hi, my dad william zofcin resides at 4730 oakridge dr. north royalton , ohio 44133.. i love my dad , he is 68 yrs old and has ad 2 heart attacks. can u please send some informantion for him on benifits he can receive for anything. medicine?

1 Answer

Answer :

If he is imilary retired there are prescription benefits and the medicare office will also be more than happy to help you.

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Last Answer : Contact your local VA office there are plenty of government support programs for Disabled vets.

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Last Answer : There are many benefits to using a treadmill including strengthening the heart, lowering cholesterol, and losing weight. Treadmills are fairly easy to use and can be used to either run on or walk on.

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Last Answer : e) All the above

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : d) All of the Above

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Description : The functional approach to leadership emphasises that (a) the various functions of leadership cannot be shared among members of a group (b) leadership resides in a particular person and not in the ... person and that the various functions of leadership can be shared amongst members of a group.]

Last Answer : (d) neither of the above