

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Last Answer : answer:Try the Bettman Archive. It is one of the most comprehensive collections of photographic images available and is searchable by category. And – Welcome to Fluther!

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Last Answer : answer:Do they offer an e-book version? That way he could download it. Otherwise you could buy him a copy. Scan the book to pdf, and then email, ftp it to him. If that type of copying is allowed ofcourse.

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Last Answer : With a population of umteegagillion….d’yeah!

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Last Answer : The CIA World Factbook’s page on India has statistics on unemployment under “Economy.” A 2008 estimate showed 6.8% of people in India were unemployed.

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Last Answer : Well, I got a list of every city or principality in the world here (3 MB download). Then I made it a spreadsheet so that I could search within fields (so as not to have to dig through every city ... 's it! Fascinating, huh? There were tons of Indian-thises and Indiana-thats, but only one India.

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Last Answer : Where are you?

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Last Answer : They’re one of the oldest civilizations on earth, and the fact that they are communist doesn’t help. People living in rural areas are only allowed (at most) to have two children. It is also believed that a long time ago, the amount of children you had was a status symbol.

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Last Answer : India? Really? I would recommend checking with embassys and such to find out what your visa requirements are. I made the move about a month ago from Texas to Ireland and had to go through work visas and all sorts of crap. Here is a link I found.

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Last Answer : c. Increase in Employment

Description : List standard voltage level used in India. 

Last Answer : Standard voltage level used in India: * Generation Voltage : 3.3KV, 6.6KV,11KV and 17.5 KV,21KV (Now a days generation voltage is in the range of 11KV- 33KV) * Primary Transmission voltage :- 220 ... voltages in India are 765 KV (750KV), 400KV, 220KV, 132KV, 110KV, 66KV, 33KV, 22KV, 11KV.

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Last Answer : 1. Hydro energy or hydro Electric power plant  2. Nuclear energy or nuclear Power Plant  3. Fossil fuels: i) Thermal energy (by combustion of coal) or Thermal Power Plant ii) Natural gas ... from any organic waste materials. It contains mixture of methane(50-65 % in volume) and carbon dioxide

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Last Answer : Mainly electricity generated in India is from -  Hydro power plant  Thermal power plant  Nuclear power plant  BUT,  To construct new Hydro power plant following are problem :- 1. There is ... start) 10. It saves the fossil fuel (coal, diesel, oil etc.) which are limited available.

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Last Answer : He is the controversial and corrupt Prime Minister of India.

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Last Answer : I don’t see that as a big issue to anyone here.

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Last Answer : answer:Welcome to ask-public! Would this question perhaps be a homework assignment? If so, there are restrictions on this site regarding providing answers. We would be happy to assist in guiding you in the right direction, but are not permitted to provide specific answers.

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Last Answer : I don’t think there is enough information here to answer the question. Need a link to read or more details.

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Last Answer : They use to have a contingent of Sikhs entrusted with protecting the PM. It didn’t work real well.

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Last Answer : answer:The banyan tree does not grow very tall vertically but drops branches that attach to the ground, root, and then grow horizontally. (Who among us here cannot read and write?) I used to ... connected directly or indirectly to the central trunk. Source.

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Last Answer : Different countries have different systems. Your phone probably doesn’t understand the local data setup.

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Last Answer : If by “Indian writing” you mean Urdu, then yes it is very similar. Hindi (I’m not 100% sure of the name, something like that…It’s the one that looks like it has a line constantly going thru it)isn’t really similar to those, though.

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Last Answer : This is strange…I don’t remember typing in the word “mathematics” in the topics….I thought I just typed in “math…” Doggie? Auggie?

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Last Answer : Innovation is not based upon race or ethnicity. I have no real knowledge about whether Indian companies are innovating or just piggybacking, but many companies from many countries piggy back. A good idea is a ... a matter of whether they are willing to take the risk or go with the tried and true.

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Last Answer : Are you thinking of Dvaraka? It was supposed to have submerged into the sea.

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Last Answer : answer:Great to see the formal Hindi name used, but it's not offensive gto anyone if you simply call it by the more widely known name- India People of European White descent / ... a business visitor than a resident. Recommended: Hope this helps.

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Last Answer : One syllable at a time.

Description : Would you like to say thank you?

Last Answer : answer:This reminds me of how I keep bitching because nothing cool ever happens to me and how I'm all depressed and angry, but I'm actually pretty thankful that most of my life is mundane and boring, because ... then it must mean I'm happy. I'm also thankful for beer and my PSP. And horror movies.

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Last Answer : answer:From their own web site you can see the bike has a carbureted 160 cc engine producing only 15.2 hp. There are plenty of small bikes around with similar specs that meet safety and emission ... Psst! Don't tell anyone, but the guys with the biggest, loudest bikes have the smallest units.

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Last Answer : I have not found the answer to your quest, but i am sill researching.

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Last Answer : I think there are two types of intelligence. Book smart, and common sense, or street smarts. I think a well rounded person with both types is who I would respect the most. You really need both types.

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Last Answer : Here are some cricket analogies, if they don't make sense, think of it in terms of baseball sort of. The batsman hit the ball and started running only for his running partner to slow down on his way to ... air, the batsman would be out). In this case, the bowler is sales dept and fielder is XYZ.

Description : Why do some buildings have names?

Last Answer : Here in Vilnius naming new buildings is all the rage. They give names to business centers, apartment buildings, etc. The reason - marketing. It's easier to advertise and to sell a newly built ... whole structure. It's getting pretty ridiculous, actually. And in marketing speak, it's called branding.

Description : hi, my dad william zofcin resides at 4730 oakridge dr. north royalton , ohio 44133.. i love my dad , he is 68 yrs old and has ad 2 heart attacks. can u please send some informantion for him on benifits he can receive for anything. medicine?

Last Answer : If he is imilary retired there are prescription benefits and the medicare office will also be more than happy to help you.

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Last Answer : Money.